Clicks with warp

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Clicks with warp

Post by 1AuriaFan » Thu Oct 22, 2020 1:15 pm

Recording audio from Korg Triton - upright Bass. Sounded excellent. Added transient markers and made appropriate time warp adjustments for tightness. Now almost all of the transient markers have a very audible click whether warp is on. If I turn warp off (which, of course, cancels the benefits of Warp) the click disappears. Two other instruments (vibes and marimba) from the same source in same recording that were adjusted for tightness don’t have clicks. What is going on.

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Anthony Alves
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Re: Clicks with warp

Post by Anthony Alves » Fri Oct 23, 2020 6:40 am

Although it is hard to pinpoint why your experiencing these digital clicks in warp mode in your particular project I can tell you that I have experienced this problem many times since warping was first introduced and it is why I refuse to use it as I have even had the original audio file affected by the glitches resulting in a ruined good take. However here are the things that help to create this problem.

Low storage space or too many open plugins in the project.
Too many markers on an audio area, e.g.. one bass note has 3 markers over the sustain of the sound.
Warping the note too far from the quantize point.
Large amount of editing of the audio file before warping. Never warp a track that needs editing including cut,copy paste and splitting.
No effects including eq on the channel during warping.

Advice. Do the warping on a track right away before you do any mixing or editing on the track or project. Make sure you bounce in place or mix down the track that you warp so that you can turn off the warp. Warp only one track at a time. Back the track up and rename it before you begin any warping or bouncing down so that you don't end up with a corrupted audio file. Adjust your buffer settings to get the smoothest warp. Set your transient markers manually and turn off auto transient markers in settings as its not a good idea to warp an entire audio file, if its that off it should be re-tracked.

Often people mix and edit their tracks as their creating the song but unfortunately this is not recommended in computer based music recording. The processing for recording alone is taxing on the computer but becomes even worse when editing and mixing are combined. The saying goes "Its all working fine until its not". Software offers NO guarantees at all. Advice, never move even one eq knob on your daw during your recording or music creation process until every track has been recorded using as low as a buffer as you can to achieve an acceptable recording latency, then when mixing only increase the buffer to its highest 4096. Back up the raw tracks of every project before applying anything to your freshly recorded tracks so that your great takes are not ruined by the most unreliable recording medium in music recording history, the computer. Worse yet the iPad.

Cheers and good luck.

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Re: Clicks with warp

Post by 1AuriaFan » Sat Oct 24, 2020 11:09 am

Thank you Anthony. This gives me a lot to problem solve with.

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