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VoiceBand for PC

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:02 pm
by tibonk
Hi! I just registered to salute you, and also to say that VoiceBand is like my dream application, this wonderful software is something I've been waiting for a long time. Maybe this question is an annoyance, so if that's the case, please forgive me. The question is: Is there a chance for this to be released on another platform like the PC? I am dead serious about paying for something like this so I can work better with compositions in a fast manner, and I know that many people are willing to buy your program. If the answer is positive, THANK YOU so much!!! If the answer is negative, please think about it! Thanks for your time reading this! Cheers!

EDIT: I just read this post , and well THANK YOU! I definitely will be waiting for your PC release. Any date planned?