Hard to record a track using IAA, Audiobus or midi

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Hard to record a track using IAA, Audiobus or midi

Post by Olivenoire » Wed Apr 06, 2016 7:36 am


Auria pro 2,04 / iPad Air 2 iOS 9.3.1

Not sure to inderstand everything in Auria and midi hope I will be clear (English not my mother tongue too)

It seems really really hard to records my sounds on Auria. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Hard to understand if I use IAA or Audiobus. MIDI does not records everytimes on piano rol.

I would like to know the step by step,operation to record using using

- Audiobus
- midi

For example, what do I need to open as a first app?

- Auria?
- Auria bus?
- my instrument?

Or I need to open by myself or let Audiobus open it.

In fx (Auria) what to use in channel strip? MIDI control instrument or channel output or channel strip?

Is there a comprehensive list of compatible app. I use to use Impc ( seems not good), Thor, figure, animoog, ielectribe. What is really IAA or midi compliant with Auria. Do I need to replace by other apps?

Something else, is it a bug or wrong use by myself?

- sometimes no sound output at all. I need to force quit every app.
- sometimes Auria seems stuck in recording mode for an unknown reason. (Red bar on other screen). Once again I need to force quit.
- when I succeed to record a track, it is inserted on a special track (probably created by IAA) and push all the other track, forcing me to select one by one using multi select and put them at the right place. Is there a way to avoid this

I know this is lot of question, but after 1 week trying, I'm unable to play or record what I want.

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Re: Hard to record a track using IAA, Audiobus or midi

Post by kaikoo » Wed Apr 06, 2016 11:25 am

There is deep learning curve ahead to your question!

Remember to separate what you want to record? midi? Or Audio?

If Audio, your option is IAA Audio on right side of channel strip, or you can use Audiobus to connect to Auria for audio recording. It is very easy to do audio recording!

For Figure, Thor and Animoog, you can use IAA audio channel strip, no worry.

If Midi recording, your option limited to IAA instrument, or just pure midi channel selection on IAA midi instrument with empty (off) for IAA instrument insert.

For Animoog, you choose 'output' to Animoog (virtual) destination, you should also put Animoog on IAA instrument insert!
You need to have hand for input midi notes on a track, with both Auria and Animoog background 'on'. You need to define channel, and choose to send clock and notes and receive notes on the back of Auria Pro. If you want to inputing midi notes from Animoog to Auria, you need Animoog IAP purchase in that case, you then select Auria 'input (source)' on IAA instrument for that case, or otherwise use third party sequencer or arp to do that on 'input'.

For Thor, you can only select Midi input and output, you can not find IAA instrument for Thor on Auria, because Thor is not IAA instrument option selection on midi track.

It is buggy to play Thor midi recording to Auria, it needs update on IAA and midi development!

Both Animoog and Thor have no IAA transport panel, so flipping apps is a pain!

For Figure, I advise you use Audiobus or IAA audio recording.

You has one week experiences, so take time to learn more! Auria Pro is a stable environment for me! Especially for midi recording! If you want a song or music tracks, you bet on Auria is for sure! If you only concentrate on loop, phrase, or live performance, you don't pick Auria! Auria is highest standard for music track creation. Get some good synth apps, there are lots for you to learn.

No worries, ask more, and sure everyone can help you here. :D

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Re: Hard to record a track using IAA, Audiobus or midi

Post by Olivenoire » Wed Apr 06, 2016 2:04 pm


TY for your fast reply.
Some great informations, indeed. I will check every information you give me.

My aim is to record a song, actually I need to make up my mind plus and delta about midi (I really learning it) and will work only with records.

I will probably go record at first step. But midi is an objective.

I will put some other questions later. Probably about Logic Pro and import /export.

iCloud is missing here :)

I think Auria stuck in record mode is probably because of faulty IAA...

See you

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Re: Hard to record a track using IAA, Audiobus or midi

Post by kaikoo » Thu Apr 07, 2016 5:18 am

Nothing wrong on Auria IAA with midi!

To demo the IAA ports, Use AUM keyboard on channel 1 to send data to Auria Subgroup by using Auria subgroup IAA output ports. You can make more subgroups more than default 8 ports! Two Twin2 synths both tick channel 1 and then tick 'all' on 'input' for IAA instrument, then untick Output 1/2, then tick subgroup 1 for synth1 and subgroup 2 for synth2.

You arm the red buttons then press record, you then use AUM keyboard to record all your midi into Auria. So you can control many synths, you can have lots flexibilities with Auria and AUM.

This demo is just a more advanced setup to know your midi. You can even record your audio on AUM in this case, then send your copy of audios back to Auria.

Take it serious and easy! :?
Auria Twin2 with AUM setup 1
Auria Twin2 with AUM setup 2
Auria Twin2 with AUM setup 3

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Re: Hard to record a track using IAA, Audiobus or midi

Post by Olivenoire » Fri Apr 08, 2016 10:27 am


TY again. I do not even know the aim of this app before you mention it. Seems to be the very next level for me.
AUM is a bit expensive but seems to complete Auria for midi connection.

