Problems with File Management

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Problems with File Management

Post by EdViola » Tue Dec 06, 2016 6:48 am

Morning. I've been using Auria Pro for about 6 months now, on an Air 1 (32Gb). Have been enjoying it immensely, recording viola pieces etc. However - I have run out of memory on my ipad.

I've discovered that every export I've done to dropbox saves a copy in the Auria sandbox. I guess this is what is taking up much of the space. But I'm reluctant to start deleting files without knowing what's what. And I'm a bit cross about having to do this manually, because I'd assumed that by using dropbox, I would be saving space on the ipad - ie, that Auria would automatically have cleared the local temp file once the upload was completed.

It doesn't help that the longer file names are truncated in the 'Import' view, so it's not clear which files might belong to the projects and which files are my exports.

It also doesn't help that you can only delete files one at a time. And it might just be my ipad, but the swipe to reveal the 'delete' option is not very responsive, I often have to repeat the swipe a few times.

I can see from this messageboard that many of you use Auria very successfully - so please could someone let me know the best type of workflow for making best use of Auria? Do I need to manage and transfer the projects to and from my PC with ifunbox as a matter of course? If so, er... how do I do that?

I'd be grateful for any assistance you could give. Thanks all.


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Re: Problems with File Management

Post by DaveB » Tue Dec 06, 2016 10:37 am

What are you exporting and where is a copy neing saved on your ipad?

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Re: Problems with File Management

Post by ErrkaPetti » Tue Dec 06, 2016 11:00 am

Speaking about the file managements, one option I would have is the option to widen the name column in the open/save dialogue...
As it is now I can't see the whole name of my files... There's often I have projectnames that starts with the same name...

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Re: Problems with File Management

Post by EdViola » Tue Dec 06, 2016 3:40 pm

Hi DaveB. I have been exporting mixes to Dropbox. I wanted to export stems to use in protools but I couldn't work out where they went once they had been created, or how to access them to move them off the iPad into Dropbox. But all the .wav mixes are still there in the root directory, even though I'd selected the Dropbox option, and they had uploaded to Dropbox ok.

Update. I've found the iTunes page that lets me see the auria folder. It allows me to move (to my PC) and delete the .wav files which I can see in the auria root directory. But I can also see lots of folders, some of which appear to be the songs with .project suffixed, some of which appear to be the results of my attempts at exporting. But I can't copy them to my PC or look inside them.

So my question to members who are more experienced than me with Auria: please, please, please educate me about file management and workflow. Please. Auria's so brilliant, so slick to use, so intuitive, it's just this one aspect which is driving me insane at the moment.

Thanks all. Ed.

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Re: Problems with File Management

Post by wigglelights » Sun Dec 11, 2016 8:37 am

Since you have a PC, install iFunBox. You'll get much better access to the App folders than iTunes will give you.

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