Midi issues

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Midi issues

Post by Lonelypunk » Sun Jul 23, 2017 10:30 am

So midi is still really buggy and I'm having various issues with it. After a break from Auria and using cubasis for a while I've decided to have another go this weekend as I've not really used it for anything other than mixing stems from cubasis and other apps since it corrupted a project I'd been working on for a considerable amount of time. This project I need tempo changes so it had to be Auria..

While I'm not getting the constant crashing and wasted projects I was before I'm still having trouble with midi.

1. Moving notes around causes them to change length especially if it's several selected at once. I.e. Change the key of a section and the notes end up all over the place.

2. Copying and pasting the same section onto another track, say bass track 1 and sub bass track 2 then it's playing the second track back out of time out of time??? (See 1st pic same notes in 2 tracks but second track is starting a beat later than first)

3. Duplicating a midi region on one track and the duplicated region is missing the start and no notes at the end but if I drag out the beginning then the missing notes are there but not snapped to grid so I have to drag it out, zoom in and realign it with snap off and then drag the end back to remove the blank bit at the end. (See second pic.)Very frustrating!

Am I doing something wrong or are these bugs and if so are they going to be addressed? I'm using iPad Pro 9.7 fully updated. Very simple project with only a few tracks and cpu is not even breaking a sweat.


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Re: Midi issues

Post by Lonelypunk » Sun Jul 23, 2017 3:43 pm

4. Joining 2 adjacent midi regions notes go out of time/get shifted also

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Re: Midi issues

Post by richardyot » Mon Jul 24, 2017 7:41 am

Yes I would love to see these bugs fixed.

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Re: Midi issues

Post by theconnactic » Mon Jul 24, 2017 12:42 pm

Me too! They’re old. How can we help, Rim?

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Re: Midi issues

Post by Lonelypunk » Mon Jul 24, 2017 2:30 pm

Hey wave machine! Ive been on the audiobus forum talking about this and it seems I'm not the only one with issues, likewise plenty of people are quite happily getting along with Auria midi just fine. Not sure where it's going wrong but happy to try and help sort these bugs. Here's a copy of my last post in the audiobus thread and a link to the thread as well. Not sure if it will help but if it does then great.


Yeah agreed mate!

So I've just started a new project for testing purposes, I've programmed a simple I IV V I monophonic melody/progression with Lyra piano 120bpm and tried looping it and it works fine.

Then I tried to cut and paste it and it worked fine.

Next I made one bar a different tempo and then back to 120bpm and cut and pasted it to the second instance of 120 bpm and it worked fine.

Then I created a second track with a twin 2 bass preset, pasted the melody onto it and tried all of the above and all ok.

Next I tried to glue two midi regions together on a section of track without a tempo change and the notes shifted in the second half.

Finally I tried to change the key by selecting all notes and moving them and no problems at all.

( I should add if you look at my Auria forum posts you'll see I've been having other midi problems which I haven't yet mentioned in this thread but these tests should cover them. They are, changing key etc and generally moving notes -the notes change length and position, when glueing regions the notes get shifted. )

So I've not been able to reproduce all the issues on a basic project which is kind of frustrating but I guess good for the majority of people who obviously aren't having these issues.

If I go back to the project I'm currently working on I can reproduce these faults most times but not every time.

Also I'm not using any chords, my midi tracks are all monophonic bass lines so I don't think that's an issue.

Tracks in my current project are 3 bass tracks, two using twin2 and one Lyra and all bussed together, jamup pro, drumperfect pro (imported audio not instrument) and a vocal track. Plug ins I'm using are pro q2, old timer and the normal channel strip. I'm on iPad Pro 9.7 fully updated.

I'll post a link to this thread in the Auria thread and I'll copy this post as well. If the other people having issues fancy chiming in over there that would be helpful.


https://forum.audiob.us/discussion/2010 ... -so-pro/p1

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Re: Midi issues

Post by Lonelypunk » Mon Jul 24, 2017 2:39 pm

I'd also like to apologise for the title of the audiobus thread and sometimes my attitude on here, it's not helpful. I get so into making music that when it goes wrong I easily loose my shit. I'll try to reign that in on here in the future x
Last edited by Lonelypunk on Wed Jul 26, 2017 3:12 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Midi issues

Post by Jmcmillan » Mon Jul 24, 2017 8:58 pm

I feel your pain. :| Had similar issues.