I probably need some other soft, more midi compliant instead of Impc Thor etc...

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Re: Hard to record a track using IAA, Audiobus or midi

Post by kaikoo » Fri Apr 08, 2016 12:42 pm

Olivenoire wrote:Hi

TY again. I do not even know the aim of this app before you mention it. Seems to be the very next level for me.
AUM is a bit expensive but seems to complete Auria for midi connection.

I probably need some other soft, more midi compliant instead of Impc Thor etc...
You can also use Apollo MIDI OVER BLUETOOTH on your iPhone, or another iPad with Soundprism Pro (or Link edition) , Navichord, Chordup, Arpeggionome, So you do visually playing Twin2 and seeing any knobs for tweaking. All works for me inside Auria environment. Just find a way to work for you.


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Re: Hard to record a track using IAA, Audiobus or mi

Post by Olivenoire » Fri Apr 08, 2016 2:05 pm


I will have to see what will be my next investments

I've bought NAVE. Not a big fan compare to others synth I own but it seems okay with Auria for midi input.

Problem, notes are well recorded in piano roll. (Edition is a pain, nothing to see where is the note). But this is not the good sound when playing. Actually it only records note not sound. Maybe it is normal. So I really wonder how to do when I will play 2 sounds on 2 tracks with one synth. Probably I will need an another iPad?

Actually my problem is I will probably need to forget midi input but work with wav, until I understand extacly how to setup the thing
I will find.

But the real problem is more important. Actually I can't hear any sound. It appears very offen. I really wonder if the iPad does not bug when switching from one music app to an another

And finally, Auria is always stuck in record mode. I need everytime I use it to force quit. Unable to remove the red bar on screen. This is strange an really annoying.

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Re: Hard to record a track using IAA, Audiobus or midi

Post by Washboy » Fri Apr 08, 2016 2:48 pm

@Olivenoire : The red bar does not mean that Auria is stuck in record mode, even though iOS says, "Auria Pro (Recording)". Auria does not create the red bar - iOS does! It simply means that Auria is in Background Audio mode.

Auria can be set to Background Audio mode manually via 'Menu -> Settings -> General (Tab) -> App Background Audio Mode:'=ON. The default is OFF. However, when using IAA apps within Auria, or using Auria within AudioBus, background audio mode is automatically forced on.

So, don't worry about the red bar. There's no need to force close anything to get rid of it unless its presence offends you :lol:

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Re: Hard to record a track using IAA, Audiobus or midi

Post by krzycrs » Fri Apr 08, 2016 4:37 pm

@Olivenoire multiple instances of synths = audio units (au) tech, if you want several tracks of an iaa synth like nave, you can arrange separate finished recordings on them via audiopaste, or set up a midi track and record your performance there, with no instrument loaded, and midi input from nave, and a second midi track where you can drag such a recorded note sequence and point the midi output port back into nave, and record on an audio-track with nave plugged in the channel strip insert. Eventually (:

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Re: Hard to record a track using IAA, Audiobus or midi

Post by campbell29 » Sat Apr 09, 2016 5:42 am

kaikoo wrote:
Olivenoire wrote:Hi

TY again. I do not even know the aim of this app before you mention it. Seems to be the very next level for me.
AUM is a bit expensive but seems to complete Auria for midi connection.

I probably need some other soft, more midi compliant instead of Impc Thor etc...
You can also use Apollo MIDI OVER BLUETOOTH on your iPhone, or another iPad with Soundprism Pro (or Link edition) , Navichord, Chordup, Arpeggionome, So you do visually playing Twin2 and seeing any knobs for tweaking. I am not saying it is an accident, because when it is an accident, it is not that subtle. This is mentioned above and some people commented. When you see the message about it here, you will see the page and you can see that it works fine. All works for me inside Auria environment. Just find a way to work for you.

Used Arpeggionome and Navichord with zero problems. I agree, works great with auria, nothing to complain here. IAA works fine with mine though but yes I'm also curious if auria has/have specific midi apps that have high compatibility? Thanks
Last edited by campbell29 on Tue Oct 17, 2017 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hard to record a track using IAA, Audiobus or midi

Post by kaikoo » Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:28 am

campbell29 wrote:
kaikoo wrote:
Olivenoire wrote:Hi

TY again. I do not even know the aim of this app before you mention it. Seems to be the very next level for me.
AUM is a bit expensive but seems to complete Auria for midi connection.

I probably need some other soft, more midi compliant instead of Impc Thor etc...
You can also use Apollo MIDI OVER BLUETOOTH on your iPhone, or another iPad with Soundprism Pro (or Link edition) , Navichord, Chordup, Arpeggionome, So you do visually playing Twin2 and seeing any knobs for tweaking. All works for me inside Auria environment. Just find a way to work for you.

