LYRA Bug, Pan Opcode

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LYRA Bug, Pan Opcode

Post by Jmcmillan » Sun Jan 08, 2017 9:17 pm

In loading Paul Battersby's Virtual Playing Orchestra (, all seemed to work fine. However some instrument patches would only plan hard left or hard right.

I messaged Paul, he said it's not working as it did on his PC. He suggested commenting out the Pan opcodes on a few samples to see if that was the problem. After doing that, the samples plaid in stereo again.

Basically I found that if the the pan opcode was great than 0, the sample would only play left or right (depending on if the opcode was positive or negative). Pan opcode of 0 would play the stereo sample properly.

I can attached the SFZ files and samples to help you fix the bug if needed.


Re: LYRA Bug, Pan Opcode

Post by Jmcmillan » Mon Jan 09, 2017 8:32 am

I think this is related to another post about Lyra and I found another bug with an opcode by accident.

post link:

It is related to the Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra library. The brass instruments all have a "fil_veltrack=11000" shown below. When played through Lyra, the brass would play very soft for all midi velocities less than 120. At 120, the filter would open up and the sound would be very loud.

Next I commented out the fil_veltrack=, fil_type=, and cutoff= opcodes and the brass instruments played fine. But when played softly, the sound was still had a lot of high end to it, so I though this is what the LPF was trying to do - simulate a brass instrument timbre better.

Next, with the opcodes still commented out, I turned the knobs on the Lyra interface in the filter area, setting a cutoff frequency and a veltrack amount, and also applying a 12db LPF. It worked as expected - low velocity notes sounds mellow (no highs) and high velocity notes sounded with highs added back in - so it seemed the filter is applied correctly.

Conclusion: The opcodes are not being applied correctly. But the GUI interface knobs ARE working as expected, therefore LYRA has a bug when apply some opcodes within the SFZ code (there might be more than the two I found - fil_veltrack and pan). OR the GUI interface knobs and the SFZ code might be interfering with eachother?

Please let me know when then bug is planned to be fixed. I would really like to use Auria this way with MIDI. It is a very nice DAW app, but with these bugs in LYRA, I'm not confident I can use it as a sample player. I'm never sure what problems I'll run into when using a new SFZ library.

Thanks for you time and attention!!

// ------------------------------
// Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra
// ------------------------------
// Trumpets Sustain
// ------------------------------



Re: LYRA Bug, Pan Opcode

Post by Jmcmillan » Wed Jan 25, 2017 10:45 pm



Re: LYRA Bug, Pan Opcode

Post by Jmcmillan » Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:08 am

Have you been able to look into the opcode problems I ran across? Specially, the fil_veltrack and pan opcodes.

For SSO, I commented out the fil_veltrack, fil_type and cutoff opcodes, and the samples play fine. However, as a workaround, I'd like to re-create the velocity tracked low pass filter using the GUI knobs in Lyra. Can you give some detail about what the knobs control? For example, the cutoff knob is in %, but how does that translate to frequency? Also, I think the veltrack is -1 to 1, but how does that translate to opcode values?

For the pan opcode, I have just commented it out since I can't find a workaround for now.


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Re: LYRA Bug, Pan Opcode

Post by Rim » Mon Jan 30, 2017 11:13 am

Sorry, I'm busy with other issues and haven't found the time to look into the Lyra opcodes. Hopefully in some future update. It's on my list for sure.



Re: LYRA Bug, Pan Opcode

Post by Jmcmillan » Mon Jan 30, 2017 11:22 am

No problem, I understand.
Could you let me know about the cutoff knob and veltrack control knobs in Lyra, how they relate to frequency (50%=??Hz) and velocity adjustment values (0.5=????fil_veltrack)? I can make it work for now until you are able to get to it.


Re: LYRA Bug, Pan Opcode

Post by Jmcmillan » Mon Feb 13, 2017 6:59 am

Hi Rim,
In Lyra GUI interfaceCould you let me know how the filter cutoff knob % setting relates to frequency? 50% = ??Hz? Also, the veltrack knob in the filter area, how does -1 to 1 setting relate to veltrack opcode values of -9600 to 9600? If I knew that I could set these knobs as a workaround (with the opcodes commented out in the sfz file).



Re: LYRA Bug, Pan Opcode

Post by Jmcmillan » Thu May 11, 2017 6:45 am

Any updates?

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