Suggestions for the developers

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Suggestions for the developers

Post by jshimkoski » Fri Feb 08, 2019 6:01 am


First off, I want to say that I absolutely love Auria Pro. It is by far the best DAW on iOS and is extremely powerful.

I do have some minor suggestions for the developers though as I feel there are some minor tweaks that could be made to improve its star rating in the App Store and increase your user base.

When I was researching a DAW for iOS, in online forums, review sites, and on YouTube, almost unanimously it was said that the update schedule for Auria Pro was unknown and almost all felt it was abandonware. This is obviously not true, but when you are on the App Store and the release notes only mention going to a forum, and not even to the specific page on the forum to actually see the release notes... well, it’s turning away purchases for you all and misleading users into thinking you aren’t performing updates regularly. When an app costs $50, you need to provide that information front and center. It’s imperative.

In fact, as a result of that misunderstanding, I, myself, wound up purchasing Cubasis instead, just to realize how incomplete of a DAW that is (no buses, are you kidding me?). I only gave Auria Pro a shot after the fact. Should not have happened that way.

Secondly, there are some minor UI/UX related things that need to be cleaned up. Primarily, the margins and padding for the buttons and drop down menus of the interface. It’s just not polished and drags the entire user experience with Auria Pro down. It feels less professional and polished than Cubasis, even though it is leaps and bounds a better DAW... and yet, Cubasis has a star rating of 4 vs Auria Pro’s 3.1 rating.

Those two things aside, I love Auria Pro. One is an easy fix, the second probably much more work, but would be worth it.

Just my two cents. Thanks.

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Re: Suggestions for the developers

Post by Rodolfo » Fri Feb 08, 2019 7:14 am

I could not agree more. Same feeling here.
I even posted in this forum (with detailed pictures) about UI/UX issues in dropdown menus that really need to be addressed but I didn’t have a single answer or comment from the dev. This lack of feedback is what mostly affect people’s perception.
I still love Auria Pro very much and I exclusively mix and master in it, but I’m presently exploring StageLight and some other new options because I really suspect that Auria development has come to an end.
I hope to be wrong.

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Re: Suggestions for the developers

Post by PUMP » Tue Feb 19, 2019 10:20 am

I also feel Auria is to be abandoned and I have now purchased cubasis 2 BeatMaker 3 and Nanostudio 2..... I feel that nano maybe the next best thing once they add audio tracks which is to be coming soon..... Fabfilter and Turnado have started selling effects in the App Store further more making me believe this app will die.... Mixing and mastering is the only reason I still have Auria and if fabfilter is leaving I will also because I will no longer need Auria for that part anymore...... I mean come still only 4 effect slots? Midi is still clunky, and replies that go unanswered in the forums? For the MOST EXPENSIVE APP IN MUSIC PRODUCTION ON AN IPAD (including fx purchases)!!!!! I get more effect slots, and subgroups from beatmaker 3 and Nanostudio 2 than Auria which I never thought would happen in a million years!!!! Honestly Cubasis and Auria are disappointing with Cubasis ,even though lacking sub groups and only having 5 effect slots, being less disappointing than Auria.... They listen to the customer and with each update have been changes made that us consumers have asked for..... Cubasis is the most polished and with 3 or 4 more changes could soon be the dominant leader of the pack.

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Re: Suggestions for the developers

Post by Rim » Thu Feb 21, 2019 7:45 am

Auria development is not abandoned. I am a one-man operation, so things go slow ;) I also have a list of hundreds of suggestions and issues to get through. I work my way through the list with every update (there's one about to be released). I don't have an update schedule per se, but I release one about every month or so.


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