Warping, help

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Warping, help

Post by Hansson » Mon Aug 01, 2016 1:51 am

So i need to Warp some Tracks(Electronic music), i used to do it in Ableton, super easy, but i cant get my head around doing it in Auria,
warping smaller sections is fine, but warping a complete track, witch just some drifting in different places. i cant get it right.

usually i set the first down beat, and check the beat at 32 bar intervals although the track, but i dont get any good result when doing so in auria..

any tips ??

the reason for the warping is to use the tracks in Takete, in takete i dont have any nudge at all, so the tracks needs to be alligned before pressing play...

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Re: Warping, help

Post by Rim » Mon Aug 01, 2016 8:26 am

Auria's warping should work similar to other desktop DAWs. Is this track a drum track with only a single drum on it, or are there multiple drums (like a mixed track)? Auria's automatic transient detection only works for tracks with a single instrument on it (like a snare track for example). If you're trying to warp a track with mixed instruments on it, you can still do it, but you'll need to add your transient markers manually (zoom in to each transient and add a marker).


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Re: Warping, help

Post by Hansson » Tue Aug 02, 2016 2:14 am

Okej, ill get on it again, i read in the manual about start and end points of transient markers, is that the same for warp markers, or does it warp between 2 warp markers, or does it have an end position for the warp marker ?

lets say the beat is a little bit off at beat 1 on bar 33, and i put i warp marker on bar 48 move it to the correct spot and move the warp marker at bar 32 to the correct spot, will that stretch the area between these markers so Hopefully the beats between these markers fall on the right place..

iam sorry for my messy way of describing it. i hope you understand,

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Re: Warping, help

Post by Rim » Thu Aug 04, 2016 8:06 pm

Yes, it works like you describe. If you have three warp markers and you move the middle one forward, the section to the left gets longer and the section to the right gets shorter in time.

End markers are only used when performing the "separate" or "split" functions. These functions need to know where the transient actually ends.


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