Can Auria record simultaneous MIDI tracks from virtual MIDI ports?

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Can Auria record simultaneous MIDI tracks from virtual MIDI ports?

Post by therealdmt » Mon Jun 18, 2018 10:07 am

Hi. I’m trying to simultaneously record 8 midi tracks from 8 respective virtual MiDI ports from the app MidiBridge (formerly ‘MidiFire’). Some issues are arising, but before I go farther , I’d like to know if what I’m attempting is even possible.

Anyone know?

- David

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Re: Can Auria record simultaneous MIDI tracks from virtual MIDI ports?

Post by therealdmt » Mon Jun 25, 2018 10:10 am

Le bump

I’m trying to simultaneously record 8 separate Midi tracks, each with its own virtual ‘midi In’ port coming from MidiFire, but each of the 8 midi tracks in Auria Pro is recording all events, not just the events from the assigned virtual midi port.

If you don’t know the answer, do you know where I could ask?

Any help would be appreciated!

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Anthony Alves
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Re: Can Auria record simultaneous MIDI tracks from virtual MIDI ports?

Post by Anthony Alves » Mon Jun 25, 2018 9:35 pm

Midi is not seperated by ports but rather midi channels. So I suspect that you are not selecting a midi channel for each track.
I dont know why your using an external midi app with AuriaPro as you can record up to 16 midi channels at once in any daw including AuriaPro. So you mention the midifire app as your source but midi sources are synths,drum machines and vurtual synths like synth apps and drum apps. So in order to help you you must tell me what your midi source is, ie. is it harware synths or software synths? What midi interface are you using? Do you have your sourse midi synths seperated by midi channel?
So to sum this up AuriaPro needs to have the port selected and the midi channel selected in each midi track settings. By isolating the channels by port input and midi channel each track will only record the midi data sent to that port and midi channel. If you tell me a bit more about your setup I may be able to help you further. Cheers

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Re: Can Auria record simultaneous MIDI tracks from virtual MIDI ports?

Post by therealdmt » Wed Jun 27, 2018 4:15 am

Anthony, thank you for your response.

My setup is a Roland TD-12 vDrums module (hooked up to a corresponding electronic drum set) sending Midi Out to the Midi In port of a Focusrite Scarlett 2i4, and from there into my iPad Pro 2nd Generation (or whatever they call the newest one).

Using this setup, I drum on my electronic drum set and record my playing on a MIDI track in Auria Pro. Drums traditionally use Channel 10 in Midi, and this is the channel I use. Everything works great.

However, I now want to work with the resulting MIDI track recorded in Auria Pro by only dealing with each note separately.

If you are not familiar, each drum pad has one or more associated notes in the GM Midi protocol. For example, a kick drum is the note C1, while a snare head is D1 and the snare’s rim is the note E1 (that last note might be Roland-only, as Roland adds its own info in addition to the GM protocol). But anyway, and so on — “Tom 1” is C2, “Crash 2” is the note A2, etc. In that way, the hits on the various pads of the drum kit are sent via MIDI to a receiving unit (my iPad) using only one channel, Channel 10. This is the way such things are normally done, though assigning things differently is possible.

Okay, so my recorded track has, as is normal, all the events for the various “notes” (each note corresponding to a different drum in the drum set) together on one track. What I would like to do next, as is commonly done when working with such tracks, is “disolve” the track to parts. Also sometimes referred to as “exploding” or “separating” a Midi track, you typically click on an electronic “button” labeled something like ‘Dissolve’ and the track magically separates into separate tracks for each note. So, all kick hits are now on a separate kick track, all hi hat hits are on a separate hi hat track and so on. This makes it much easier to edit, mix and otherwise manipulate all the Midi data that results from drumming.

But Auria appears to have no such Dissolve function :(

So, okay, I could send my track out to another app, MidiFire (which allows one to manipulate midi data), and set up a number of filters, each filtering out events for one “note” (ex. Kick drum) only, and then send that filtered data back to Auria Pro through what is called a “virtual Midi port”. Accordingly, I set up 8 filters (Kick, Snare, Hats, Toms, Crash 1, Splash, Crash 2, and Ride) in MidiFire and had them send their filtered data out through 8 corresponding virtual Midi ports back to 8 armed tracks in Auria Pro. Each track was set to accept input from only its corresponding virtual Midi port, but, strangely, each separate track recorded ALL events from all notes, not just the filtered events for 1 note. However, if I only record one track (for example, snare) at a time, filtering occurs and is recorded properly.

Testing reveals that MidiFire filtered and sent out the data correctly through each port. Therefore, Auria Pro seems to be summing the inputs of each virtual Midi port when recording multiple virtual Midi ports simultaneously. Again, the filtering occcurs and is recorded correctly when only recording a track for one element of the drum set at a time, but when attempting to record two or more elements simultaneously, all virtual midi ports used seem to get all combined data.

Getting back to my original question, can Auria Pro simultaneously record MIDI tracks from multiple virtual MIDI ports? I’ve done some troubleshooting since my original posting of the question and the answer would apear to be that this is a bug in Auria Pro. Auria Pro clearly lists and accepts the desired inputs for each track, and each input works as intended when recorded individually. Also, Auria clearly accepts arming and recording more than one MIDI track at a time.

Anyway, I’m learning (more than I ever wanted to, believe me). I’m thinking its a bug, but I’m no big expert on this stuff and am open to any help that can be provided.

Thanks again,
- David
Last edited by therealdmt on Wed Jun 27, 2018 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Anthony Alves
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Re: Can Auria record simultaneous MIDI tracks from virtual MIDI ports?

