Jam Origin's MIDI guitar 2 users?

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Jam Origin's MIDI guitar 2 users?

Post by wmwm » Fri Feb 05, 2016 9:14 pm

Are there any users of the MIDI Guitar 2 app in conjunction with Auria?

If so, what is your experience with the apps when used together?

I've been looking for somthing like this but I read it is CPU intensive on one core so make of the device it's used on is an important detail.

If there are any users here, how was the set up and performance for you?

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Re: Jam Origin's MIDI guitar 2 users?

Post by Gary » Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:01 am

After emailing the developers it appears there is no support for IAA or Audiobus so i dont see a huge bonus in the recrording world. I tried the demo ... Abit of a cpu hog. I wasnt impressed with the sound, plus its pretty pricey.

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Re: Jam Origin's MIDI guitar 2 users?

Post by wmwm » Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:12 am

Thanks Gary for responding
Ah, well, The IAA thing would be useful for recording its built in sounds but I was more concerned with controlling Lyra, Twin 2 and One with it via Midi. The piano sounds or what ever it has built in can be had through Lyra or what not...if that function is working.

I hear ya on the spendy part, hence this post.

I have heard (and experienced in the past) that the MIDI guitar program and app are the best performing guitar to MIDI translator developed, and that was coming from their competition. The app seems to be slightly slower, latencey wise, than the program.

But I was wondering about how it performs with Auria, weather they compete for resource and if the intended functionality of Midi control of Lyra and the Fabfilter synths is working...polyphonically.

Can they output of MIDI Guitar 2 be captured in the Auria piano roll?

Can anyone confirm these, I'd hate to waste another 30? (!)

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Re: Jam Origin's MIDI guitar 2 users?

Post by Glennonator » Sat Feb 06, 2016 4:35 pm

MIDI guitar 2 does work with Auria and Lyra. I have played around with it a bit and recorded the midi it produces. There is quite a bit of lag though on my iPad Air 2. It might be better on a pro. I would recommend playing around with the demo version before forking over any cash. You have to play very cleanly to get midi guitar to output any useful midi and the lag can be really off putting but it is possible. Hope that helps.

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Re: Jam Origin's MIDI guitar 2 users?

Post by wmwm » Sun Feb 07, 2016 12:16 pm

Thanks for the information Glenonator, after reading your post I had a Homer Simpson DOAH! moment. I didn't realize the app was functional without purchase, albiet it throws interuptions in there.

My experience was simular to yours; I was able to use my guitar to controll the Built in instruments In Auria with what felt like a slight delay. This was at 128 buffer settings.

I was happy to see that I was able to sucessfully capture the MIDI output into the piano roll and found your comment of needing to "Play clean" to be true, although turing up the threshold in MIDI Gitar app did help me alot. I was able to Play polyphonically and also bend notes, very cool.

Resource wise I did not run into any issues though my tests were pretty simple projects. MIDI Guitar also has a resource meter that spiked from time to time.

Connecting MIDI Guitar to WaveGenerator Directly (no Auria) seemed to feel like less Latencey, although I have no way to actually measure this, just feeling. So playing the apps with MIDI Guitar and captuing the Audio output in Auria seems the best laten option.

All in all I like the app used in conjunction with Auria, but will wait to see if things are improved latencey wise, either 64 in Auria or some tweaks in MIDI Guitar.
On to the next episode.
Last edited by wmwm on Mon Feb 08, 2016 3:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Jam Origin's MIDI guitar 2 users?

Post by richardyot » Mon Feb 08, 2016 5:01 am

I just used MIDI Guitar 2 over the weekend to record some bass parts for a track and I thought it worked extremely well.

I set the latency to 128 in Auria, and made sure to set the noise gate in MIDI Guitar relatively high to minimise the amount of unwanted notes, and by setting the transpose options to -1 octave I got some great bass parts using my guitar to drive the bass instruments in Lyra.

I've tried many methods of recording guitar as bass in iOS, and while you can get decent enough results using the Octaver pedals in Tonestack or Amplitube, this method is the best yet for me, with the added bonus of being MIDI so the timing can be edited after the fact.

Personally I find the latest version of MIDI Guitar to be really good, you can drive synths and it's actually very forgiving of your playing style, and can capture a lot of nuances, including vibrato and hammer-ons etc...

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Re: Jam Origin's MIDI guitar 2 users?

Post by jazztastic » Mon Feb 08, 2016 11:35 am

I tried that same thing, using MIDI Guitar 2 to trigger a bass patch in Lyra, but MIDI Guitar seems to be commandeering my audio interface output away from Auria Pro. Probably something simple, but what am I missing?

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Re: Jam Origin's MIDI guitar 2 users?

Post by richardyot » Mon Feb 08, 2016 11:59 am

You need to record-enable the MIDI track, and make sure the MIDI input is set to MIDI guitar. It should work.

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Re: Jam Origin's MIDI guitar 2 users?

Post by wmwm » Mon Feb 08, 2016 3:56 pm

I corrected my last post, 128 was my buffer not 256. appologies

@jazztastic, I also experienced strange occrances with my audio interface(Focusritte) and the MIDI Guitar app, I had to unplug and replug my interface in to resolve. The lights were flashing on and off as if continually resetting.

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Re: Jam Origin's MIDI guitar 2 users?

Post by DavePDX » Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:33 pm

I hadn't tried this in quite awhile, and I have to say, I'm quite impressed with the tracking on this. I've owned a couple of hardware MIDI guitar setups in the past, and this really seems to be as good or better than the best of those. As with every MIDI guitar setup I've used, you have to play very cleanly and a bit slower than normal, but for me, this is a very worthwhile tool. It plays very well with Auria for me (iPad Mini 4), but having a fair amount of MIDI guitar experience, my expectations were quite low.

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