Insert for hardware effects?

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Insert for hardware effects?

Post by murmichel » Wed Jan 17, 2018 3:22 pm

Hello, I'm new here, I'm new to Auria, and I'm new to DAWs in general. I think/hope that I understand the concepts, but I'm not at all familiar with the details.

Among other things, I'd like to use Auria to record my electric cello. In particular, I'd like to record the raw, unprocessed sound through a preamp and interface (iConnectAudio4+). Effects I want to apply in a further step from within Auria. All this is more or less straightforward. However, I'd like to use the same hardware effects that I use to play through an amp.

That's where things become complicated. I see that Auria provides software insert effects and I think there's a plugin interface, too. What I don't see is a way to break out from software and route through "real" hardware effects. Ideally with delay compensation. How can I do this?

Thanks for your time.


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Re: Insert for hardware effects?

Post by wigglelights » Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:00 pm

I'd recommend doing your send to your external fx through the iCA4;
Presuming your instrument is in input one - use iConfig to route that input to both an iPad input as well as one of the iCA4 outs. Plug that out into your fx, and the fx's out into the next iCA4 input. Route that input to another iPad in via iConfig.
In Auria, you should have two inputs available now, one clean and one from the fx unit. Create two tracks using those inputs and you're in business.

FYI, it could be possible to route through Auria, but you would find it would add latency. The hardware routing should give you a clean very low latency result.


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Re: Insert for hardware effects?

Post by murmichel » Thu Jan 18, 2018 3:31 am

Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately, it does not do what I want. Maybe my description was misleading. I want to record the raw signal first and apply effects in a second step. That way I can try various effects and settings.

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Anthony Alves
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Re: Insert for hardware effects?

Post by Anthony Alves » Sun Jan 21, 2018 11:18 am

murmichel wrote:
Thu Jan 18, 2018 3:31 am
Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately, it does not do what I want. Maybe my description was misleading. I want to record the raw signal first and apply effects in a second step. That way I can try various effects and settings.
You may find some information in my tutorial video. Cheers and let me know if you need further explanation as I know this topic well and everyway you can use hardware in AuriaPro. Outside of the video you can try these tips.
This is called Re-Amping and here is how you do it. Re-Amping is taking an already recorded track and sending it to external audio gear and then returning that gear back into the daw to be recorded. Here is how you can record the dry track while also recording the wet track giving you both options to keep the dry or re-amp the dry or blend the dry and FX tracks together.
I would recommend sending the Cello signal from the Cello pickup into the iConnect Audio4, this will get you a signal into AuriaPro.
Now create a mono audio track.
Ingage record ready for the Cello track from the input that the Cello is plugged into, you should now hear the Cello Dry.
Now send the Cello track to an output of the iConnect Audio4(your audio interface), take a cable from that output and insert it into your amp/FX and then connect the output of your external setup back into another input of the audio interface.
Set one of the mono audio tracks to record ready and select the input that your external hardware’s output is connected to the audio interface.
You will now hear the External setup on that track while the dry is still on the first track.
Now simply record the 2 tracks at once and you will have one track dry and the other track wet with FX.
Monitor which track you like durring recording by lowering the other tracks volume. The signal will still record as the volume fader only acts as a monitoring device during recording not as an imput level control. Set your metering to pre fader to see the raw metering durring recording.
You now have a choice to use the FX track or send the dry track out the same way as instructed above but without the source track in record mode as it already has a waveform to play. In this senario only the return track from the external hardware needs to be in rec mode.
Cheers and good luck anf here’s the link.
The video has more info than you require because it demonstrates using the bussing system with mackie control. It also shows this in a mixing senario where the fader has no effect on the output due to being sent to a hardware output. But when the track is in record mode then everything is prefader not post as when the track is in play mode.

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Re: Insert for hardware effects?

Post by murmichel » Sun Jan 21, 2018 12:50 pm

Anthony, thanks a lot for the thorough explanation. I figured vaguely that it might work somewhat like that, but had no good grasp of the details.

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