Cool arrangement feature idea

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Cool arrangement feature idea

Post by mtingle » Thu Dec 20, 2018 1:38 pm

You know you've written a verse, chorus, middle 8 etc but can't decide which order works best? Well, its not easy in Auria to meddle with arrangement ideas easily as things stand right now as you'd need to do a lot of splicing, highlighting, lots of scolling plus cut and paste (which often results in a crash) and you can see why experimentations with arrangements is not a simple thing.

How about linking the play head playback to the marker order? The play back starts at marker 1, then when it reaches blank space (or another marker) it jumps to marker 2 and so on in marker order until there's no more markers and then it could go back to 1 or play out the rest of the song.

With this toggled on you can now place markers at the beginning of chorus's or verses and have Auria's play head jump to these sections in order allowing you to simply move markers around to try out new arrangements without having to move a single region.

Massive creative possibilities and a big time saver.

If this was possible it might be worth having more markers though starting with 4 would certainly help.

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