Is this bad practice?

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Is this bad practice?

Post by Jmaxwell » Wed Apr 13, 2016 12:28 pm

I'm using Amplitube and bias fx combined in audiobus. I'm learning about gain staging and trying to get a signal coming through in Auria Pro at around the -18/-20db mark (that's correct isn't it?)

So the audio interface I'm using is an Itrack Dock, with a guitar plugged into the instrument port. It has a gain knob which I have currently at half. Amplitube and Bias FX both have input and output meters which can also be adjusted louder or quieter.

Then there's the gain and volume on the "amps" (but I'm not sure if this actually affects the output loudness)

The gain knob on the Itrack Dock has a "halo" which flashes red when turned up too high. That only seems to apply with the interface knob though and nothing in the apps makes it go red so I don't think it's much use. (Or not?)

So I guess I'm just a little confused as to what level I should be adjusting for the eventual output to Auria Pro. Should I keep my interface gain knob at 0, and only adjust inside the amp sims? Or do I keep it below the halo going red, and adjust the levels inside the app to around the -18db range?

Something like:

Interface gain at 5

Amplitube input untouched, output untouched.

Bias FX input untouched, output adjusted to -18 range

Sorry to go on, but I want to get it right, especially if it effects the overall quality of the amp tone.

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Re: Is this bad practice?

Post by wigglelights » Wed Apr 13, 2016 3:59 pm

In the digital world, red is bad! Always keep the dock's input "below" red.
I don't have Bias, but in general if it hits the red there, you will be sending a clipped signal to Auria. Ere on the side of too low, you can always process the track in Auria to bring the level up. Also, if need be, you can adjust the input gain to Auria with a long press on the Record button. But don't send it a clipped signal!

Do a search on Gain Structure of you want the specifics - even if it's a non-iOS article the rules remain the same.

Best of luck!

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Re: Is this bad practice?

Post by Gary » Thu Apr 14, 2016 12:13 pm

I have the same setup. I'm no expert by any means but for me I get the best results by setting Auria's record level to - 18 db. I set the dock's gain so it's green but just under red at full strum. I'm not as concerned about the app output unless I notice it's creating noticeable/audible distortion of the United-wanted variety. I try to run most hardware high output just under distorted levels to try and attain high / clean signal levels.

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