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Re: Midi issues

Post by Rim » Thu Jul 27, 2017 11:42 am

Thanks for letting me know about the issues you're seeing. I know about a couple of these already, and they are on my list to look into. Have to say, reading a topic title like that in the AB forum isn't the best way to motivate a developer ;) In any case, in order for me to find and fix a problem, specific examples of how to reproduce it are the way to go. If it's not reproducible, it's very hard to fix. In other words, I need to be able to follow some very specific steps and see a problem every time for myself. So far, I haven't had much luck getting the problems to appear over here.


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Re: Midi issues

Post by theconnactic » Thu Jul 27, 2017 2:56 pm

What do you need that could help you fix this, @Rim? Some of the bugs described here are easily reproducible, at least here on my setup (both in my 9’7” pro and my first-gen Air). I just found another: frequent MIDI panic when using the built-in keyboard (that is, the notes will stay on until I press the correspondent key again, happens randomly but constantly).

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Re: Midi issues

Post by Rim » Thu Jul 27, 2017 4:01 pm

Just a step by step list I can follow, starting with a new project. Once I can consistently reproduce an issue, it's usually easy to fix.


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Re: Midi issues

Post by theconnactic » Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:07 pm

Okay, @Rim, here is the fisrt step-by-step, midi keyboard panic. What I did, in this exact order:

- created a new project;

- added MIDI track, changed the default piano sound to Organs>Classic Organ;

- Enabled metronome, count-in, auto-return and auto-scroll in the Transport Options;

- Armed the track for recording and opened the built-in MIDI keyboard, and enabled the “lock” option;

- Started recording, the intention was to record an arpegio of D followed by an arpeggio of Em, one bar for each one, playing each chord with the pattern Tonic-Third-Fifth-Third twice, in eight notes, so each chord filled one bar;

- It didn’t take long: as soon as i moved to Em (and that meant the second bar of the record), one of the notes became stuck, if I remember correctly the minor third, G, so I had to stop recording. When I pressed the key that had become stuck, it stoped. Classical MIDI panic;

- Tried again, and this time it took a lot longer, 16 bars - I told you, it’s random but never fails to happen - getting stuck in the fifht of Em, B;

- A third attempt made it happen at the end of the second bar of recording, this time the tonic of Em getting stuck, E.

Try to repeat the results, @Rim: I’m positive it will happen (but can take a while in the recording for it to happen, because it’s random)! I’ll send more step-by-step descriptions for other MIDI issues later tonight.

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Re: Midi issues

Post by Rim » Thu Jul 27, 2017 8:58 pm

Thanks. Just to make sure, do you have any of the following turned on in your iPad settings? These can cause exactly what you're seeing in the keyboard:

1. Gestures - in General/Multitasking. Make sure it's off

2. Zoom - in General/Accessibility - make sure it's off

3. Also turn off Assisted touch and Touch Accommodations


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Re: Midi issues

Post by Lonelypunk » Fri Jul 28, 2017 2:12 am

Thanks for your response Rim and apologies again for my title. I'm heading out today to play some festivals so I'm going to be offline till Sunday if not Monday so I'll try your suggestions then and let you know how I get on. Just a quick one that's easily reproducible everytime though is try joining two adjacent midi regions together and notice how the notes go out of sync. Cheers and have a good weekend


Re: Midi issues

Post by Jmcmillan » Sat Jul 29, 2017 11:15 am

Apologies for some of my negativity as well. Just my two cents...if the midi bugs are fixed and the op code bugs in Lyra are fixed, this would really provide a unique option to make any kind of music anywhere.

I was try to use an iPad for music style that most people use a PC to accomplish : MIDI orchestra. I think most people use Reaper DAW, plogue Sfzorzando or Kontakt sampler and a few sample libraries like freebies SSO and VSCO 2 or paid ones like East West or Garritan.

I was trying to mimic this with Auria Pro, Lyra and SSO to use as a way to get ideas down anywhere I was and even make some complete songs with it. But with the bugs in MIDI and Lyra it wasn't possible :| .

I hope these can be fixed as again it's a fantastic DAW and this would put it over the top as by far the best iOS DAW, coupled with the mobility would make it quite ahead of competition!

Thanks for your hard work and consideration.

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Re: Midi issues

Post by Rim » Sat Jul 29, 2017 2:51 pm

No worries. As I mentioned, if it's something I can easily reproduce here, it's usually pretty easy to fix.

Though the opcode stuff in Lyra won't be expanded, as the developer who wrote it is no longer involved.


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