Auria constantly crashing

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Auria constantly crashing

Post by Lonelypunk » Mon Dec 12, 2016 4:13 pm

Hi folks. I'm having a lot of problems with Auria. Firstly I'm new to iOS but an experienced producer on pc. Just recently moved over to iOS since buying a new iPad Pro on Black Friday.

I'm finding the midi to be full of bugs. I'm 2 weeks into learning Auria and I've been doing a test/learn new daw project by programming and recording one of my old songs.

I have 4 tracks. 2 midi and 2 audio. The first midi track is using Lyra with drum kit loaded in. I've programmed a basic beat. 2nd midi track is again Lyra with a bass loaded in. Very simple baseline. 2 audio tracks are both guitars recorded through jam up external app and then bounced.


1. Joining midi regions together I'm loosing some notes and gaining others

2. If I change the Lyra drum kit or the bass during playback then Auria either crashes or the sound gets messed up almost like it has an extreme filter setting on it. If I restart Auria or press stop then in Lyra change to another kit this fixes it but it's very annoying.

3. Today I tried loading sampletank (full paid version) to my drum track instead of Lyra and Auria crashed and now every time I reload the project I get the "this project previously failed to load this can be caused by not having enough memory blah blah.." I have sampletank closed when trying to reload and it crashes every time despite using a top of the range iPad on a very basic project.

4. When I loaded my project today (before the trying sampletank saga) quite a few of my hi hat notes were missing that were definitely there yesterday

5. For some reason in the mix window when I turn the track sliders down the light bar doesn't change at all like it does on other daws. I.e. If I have the slider fully down or fully up the Leigh bar stays the same.

Other than these problems I'm quite impressed by Auria if only I could use it without having to constantly write crash reports in the box that comes up and could get on and make music :-/

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Re: Auria constantly crashing

Post by Lonelypunk » Mon Dec 12, 2016 4:34 pm

6. Moving multiple midi notes during playback i.e. Selecting a couple of bars worth of bass notes to try them in a different key or octave then they all end up in random locations

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Re: Auria constantly crashing

Post by ErrkaPetti » Mon Dec 12, 2016 10:26 pm

Lonelypunk wrote:6. Moving multiple midi notes during playback i.e. Selecting a couple of bars worth of bass notes to try them in a different key or octave then they all end up in random locations
I must agree with that Auria Pro is pretty amazing, but, there's stills some buggy behavior in the MIDI-editor, especially if you editing while you playback simultaneously...

I made a little test with similar track setup and I've got strange things happen...

A two bar long bassline with 1/4 notes, multiselect them, move them to another place (play in another key) = all of a sudden one of the notes changed from a 1/4 note to reach all the way thru two bars... Hmmm...

I'm on iPad Pro 12.9" 128GB with iOS 10.1.1...

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Re: Auria constantly crashing

Post by Lonelypunk » Tue Dec 13, 2016 12:21 am

Yeah auria is very impressive for something that works on a tablet you can take anywhere with you..

None the less though if I can't get it to do basic functions without crashing then I can't work with it. My practice project seems to be completely corrupted now since I loaded sampletank (which I had already tested with auria and had worked ok)

If this was an important project and I'd recorded decent takes on it and spent time mixing them ect I'd be loosing my rag but luckily it's just me getting to know auria at this stage..

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Re: Auria constantly crashing

Post by Lonelypunk » Tue Dec 13, 2016 4:01 am

7. I should also add that I've generally had a a lot of cpu overload warnings as well since I started. I've got no back ground apps running and very few apps installed on my iPad. As far as music production is concerned the only apps I have is jamup (not iap version) and sampletank (full version)

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Re: Auria constantly crashing

Post by mtingle » Tue Dec 13, 2016 6:37 am

I render MIDI to audio straight away. MIDI is still in it's infancy IMO with Auria Pro and has lots of bugs that had me pulling my hair out. If you can be patient try submitting bug reports and slowly these will get fixed by Rim who is good at fixing bugs once he can reproduce them. In the mean time you may wish to focus on the Audio side of Auria which is pretty robust at this point.

note. MIDI tracks force latency in Auria to work at 512 samples rather than 4096 which creates a massive CPU hit and makes for tons more crashes. Another reason to lose the MIDI tracks as soon as you can. I create excellent (and complex) songs in Auria every day with very few issues in this way.

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Re: Auria constantly crashing

Post by Lonelypunk » Tue Dec 13, 2016 7:02 am

Thanks for your reply mate :-)

I would get on and bounce my midi tracks but I've barely even started programming them. I'm just trying to get a basic song canvas down before I start having fun with it. all I'm doing is programming a basic kick snare hat pattern and simple monophonic baseline and getting my verse chorus intro sections in so I can then choose my kit sounds and bass sounds and start layering my guitar tracks and vocals and synths ect

Looks like I've got to restart my project again anyway unless anyone has any ideas how to open it when every time I do I get the "this project previously failed to load" message and then it opens a new project and when I go to open my project it crashes again?

