Bounce and mixdown

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Bounce and mixdown

Post by djanton73 » Wed Mar 08, 2017 5:02 am

Hello...I'm an Auria user. I'm using iPad Air 2 128GB, Scarlett 18i8, Saffire Pro 40.

Here is the case

I often recorded 6 to 8 vox tracks. Edited their timing one by one using Splitting Region, Crossfades and Audio Quantize methods.

Since Auria didn't have (yet, I hope...) a decent Auto Tune plugin such as Melodyne or Antares, I MIXDOWN one by one into WAV file (no effects and compressions), put in on my MacBook (per track, using Reaper), edit their pitch and tune, and finally put it back to Auria as a new project.

My question is, what is the difference between Mixdown and Bouncing process? Regarding my case above, will that affect the final audio quality? Or should I FIRST bounce them one track at a time and then Mixdown?

The level on my Auria (per track) is around -6db, but when I mixdown it put it into Reaper (per track as well), it's not even reach -6db. It reaches around -12 and -18. How can that happened?

Please share your thoughts here...thank you

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