Some tracks record and others don't?

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Some tracks record and others don't?

Post by sleepingangel » Wed Dec 12, 2012 2:37 pm

I know that I posted in another thread that the audio wasn't recording on my Blue Yeti mic and found out that it may have been that I didn't have the input selected in the input matrix. Well here is the funny thing.
It's a crap shoot whether a track is going to record. I recorded three tracks no problem. Then I did the same exact thing to the fourth track and yes the inputs are selected and it looks to be recording in that it turns red and then a recording is there but it's a line...nothing...I don't get it?
I know it's not my apogee jam because no offense I downloaded multi track daw and it works everytime... I want to use Auria as it has so much more but this is getting ridiculous. I lost some really good takes because I thought it was recording. Also I think that it should show the track as it's recorded so we know that it in fact is recording. Could that please be added in an update?
in the meantime please look into this,. Oh yes, btw it crashed right before this started happening. So, I did get out and go back in but nothing. I will try to reboot the ipad to see if that helps

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Re: Some tracks record and others don't?

Post by Rim » Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:12 pm

I don't see this behavior here. Are you sure the cable didn't slip out half way while in between takes? I just tried plugging in the Blue Yeti, and recording four takes, one track at a time, and it worked fine here. All tracks on my input matrix are set to "1". Some things to check: before every take, tap the mic, and make sure you're seeing the meter light up with signal on that track. Also, make sure the USB indicator in Auria is on. If this is off, the internal mic will be used instead. Another possibility - tap and hold on the track's REC button, and select Input Level. Make sure this isn't at 0.


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Re: Some tracks record and others don't?

Post by sleepingangel » Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:24 pm

ok I will try the last part about the record input level perhaps that someone got set to 0...I don't know it's really strange because it happened after the crash maybe that did something. BTW the Blue Yeti wasn't used this time. For the guitar I plugged straight into the Apogee Jam. I did notice that it was not monitored even though it was set in the settings for the monitor to be on. So, my guess is it has to be the record input level not being where it is picking up the guitar. I checked all the other things you had mentioned at the time and it was fine. I am not near the ipad now but as soon as I can I will try again. Thanks so much and sorry if I sounded irate it was just frustrating.
I appreciate the quick reply

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Re: Some tracks record and others don't?

Post by Rim » Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:30 pm

Not a problem. Also, I know it sounds obvious, but make sure the little dial on the side of the Apogee Jam is turned up. It's easy to turn this down by mistake while you're recording.


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