Inter app audio not working

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Inter app audio not working

Post by 760leldridge » Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:29 am

I can't seem to get ANY of IAA's to work anymore, they were working fine at one point and now none of them seem to work. I noticed that it's near impossible to get impc pro to collaborate with one another but I can't seem to get any midi data transferred over. I can only get audio to transfer over. Am I missing something??? I swore all my midi settings are set up correctly in both apps. Receiving in Auria and sending in the other app. Is anyone else having this issue? Or are there better apps that work with Auria just simply better than the ones I am trying??

i wish there were some more direct and in depth tutorial videos on how to get this app functioning just the way you want it to, like a desktop daw. I'm so new to this that its no where near second nature like ableton. I can't find any helpful tutorials on YouTube, if anyone could point me on the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.

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Re: Inter app audio not working

Post by 760leldridge » Tue Mar 22, 2016 12:12 pm

Can someone please help with any assistance? I would greatly appreciate it. I know that I'm a newbie and my questions right now aren't of much validity or great interest but once I get this app up and running I'm sure that I'll be able to post more genuine harder questions that could really help other individuals. I just need to get started making some music and this new endeavor has been quite a challenge.. I would appreciate some good insight on how to get this started.. Thanks..

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Re: Inter app audio not working

Post by Rim » Tue Mar 22, 2016 12:30 pm

I'll try to help. There should be nothing needed in terms of MIDI setup to get an IAA instrument to play your Auria MIDI tracks. One thing to keep in mind is there are two places you can insert an IAA in Auria - the Instrument menu and the normal inserts menu. I suggest using the Instrument menu, as that method works better for instrument IAAs.


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Re: Inter app audio not work

Post by 760leldridge » Fri Apr 01, 2016 4:00 pm

I've tried multiple inputs in Auria and I have all my midi in and out routed to send and receive to/from Auria.. I swear, sometimes it will record the midi data (notes) and sometimes it will play back, but it never just works fluently.. I am constantly messing with the in/out settings trying EVERY combination and I can't seem to get any of them to do both send and receive notes. I JUST WANT TO MAKE SOME MUSIC, SERIOUSLY. I HAVENT BEEN ABLE TO WORK ON A SINGLE TRACK YET BECAUSE I CANT FIGURE THIS OUT!!! AHHHHH!!!! I am so frustrated with this app. I feel like i have to just suffer without ANY midi data and just work with ONLY audio. There has to be something wrong with Auria or all the apps I choose to work within Auria.. As I said it only works sometimes. I've seen other post where people use AUM instead for routing but I can't get AUM to receive. So I'm trying to figure out what will work best for my liking being limited to Auria's picky midi in/outs. This app is truly phenomenal but I just wished it worked as well for me as it does for a lot of these other users.. I have tried so many solutions and work arounds but still haven't found a concrete conclusion that works every time.. I am really frustrated and disappointed. I feel like I got ripped off by either an iPad that doesn't function correctly or Auria that isn't capable of what it states in the description. I've tried to set up apps exactly the way others have on YouTube tutorials and it doesn't work, so what is the problem? I cannot figure out where this issue lies but I refuse to give up, I paid a lot of money for this app and its IAP's and I don't want to see it go to waste

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Re: Inter app audio not working

Post by Washboy » Fri Apr 01, 2016 5:10 pm

@760leldridge : Can I suggest that you get down to specifics? Start by giving full details of just one simple thing you're attempting to achieve that's not working for you. If you followed instructions in some YouTube then quote its URL so we can see what you've been following.

Not all IAA apps will work as you might expect/hope. IAA is not implemented consistently by all apps, nor is MIDI. Is it fair to blame Auria for that?

So, as I said, start with something simple and work up from there. Name an app you're trying to use within Auria and how (i.e. what are you trying to achieve - what is your desired end result?) and we'll try to help. Bear in mind that it's difficult (and, frankly, overly time consuming) to provide concise instructions to a generalised query.

N.B. I don't work for WaveMachine Labs so forgive me if I'm not as patient and diplomatic as @Rim (the developer) manages to be. I'm just a user, like you - but I (and many others here) have been using Auria for quite a while :D

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Re: Inter app audio not working

Post by Morgan » Fri Apr 01, 2016 6:07 pm

760leldridge : 'Washboy' is giving good advice. It's important you give users on this Forum a full detailed description of your setup. I.e.

