MCU midi configuration for AURIA Pro

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MCU midi configuration for AURIA Pro

Post by Cyril777 » Tue Jun 21, 2016 2:59 am

I recently bought a BeatStep Pro, which is fully MCU/HUI compatible. Before that, I was using the small KORG NanoKontrol: it does the minimum but it really helps. But with the BeatStep Pro, you can build your own MCU map with the desktop application. As much as I am totally comfortable with midi mapping, I don't understand a single thing to this MCU protocol. I tried to make some mapping on my BSP, the most simple parameters: tracks level, set markers... but I must be missing something.
If you are a BeatStep Pro user and you mapped it to work with Auria, I would really appreciate some help from you ! It's really frustrating to have a compatible controller (I even wasn't aware of this MCU/HUI compatibility when I bought it..) and not being able to use it properly....

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Re: MCU midi configuration for AURIA Pro

Post by Kites » Tue Jun 21, 2016 8:23 am

I own a BSP too and I hope it'll pair well eventually. According to Corey, there are MCU issues and I think they're working on it.

Crossing fingers

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Re: MCU midi configuration for AURIA Pro

Post by Cyril777 » Tue Jun 21, 2016 1:44 pm

Kites wrote:I own a BSP too and I hope it'll pair well eventually. According to Corey, there are MCU issues and I think they're working on it.

Crossing fingers
After trying several settings in Auria midi settings and in the BSP Midi Control Center, the only thing that works is play, which is getting on my nerves when I think of it too much. With my 35€ nanoKontrol, I got all transport functions (play, stop, record, forward, reward, got to next/previous marker), and control of 8 track volume fader and pan pots at a time. Not bad for the price... I really must figure out how to set these MCU/HUI parameters for the BSP, which (on paper!) is supposed to give you much more controls on Auria. And what's very interesting, is the access to Auria transport controls and mixer features AND its plugins parameters with the same controller. You have this little button on the BSP to switch between MCU/HUI and midi CCs.
I thought I would find more info on the web since the BSP is a very popular controller, but nothing so far concerning Auria and MCU/HUI configuration.
Like you said, crossing fingers!

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Re: MCU midi configuration for AURIA Pro

Post by Kites » Fri Jun 24, 2016 10:12 am

Haha same here. I just got a hold of my nanokontrol2 from a friend few days back and it works quite well with little to no issues for me. It's a breeze to connect directly to an iPad via CCK, but I also run an iConnect4+ in the chain while I'm tracking most often and it was a bitch and a half to configure it. It worked out eventually.

I'll try and give my BSP a go with Auria too to see if anything works. What's your chain like, CCK, interface, etc.?
Did any of the Aturia tutorial videos or forum threads help at all?

I've barely explored the Midi Control Center let alone apps since I mostly use it with my Eurorack system, but the BSP seems like it has an endless amount of controll. What and how are you using it to control the gear or apps you use with it now? Do you use it with other DAWs on a laptop or desktop? Not sure how I'd like knobs to control faders for me..

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Re: MCU midi configuration for AURIA Pro

Post by Cyril777 » Fri Jul 01, 2016 10:10 pm

Kites wrote: What's your chain like, CCK, interface, etc.?
Did any of the Aturia tutorial videos or forum threads help at all?
What and how are you using it to control the gear or apps you use with it now? Do you use it with other DAWs on a laptop or desktop? Not sure how I'd like knobs to control faders for me..
Because I have a Focusrite Scarlett and its famous latency issue (which seems to be here till the end of times.... but it's another story, and another tread...), I decided to get rid of the USB powered (or not) hub, on which my iPad Pro was connected, with 3 other midi controllers (Arturia MiniLab, Novation Launchkey mini and a Korg NanoKontrol 2). Indeed, having both your iPad and and your audio interface connected on the same hub increase the chances of having the latency. Since I connect my Scarlett to my iPad with the Lightning adapter, with no hub between, the latency issue is still here, but far more less than before. So, working like this means... no midi controller ? Since all of them use a USB port to be connected. So I must said goodbye to my 3 controllers and choose the BSP because I can plug it to the midi din in and out ports of my Scarlett... this is perfect. So when I saw it was MCU/HUI compatible, it was the icing on the cake ! If only I could understand how to configure it.... And no, I don't use a PC, I never have....
I red on the previous post that MCU was problematic, but it changes nothing since you just have to switch Auria settings to HUI, the BSP being compatible with both protocol... I'm gonna try to contact Arturia support, but their answers are so laconic and minimalist, sometimes I wonder if they take the time to understand your question... I reopened the same ticket twice, each time their answer was already in anticipated in my question...

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Re: MCU midi configuration for AURIA Pro

Post by adfa » Mon Sep 26, 2016 6:40 pm

Can you tell me if you are getting crazy Auria volume fader jiggering when moving lower row of BSP knobs and BSP is internal clock and playing?

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