Snapping Regions Together Seamlessly

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Snapping Regions Together Seamlessly

Post by IndieP » Thu Jun 02, 2016 11:47 am

In a previous post, Anthony mentioned that 2 sections can be joined together seamlessly using the “Snap” feature but I can’t find any information on how to do this, not in the manual, the forum, or on You Tube. In fact, I have been trying to join sections together for some weeks but have not been successful. Highlighting a section (a drum part) for instance and tapping “Duplicate” places a copy of the same section on the end of the original, but I’m not sure if it is seamless, (albeit, the first clip needs to be edited at the beginning and the end so the seamless flow of the beat from the first section into the next copy placed on the end is uninterrupted).

I also notice an icon called “Join” but I haven’t been able to make this active. I assume that Duplicate/Join/Snap all do the same thing, am I correct?

Again, if someone could explain this to me as well as give me a procedure on how to use the snap feature to seamlessly join two sections together, I would appreciated it.
Thanks everyone.

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Re: Snapping Regions Together Seamlessly

Post by rickwaugh » Fri Jun 03, 2016 12:19 am

To use join, you need to use the multiselect tool to select the two regions, then join will work on them. If the time is not quite right, you can slide the second region back and forth until the time is right.

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Re: Snapping Regions Together Seamlessly

Post by IndieP » Fri Jun 03, 2016 10:55 am

Thanks rickwaugh, that's another one out of the way, it works perfectly. However, is this the "Snap" method that Anthony had mentioned, or is this just another way to join two sections together? He had said that when using the "Snapping" feature, to set the snapping menu to (Bars). If they are two different methods, what is the advantage of one over the other?

Without the help of those on this forum who give their time to answer questions, I think many would give up due to the frustration of facing a steep learning curve. Like many on this forum, a full time job with family responsibilities and other commitments can make it difficult to learn software such as Auria. I've been trying to do this over a cup of coffee at McDonalds at 0730am each morning for an hour before work.

With the help of those on this forum, it's beginning to pay off. Thanks again to Rim and everyone else.

"I'll Be Back" lol.

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Re: Snapping Regions Together Seamlessly

Post by mtingle » Sat Jun 04, 2016 4:05 am

snap is only used to position a region. join is used to 'glue' them together. I think Anthony may need to clear up what he meant by snap as it can't be used to join regions together.

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Anthony Alves
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Re: Snapping Regions Together Seamlessly

Post by Anthony Alves » Sat Jun 04, 2016 5:33 am

My understanding here was that IndieP wanted to join two regions together and have them line up in the timeline so that the beats lined up in time. you said you weren't sure if the dulicate was seamless. It is. Somehow this has gotten to the Join function which is not used to seamlesly join two regions. The Join function only takes a region that you have split and now would like to see it as a whole region not as seperate parts. The join function is used to tidy up the look of the region but has no bearing on overal audio or its snap, its just a tidier look. Snaping is very important when bringing two regions together. I wont use the word join as that is being misunderstood here. If I set the snap value to BAR then when I slide an audio region up against another region,the snap will make landing on the BAR perfect every time. For more fine tuned adjustments use a smaller snap value. At least that is what I got from his original post. It was never mentioned that he had many cut up regions and now wanted to join those regions together so that they look like one. If that is what he meant then the JOIN function is the correct one. My best advice is to listen to your track and if it sounds right it likely is. What you see graphically is how daws work and look during editing and as you gain more experience this will be normal to you. Hope this clears things up. Cheers and goid luck.

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Re: Snapping Regions Together Seamlessly

Post by rickwaugh » Sat Jun 04, 2016 6:26 pm

The one thing I would also add to the discussion is that, once I get all my regions lined up the way I want, I tend to bounce in place, generally without effects, as I don't necessarily want them hard baked into the audio. You can think of bouncing as "join everything in the track". I do this becaus one thing I have found with Auria when I have numerous regions overlaying each other is that is very easy to bring a region that was in the background forward accidentally, and have it laying over top of a later addition. Bouncing in place removes this issue. It also allows you to clean up your project, so you have fewer files lying around.

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Re: Snapping Regions Together Seamlessly

Post by IndieP » Mon Jun 06, 2016 10:37 am

Yes Anthony, you understood me correctly. In this case I want a Kick Drum part for the length of the song (about 5 minutes). I first create a smaller clip (say 15 seconds) then in order to speed things up, duplicate the first part I’ve created to make a 30 second clip, then duplicate it again to make a 1 minute clip and so on, (each part being joined seamlessly on the end of the other so that all the beats line up in time.

Now then, what I did with these two parts after listening to rickwaughs post on (Joining), was to slide the second part to the left so that the (first beat of the second part) was aligned right over the top of the (last beat of the first part), tapped Multi Select, highlighted both parts and selected Join, and it seemed to work. Regarding the many cut up regions that was mentioned, the only multiple regions I ended up with on the same timeline were created from the first 15 second clip using the Duplicate tab. I then wanted to join them all together, (don’t forget, I am practicing while attempting to create a project). So, I did not divide or cut any regions into separate parts then attempt to join them together.

I must admit, I am going to have to take a look at this later on as I am still a little confused about snapping versus joining. Also, audio is being referred to in your answers, so I assume (just to clarify), that in this case, the same procedure of Snapping and Joining applies to both Audio and (MIDI - which is what I am working on).

Any more light you can shed on this guys will be very much appreciated as I am sure I'm not the only one trying to figure this out, which is why I tried to choose the "Subject Title" carefully.

Now it seems I am going to have to take a look at bouncing.

As always, thanks again.

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