Loop in whilst in record mode!!!

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Loop in whilst in record mode!!!

Post by jellybean » Sun May 27, 2018 5:35 pm

Unless I am missing something it seems impossible to stay in loop mode whilst recording! Whilst I can understand that implementing this for recording audio tracks might be difficult, it should be pretty easy for midi parts...and would be extremely useful. This has been possible in all the major DAWS for many years now and I consider it pretty much an essential feature for recording midi drum and percussion parts, or any parts that have multiple layers of notes.

I just double checked before posting this and found ‘midi overdub mode’ but although I have looping active around a 4 bar midi part, once I hit record looping becomes inactive whilst in overdub mode as well. Kind of negates having a midi overdub mode in my opinion because yes I do want to add new information to an existing part (rather than create new parts on top of previous parts) but I dont want to have to restart recording over again whilst layering up notes.

Please developers consider implementing this relatively simple feature and please make it so that we can go in and out of record mode whilst the loop continues looping thus enabling ‘undo record’ of the last pass of recorded notes. Stoping and starting the transport and relocating the play position is a workflow killer!

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Re: Loop in whilst in record mode!!!

Post by mtingle » Sun May 27, 2018 6:11 pm

requires audio engine re-write*

*exceedingly unlikely to happen to this version of auria.

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Re: Loop in whilst in record mode!!!

Post by jellybean » Sun May 27, 2018 6:14 pm

It would also be great to be able loop in record of single audio tracks! like my 18 year old version of logic on the PC....what happens in that version (don’t know about modern versions cos I don’t have or need them) is that as the loop flicks round to the beginning, the track is doubled up underneath itself and the previous layer would auto mute, this could go on ad infinitum. It was and is a really useful function for getting multiple takes of say a chorus vocal without having to break the flow of the performance. At the end of say 5 or 6 passes you can audition each Take one by one and/or mix and match the best bits of all the takes by slicing up the parts and muting all the un wanted slices across the takes.

It would be great to have a function like this implemented in Auria Pro :D but I realise this would require a good deal of new coding!

OTOH loop in midi record should be in place already as it is in pretty much every other software or hardware midi recording environment.

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Re: Loop in whilst in record mode!!!

Post by jellybean » Sun May 27, 2018 6:20 pm

@ mtingle

I don’t think so! The audio engine already copes with looping multiple sections of audio if in loop mode....audio and midi are discreet as far as I understand so implementing loop in record of midi information wouldn’t impact the audio engine.

Midi info is laid down on a grid of possible positions within a quarter note known as PPQs (pulses per quarter note) as you probably know.... this time grid has nothing to do with the audio engine part of the DAW. Why should leaving the door open for repeated passes of midi note/information to be input whilst in loop mode impact the audio engine?!

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Re: Loop in whilst in record mode!!!

Post by jellybean » Sun May 27, 2018 6:40 pm

Perhaps I should have been specific in the thread title regarding MIDI, but I wanted to leave the topic more open.

So to clarify, it’s really just the option of recording midi parts whilst in loop mode that I feel is missing from the current version of AP.

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Re: Loop in whilst in record mode!!!

Post by wigglelights » Sun May 27, 2018 8:55 pm

I believe mtingle is pulling up quotes from the devs from the previous times this request has been brought up (which has been quite a few). I think the point is the basis of Auria was built to work with early iPads, and while many features have been added, the underlying core of the program is the same and wasn’t written to have the capability to handle loop recording - the focus, I’d guess, was on reliable linear recording. So I believe mtingle’s point is that we’ve been told it’s not as easy as it may seem, and in fact most likely will not be a feature anyone can count on having in AP in the foreseeable future.

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Re: Loop in whilst in record mode!!!

Post by Sunburst » Mon May 28, 2018 4:04 am

I agree wholeheartedly with jellybean on this issue.

Loop (or cycle) recording for both MIDI & audio has been a basic part of all computer based DAWs (Logic, Sonar, Cubase, Samplitude, Reaper, Ableton, etc.) I have used for the last 20 years. It is very disappointing that this has not been included in Auria Pro.

I, like many other musicians with home studios, record solo and do not have the luxury of (or the space for) a band to rehearse with or an engineer to wind the tape back to the beginning and punch in every time you want to record another take. In addition, operating the recording controls when using both hands playing the guitar is physically challenging and really does interrupt the creative flow when composing a part. (It is easier when playing a keyboard, but not desirable.) This is one of the major reasons I stopped using tape and started using DAWs on computers back in the late 90s.

It is somewhat suprising to come over to the iPad in 2016 and find out too late after paying out £50 that a major “professional” DAW on this platform does not have this basic feature and more suprising & saddening to find out that it was not designed to or ever likely to be included in the future. Various requests have been made for this over the past 5 years, but so far it does not look like it will be forthcoming.

Unfortunately, for me, this serious omission is a show stopper and therefore this app is no longer used for recording. Which is rather sad and a waste of money.

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Re: Loop in whilst in record mode!!!

Post by theconnactic » Tue May 29, 2018 12:29 am

I would love loop audio recording, but if it requires rewriting the audio engine, opening the way for all kind of bugs, I say I can live without it, since Auria has been rock solid lately.

On the other hand, I honestly believe loop MIDI recording should be top priority in the roadmap, specially because the competition (Garageband, Cubasis, even simpler software like Medly) already have it for a while now.

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Re: Loop in whilst in record mode!!!

Post by jellybean » Tue May 29, 2018 7:24 am

Yes I agree entirely! Expecting the Auria Pro coding team to start implementing ‘loop in record’ of audio would would be too much (although in the long term it would be advisable :D ).

But ‘loop in record’ midi!....that should be in place. And I cannot understand why implementing that would impact upon the audio engine. It surely is just a question of somehow isolating the action of ‘record enabling’ a midi track from the action of record enabling an audio track?! and thereby bypassing the default rules that are being applied to recording audio.

My understanding of the isssue of clocking and timebase on computer devices is that there is a master system clock upon which all other coding that deals with time based events must be based. The way that an audio engine relates to the master system clock and the way that midi information relates to that clock are very different. Correct me if I’m wrong someone!!

If at this point one of the devs would chime in and tell me that AP is giving us guaranteed sample accurate midi timing because of some inextricable link between the audio engine and the ‘midi engine’ then I will happily shut up LOL. Sample accurate midi timing is more valuable that ‘loop in record midi’ IMO, but both would be super duper!!!

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Re: Loop in whilst in record mode!!!

Post by theconnactic » Tue May 29, 2018 1:25 pm


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