I appreciate auria is in its infancy but to me these are really basic midi features I'm having major problems with and I don't particularly want to be involved in testing a program especially if I've had to pay for the pleasure. I'm a musician with a family and a day job that's constantly juggling writing/recording/playing gigs with the rest of my life. I mean no disrespect to the team at auria I'm very impressed by how active they are in this forum and the way they genuinely seem to care about updates ect

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Re: Auria constantly crashing

Post by Alim » Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:37 am

I have similar situations whenever using/recording midi and sometimes even when not recording midi. I've certainly never been able to finish a song using Auria. I purchased the app the first time and then the update to pro ( reluctantly), as well as many effects. I'm assuming it's around $200 at this point just in the Auria ecosystem. All for something I can't even use. It's a bit disappointing. And yes, I know there's a lot of support for the team of developers here but I can't but help feel let down/ripped off.

Normally I don't jump on a bandwagon or spend my personal cash without knowing if something works well for others. But I felt the community here was strong and the developers seemed to be Working to make a product for the users. But the final outcome was a non 100% functioning app. Plus, all the bugginess of iOS and the pushiness of Apple to completely remove support for hardware like USB mics, causing gear to become obsolete within six months to a year because of updating the iOS. I feel like app developers and Apple have treated me like a jerk.

And because of these irregularities in my abbility to use the products I purchased, I've slowed/stopped buying anything For iOS. I've gone back to buying real hardware. Which is a bit more expensive but it works.

I guess I'll stop my rant now, honestly I came here hoping to find a post talking about a new software update coming soon. But I don't see that, yet I saw this post and thought I'd also share my grief and disappointment with the whole system I've helped support for the past 4/5 years.

I came back to look at this post. I had no clue I made so many typos. :D I must've been furious.
Last edited by Alim on Tue Dec 27, 2016 8:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Auria constantly crashing

Post by Lonelypunk » Tue Dec 13, 2016 10:12 am

Thanks for your input mate. I guess I'm not the only one having issues then. It's a shame as auria seems so promising but I really don't wanna go down the road of spending hours on a project only to not be able to open it. It really wouldn't be funny if I hired a studio and recorded a band only to not be able to open the project because I tried a different synth in sampletank or whatever..

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Re: Auria constantly crashing

Post by Lonelypunk » Tue Dec 13, 2016 10:18 am

Funny reading last post back about buying hardware as when my laptop died I did some research on iPads and discovered auria pro and sampletank ect so I sold my Electribe and my Mpc to fund an iPad Pro ha ha

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Re: Auria constantly crashing

Post by Denzkps » Tue Dec 13, 2016 10:55 am

Lonelypunk wrote:Thanks for your input mate. I guess I'm not the only one having issues then. It's a shame as auria seems so promising but I really don't wanna go down the road of spending hours on a project only to not be able to open it. It really wouldn't be funny if I hired a studio and recorded a band only to not be able to open the project because I tried a different synth in sampletank or whatever..
When you will use SampleTank try it from audiobus
And you can find some info in this topic
It's a bug of SampleTank because Cubasis has same CPU overloud when SampleTank used

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Re: Auria constantly crashing

Post by Lonelypunk » Tue Dec 13, 2016 4:46 pm

Thanks mate I've not used audiobus yet so I'll give it a try.

Tried loading my project again tonight and exactly the same, Auria crashes :-( was gonna post a screen shot of the message that comes up but it said the screen shot is too many pixels for this forum so I cropped the picture and now it says expected extension jpg but extension png given :-/ fucked if I know what that means ha ha :-P

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Re: Auria constantly crashing

Post by Lonelypunk » Sat Dec 17, 2016 1:06 pm

I'm really disappointed with auria I'm having too many issues with the midi and I'm getting very little done with it. Is there an update likely to be coming anytime soon? I'm constantly getting cpu warnings and I've got hardly anything going on in my project. Plus the midi editor has so many bugs on really basic functions. Several times I've opened the project to find notes missing, velocities seem to be playing tricks on me where I'm questioning my sanity as they don't seem to be where I left them :-(

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Re: Auria constantly crashing

Post by Lonelypunk » Thu Jan 05, 2017 4:01 pm

Well my second project seems to have packed up now. I've no idea what's going on with this program. I've gotten quite into this project and now every time I hit record it does the count in and auria crashes. Is anyone at auria getting my crash reports? I'm the guy loosing his rag and being very mouthy if that helps?

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Re: Auria constantly crashing

Post by Lonelypunk » Thu Jan 05, 2017 4:19 pm

I really regret moving to iOS :-(

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