IPAD model
A list of all the Apps you are trying to integrate into the system.
What Audio / Midi Interface are you using.
What external keyboard or controller are you using etc etc etc.

All we see you doing at the moment is shouting a lot. Calm down and do what 'Washboy' suggests and start simple and explain exactly how and what you are trying to achieve one step at a time. Once you provide this information it is possible other users may be able to replicate your setup. Don't forget users are scattered all over the world in different time zones so don't expect immediate responses. Another important point that RIM has already stated is that IAA is in a bit of a mess and still needs further development. I have numerous APPS but not all of them perform well or indeed behave in the same way as an IAA plugin and I often have to use Audiobus as the preferred method. Communicate sensibly and calmly with the users on this Forum and I'm sure you will get the help you need.


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Re: Inter app audio not working

Post by Olivenoire » Sat Jun 25, 2016 3:22 am

To follow

I'm not the only one to not understand how all of this works.
How to simply record a sound in midi/wav from an app.

What is midi sync, is it possible to modify a midi roll and hear the sound as previsouly played in app etc etc

Obviously we need to understand all of this before using Auria. Ok but where is the information? :)

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Re: Inter app audio not working

Post by Olivenoire » Sat Jun 25, 2016 3:27 am

I've found my other thread ... 8&start=15

Maybe you will find some answer to your question.

Personnaly I saw a simple question can be transform in a near non-understandable information.
And I'm actually unable to find information to understand what is IAA, midi-core and there why there is so much way to record a track using Auria and what is the best way to record midi and at the same time. I'm not able to understand too why I can't hear a fucking sound on midi recorded track and need to record a wav track at the same time to hear what I've played on my keyboard

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Re: Inter app audio not working

Post by dermichl » Mon Jun 27, 2016 4:57 am

Olivenoire wrote:...Obviously we need to understand all of this before using Auria. Ok but where is the information? :)
you need to understand basic concepts to get going with ANY music production software -the basics remain the same only minor differences between apps apply!

midi is only information about which key is pressed (and some more indepth information)
a recorded midi clip will NEVER sound on its own in ANY app (be it on your iPad, Mac, Pc or whatever)
you need a sound generating tool to render this midi information into sound which can then be recorded and played back within a wav file.

that's the basics -which remains the same across any music production suite be it iPad, Mac, PC or hardware

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Re: Inter app audio not working

Post by Olivenoire » Mon Jun 27, 2016 5:25 am

Thank you for your reply.

It is ok, now, understood.

But on logic for exemple I was only using original instrument inside logic, and was able to hear my sounds, edit notes and hear new sound etc. Don't know if it is midi or not in fact

But now, I really wonder how to record notes and here the sound from auria .
Maybe I need to record midi note (from Nave -> out to auria and route aria to Nave)? In fact I absolutely don't know how to hear a sound with midi notes . What kind of routing do I have to do? Do I have to use AUM? Audio buss etc??

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Re: Inter app audio not working

Post by Rim » Tue Jun 28, 2016 9:39 pm

Auria Pro has three built-in synths (Lyra, Twin 2 and One). Just remember to press the record enable button on the track you're using in Auria. Without that, you won't hear anything you're trying to record on that particular MIDI track.


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Re: Inter app audio not working

Post by djanton73 » Tue Oct 11, 2016 7:28 am


I have similar problem recently. Just found out that Inter App Audio feature is missing, since there are no "highlighted blue" app option in the INSERT tab as well as in the INSTRUMENT tab option. I cannot record from another apps into Auria as an output using Audiobus app as well.

Anyone has a same problem? I'm using iPad Air 2 128GB running with iOS 10.0.2 and Auria with Auria Pro ver 2.05 fully feature enabled.

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Re: Inter app audio not working

Post by tsutek » Tue Oct 11, 2016 10:46 am

djanton73 wrote:Hello

I have similar problem recently. Just found out that Inter App Audio feature is missing, since there are no "highlighted blue" app option in the INSERT tab as well as in the INSTRUMENT tab option. I cannot record from another apps into Auria as an output using Audiobus app as well.

Anyone has a same problem? I'm using iPad Air 2 128GB running with iOS 10.0.2 and Auria with Auria Pro ver 2.05 fully feature enabled.
Auria Pro 2.05 does not work fully in iOS 10. Known issues are IAA no longer working and lower output levels etc. The upcoming 2.06 update will bring iOS 10 compatibility. AFAIR the 2.06 version should be out within a month or less (in betatesting atm)

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