Lost jam up plugin after iPad Os upgrade

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Lost jam up plugin after iPad Os upgrade

Post by markfrancombe » Sat Feb 11, 2017 5:09 pm

Yeah... im pissed... and not In a good way...
So fucking iPad upgrade...
All iap purchase plugins GONE!
Fuck i hate IAP.. is there really no other way?

So i have a whole album of songs, all nearing completion and all the guitars have lost all their effects... apart from the few occations i bounced for some reason.

I was... In another post expounding how fucking great it was to record clean, and add distorion In the daw.
No more...
Im not buying any more.:- Even tho they Sound great... not worth it.

Heres another IAP story... i used a fab synth called Alchemy... by Camel Audio... loved it... bought all the extra Packs... quite a few 100 bucks... they were pricey motherfuckers...sure i had to "restore purchases" a few times... but hey-.. it was a great synth... then one rainy day... iPad upgrade... had to restore purchases... nope.. could not connect to server... googled... Camel Audio... had been sold... to Apple... yay... just some server transfering tweaks and bumps i guess... was it fuck... Apple never supported the iPad version ever again, cos they stuck it In Logic x for free... fuckers... i literally had my synth stolen by Apple!

Is this gonna happen here too.. i have loved using Auria on iPad... new album has been recorded In my bed... In my Car... at the beach... love it...but... this...



PS. Yes im doing the restore purchase thing now... seems to have gutten stuck on elektromorph tho...

Look... cant you do a thing, where i install plugins by actually HAVING them on mycomputer... ill buy them... i just dont want to lose them... i can USE iTunes to Luther into a folder In Auria... cant Auria Find them and USE them from there?.. why do we have to go thru the IAP fucking route...

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Anthony Alves
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Re: Lost jam up plugin after iPad Os upgrade

Post by Anthony Alves » Sat Feb 11, 2017 7:00 pm

Sorry for your frustration. I have updated to all the latest iOS and AuriaPro and my Jamup plugin still shows up on the plugin list but it no longer loads. In fact Auria will crash when I attempt to load Jamup. This is a bug and I've already reported it to Rim. I'm sure this will get fixed but I guess that isn't much consolation for your misery. All I can say is that when I'm still working in a track I don't update anything until the track is complete and the song backed up. This process has freed me from update headaches and could help you avoid this down the road. Hope it all works out for you. Cheers

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Re: Lost jam up plugin after iPad Os upgrade

Post by King » Sat Feb 11, 2017 8:26 pm

Jam up seems to be having various issues. Not sure if the two are related but..


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Re: Lost jam up plugin after iPad Os upgrade

Post by Tovokas » Sun Feb 12, 2017 4:40 am

As far as the joys of recording clean are concerned... keep enjoying the freedom and power, but the moment you get a sound that really works (on any DAW on any platform), render the track and mute the 'dynamic' version. The same thing with midi and synths. I can't express how many times failing to do so in the past has ended up screwing me over when a Synth didn't survive an upgrade, or my carefully tweaked preset somehow vanished, or ...

Wav files are about as permanent a thing as we get in this neck of the woods. ;)

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Re: Lost jam up plugin after iPad Os upgrade

Post by Rim » Sun Feb 12, 2017 9:46 pm

Jam Up seems to have broken in this update. I've let Positive Grid know about it, and they responded that they're investigating the issue. Hopefully they'll get this fixed soon!


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Re: Lost jam up plugin after iPad Os upgrade

Post by markfrancombe » Wed Feb 15, 2017 6:48 am


The reloading of the IAP purchases seemed to get stuck a few times, but finally I was lucky and all seemed to arrive.
JamUp showed in the effect slot, but was not heard.
Selecting None, and then reselecting it worked, and luckily I have been quite anal about saving setups in the menu, and managed to get back all the sounds with the right sounds.

So all is good.

Thanks for all the advice, I know all this,. and OF COURSE I shouldn't have upgraded the iPad till I was finished with a project, but honestly, when is that ever going to be the case? Theres always something in the middle of production.
I will try to bounce a few more times.

But Im very interested to know if theres could be a slightly more robust (for the end user) way to add plugins? Often times an IAP is little more than an enabling of a previously locked feature, but I don't think thats the case here, so why not, instead of going the way Apple wants you to, offer plugs from a real, website, available to download to a computer (where user can backup) and installed via iTunes into a relevant directory, making it show up in the app?
Im no developer, so I have no idea if this would be possible, but its seems a little bit more sturdy, than hoping that the servers are working OK.
just a thought...

ps, and sorry for the previous expletives... i know some americans can be easily offended, I was tired, and tetchy... probably needed a cookie...

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Re: Lost jam up plugin after iPad Os upgrade

Post by Rim » Wed Feb 15, 2017 7:00 am

Glad to hear you were able to get it working again. I have no idea what's wrong with Jam up, as all plugins are written by third party companies, so I've let them know about the issue. They're working on it.

All Auria plugins get enabled by a simple switch, except for Jam Up. Their plugin uses a lot of graphics resources, so we had to load the resources from a server after purchase. It's the only Auria plugin that works this way.


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