Used Arpeggionome and Navichord with zero problems. I agree, works great with auria, nothing to complain here. IAA works fine with mine though but yes I'm also curious if auria has/have specific midi apps that have high compatibility? Thanks
Midi in iOS world is at all developers wills. There is no standard way to implement. Fortunately, most apps work ok. I do not worry too much about. There could be more problems if it involves with IAA. Auria's IAA implementation has higher IAA restriction that apps must has 'IAA instrument' title to work on Midi. Therefore, you can not see Gadget within Auria Instrument insert slot. You can have midi out from Auria to Gadget, but you can not recording Gadget's midi data to Auria by using IAA instrument slot. Compatibility is a hard thing to define here!

Last edited by kaikoo on Sat Apr 09, 2016 10:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hard to record a track using IAA, Audiobus or midi

Post by kaikoo » Sat Apr 09, 2016 10:34 am


Let me show you and people how to play and record midi melody by using a new app called 'Chordup'. It is too fantastic! :wink:

If you carefully following my procedure and understand the route for this, you should be very fine, there is no orders for the setting, so which app first is not relevant.

Apps: Auria P, Animoog, StepPolyArp (SPA) , Chordup.

1, I do not want Chordup to mix between Auria, Animoog, I only want to send midi data to tell SPA to play certain notes, so use Channel2 to separate from Channel 1. Channel 2 only goes to SPA 'midi in' out from Chordup.

2. The SPA sync page must tick Auria! Why? Because SPA must know the tempo, the tempo is controlled by Auria. Therefore Auria can quantize the notes from SPA well.

3. Auria 'midi input' (destination) insert slot should tick StepPolyArp, so you has 'midi out' from SPA, therefore, you should tick 'Auria' on StepPolyArp 'midi out' page. You should provide channel 1 in this case on both Auria and StepPolyArp.

4. Animoog is going to the IAA instrument, it is also the midi destination which listens from the source (midi source is StepPolyArp) to know in real time where the midi data is coming in. Thus, on Animoog 'midi in' options, you must provide StePolyArp on channel 1 to let Animoog know the source keyboard.

5. Auria midi setting page on the back, you should tell Auria to send clock to SPA. It is important to know that it is not a necessary process by Auria to send clock to Animoog and send midi notes info to Animoog! Why? Because Animoog is the IAA instrument only here in this case! It is on IAA instrument slot, the Animoog IAA knows what Auria's tempo is and knows what notes are from Auria. Many people confuse this with virtual midi. It has nothing to do with Animoog's 'midi in' in this case, because the 'midi in' is the StepPolyArp, which provides midi data to Auria. Photo no. 5 (send midi data out to Auria) below is the most difficult to understand concept here! You tick StepPolyArp out to Auria, not StepPolyArp to Animoog.

Generally speaking, you should send midi out to synth app if there is no DAW, but in this case, Animoog seatd inside IAA, you send midi out to Auira, Auria control Animoog, therefore, you should not send SPA midi data to synth apps! It is too difficult to allow public to understand here. You need DIY experiences here.

6. Don't forget to have backgroud Audio on Animoog and Auria.

Now you have a new tool, 'Chordup'! And Animoog is such beauty with Chordup; so buy it, you will be surprise that Chordup is such a well designed tool to complement.

I will stop here, hope you understand this is an intertwined 4 apps midi setup. Once you try more, you can chain more apps in between. It is not necessary to have Ableton Link and AU format with AUM, but if have those function and mixing thingie, you have more power to many apps together!


8 photos for your reference.
1. Chordup app midi out to SPA
8. Animoog (destination) midi in ticking SPA (source)
7. Auria send clock to SPA
6. Put Animoog on Auria Instrument slot and Midi in from StepPolyArp
5. Send midi data out to Auria
4. Midi clock out to SPA from Auria pro
3. Chordup to spa
2. chordup midi channel on 2
Last edited by kaikoo on Sat Apr 09, 2016 2:56 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Hard to record a track using IAA, Audiobus or midi

Post by krzycrs » Sat Apr 09, 2016 12:32 pm

@kaikoo nice, appreciated (; I'm currently thinking about incorporating modstep and aum with auria, maybe we could dedicate a thread for next level intertwiningness :D cu, crs

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Re: Hard to record a track using IAA, Audiobus or midi

Post by Olivenoire » Sun Apr 10, 2016 4:42 am

Hi all,

I want to thank you all for your involvement
Vvery detailed information, valuable at possible, really I appreciate.

I've just bought AUM, need to test everything written in this topic.
I will check check chordup too. Seems power full too. I think I will have to spend some more time to perfect and understand how midi works and interface app with other


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Re: Hard to record a track using IAA, Audiobus or midi

Post by Olivenoire » Sun Apr 10, 2016 4:46 am

And specially @ kaikoo

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