Post by Anthony Alves » Wed Jun 27, 2018 10:37 am

Hi there, this topic has been covered many times on the forum as I have answered many questions regarding this setup because I too have a Roland TD drum kit and module. Here is what is going on. The Roland module does not allow each pad of the kit to send its midi data on a seperate midi channel. The module can only send all the midi notes to one global midi channel. You probably know this but here is where this info is important when trobleshooting this problem. Since all the midi data is being recorded to Aurias on only one midi track is because that is indeed the midi data that is entering that midi port and channel. AuriaPro cannot create midi data it can only record what is coming in. So therefore the MidiFire app cannot be seperating the data properly or if it was then AuriaPro would only record that midi data. Currently there is no function to seperate midi note data to seperate midi tracks in AuriaPro. Now I know that seperating the midi notes after it has been recorded into one track is a bit of a chore but it is the best way to acomplish this task. I do this all the time and it takes about 5 mins to completely seperate all the midi notes into thier own track. By simply touching the corresponding keybord note on the piano roll editor, it will select all the midi data entered for that note,tap copy,go to the othe track,tap paste and your done. But what its worth your problem could be the Focusrite and how it transmits it midi on to the iPad. All the midi data is flowing through the iPad in virtual midi. This happens behind the scenes. It is possible tha AuriaPro is recording the Focusrite midi signal and not even listening to the MidiFire App. The best way to test this is to use midiFire in an in app setup and not the Focusrite. If AuriaPro responds to that midi note seperation that you set up to filter out in midifire, than indeed AuriaPro is being sent the midi packets from the Focusrite which is over riding the midifire app. You should also know that AuriaPro has a limit to how many midi ports it can recieve midi from and if it can’t see it than it will record from the ones that it can. I believe the limit is 8-10 ports only. Hope that helps explain this problem. Cheers and happy tracking.
Last edited by Anthony Alves on Wed Jun 27, 2018 11:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Can Auria record simultaneous MIDI tracks from virtual MIDI ports?

Post by therealdmt » Wed Jun 27, 2018 11:40 am

1) Thank you for your reply again!

2) This may not be important as you have given me a different solution, but I’m not trying to get Auria Pro to create any data nor am I trying to get MidiFire to separate the info coming in from the TD-12. I wanted Auria Pro to record everything in one track, and, as I’ve done many times before, I did that successfully. What I am doing is I am sending an already recorded track out from Auria and filtering the notes into separate data streams through MidiFire and then sending each data stream (one per note) back to Auria and recording them in respective tracks— all of which actually works, just not simultaneously. I can in effect Dissolve my original MIDI track, but doing it note by note in this way takes too long.


3) Re: your Copy and Paste method — Alright! Now we’re gettin’ somewhere! Thanks so much. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to get Auria to do what you’ve explained.

Here’s how I tried:

In my test project I’m working with, I have already separated all my toms from my main track into one combined ‘All Toms’ track. To attempt what you described, I then added a new empty MIDI track for just Tom 1. Next, I went to my combined ‘All Toms’ track, double tapped it to bring up the piano roll, and, trying to follow your instructions, touched the note C2 on the keyboard that is there on the left and then tapped the Copy button above. After that, I closed the piano roll editor and went back to the regular track view, touched the empty ‘Tom 1’ track I’d created so that the part with various controls (like the ‘record arm’ button, midi instrument selector, etc.) that’s on the left side lit up with a blue outline, I put the vertical track position indicator bar at the beginning of the original midi track part and touched "Paste" and...nothing happened. As far as I can tell, no pasting occurred.

I can copy and paste all the notes in the ‘All Toms’ track to the waiting empty track (using the regular track view and just touching the whole recorded track, copying and then pasting it on the empty track), but when I try to copy just the events for the one desired note (C2) in the piano roll editor, nothing seems to happen when I try pasting om the waiting empty track. Can you find where I’m going wrong?
Last edited by therealdmt on Wed Jun 27, 2018 12:30 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Anthony Alves
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Re: Can Auria record simultaneous MIDI tracks from virtual MIDI ports?

Post by Anthony Alves » Wed Jun 27, 2018 12:00 pm

Yes I can help. AuriaPro has been having its midi function change lately where some things have become hidden and are not revealed in the manual. Its is only from countless hrs testing AuriaPro that I can eventually find the cause. So after you tap copy in the piano roll editor window, don’t leave that window. On the top right you will see TRACK and Ref Off. Tap TRACK and a dropdown will show all the midi tracks in your project,select the track number that you want to copy this midi note data to and that track is now the active editing track,tap paste and you should see the midi data there. So you dont ever have to leave that window and you can copy data between all your midi tracks very quickly. As I said this is not in the manual as far as I know but thats the trick and a very cool feature it is if I might add. I dont quite understand the sending of midi from AuriaPros tracks back into AuriaPro as Auria does not record its own midi to another midi track,that must come from an external midi port or the internal midi controller. This is because the midi can simply be copied into another track. Unless your sending the midi out to trugger a sample and then returning it back into an audio interface for wav recording. Cheers.

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Re: Can Auria record simultaneous MIDI tracks from virtual MIDI ports?

Post by therealdmt » Wed Jun 27, 2018 12:22 pm

Anthony, you da man!

I haven’t got it working perfectly yet, but I’ve copied and pasted 2 of the Toms to new individual tracks successfully. It looks like i’ll have to realign the timing though, plus something seems wrong with the Tom 3 track, but i’ll have to figure that stuff out after work.

Regarding the sending data out and filtering it through MidiFire and sending the filtered data back in, it actually works, but if I can’t do it simultaneously, your copy and paste method should be quicker.

I’ll report back here in a day or two with how it goes after I get the chance to work a little more with your Copy ‘n Paste method

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Re: Can Auria record simultaneous MIDI tracks from virtual MIDI ports?

Post by Glynton » Fri May 21, 2021 9:37 am

Wrong discussion

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