Midi notes playback problem with beatmaker2 and other apps

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Neon Taylor
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Midi notes playback problem with beatmaker2 and other apps

Post by Neon Taylor » Fri Jan 22, 2016 10:59 am

well I just got my ipad pro to make music exclusively and I want auria pro to be my main DAW but im having playback issues....I route beatmaker2 to the proper channels and record, I can see the notes but no freaking sound unless I switch the input of BM in Auria to output....and that only works because auria is controlling the sounds in BM......I haven't been able to make any music since auria pro came out cause im too busy and determined to figure out whats going on, its really frustrating and its killing my inspiration especially when I paid 50 dollars for and app that has issues connecting to other apps when I have 10 dollar apps that have no problem with midi connection......I mean I can use audiobus but I rather have everything work as advertised

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Re: Midi notes playback problem with beatmaker2 and other ap

Post by Rim » Fri Jan 22, 2016 11:19 am

This should be a very simple setup. Normally you would just insert the app as an IAA in Auria, then arm the track and press record and play. I assume you're trying to record the audio of beatmaker into Auria?


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Re: Midi notes playback problem with beatmaker2 and other ap

Post by Neon Taylor » Fri Jan 22, 2016 11:26 am

correct but when I play back the notes that I just got done recording I hear nothing

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Re: Midi notes playback problem with beatmaker2 and other ap

Post by Rim » Fri Jan 22, 2016 11:27 am

You're recording notes? I thought you're recording audio, not midi.


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Re: Midi notes playback problem with beatmaker2 and other ap

Post by Neon Taylor » Fri Jan 22, 2016 11:33 am

i come from Propellerhead reasons and been making music on the ipad for the past 2 years but im still a little novice on some things, how would I be able to record the audio (my bad, not the notes) from BM to auria without using audiobus?

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Re: Midi notes playback problem with beatmaker2 and other ap

Post by rickwaugh » Fri Jan 22, 2016 2:09 pm

The tracks need to be audio tracks, not midi tracks. So add them as mono or stereo. Then in the FX slot, you want to select your synth. That puts in as an IAA instrument. Arm them of course. You should then be able to record the audio.

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Re: Midi notes playback problem with beatmaker2 and other ap

Post by Neon Taylor » Fri Jan 22, 2016 2:21 pm

many thanks fam, thanks helped a bunch!

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Re: Midi notes playback problem with beatmaker2 and other ap

Post by JointSmith » Thu Jan 28, 2016 7:47 am

I am actually super interested into knowing how to do it with midi.

I have been trying for hours to get other apps midi into auria and then playback

Sampletank can triggered so if I hit the piano roll keys I hear the instrument playing from Sampletank
BUT I cannot record midi into auria from sample tank. a blank region in auria is appearing

With beatmaker2 it's the oposite. I get midi recorded into auria from BM but the when I play back, nothing. Beatmaker is not trigger therefor no sound is played.

I purshased MidiFlow but in I still can't get it to work. This is driving me insane. How come there is this illusion that all will work, sampletank showing up in the setting, auria in and out being display in beatmaker, all these making you believe that it can work, all apps seeing each other HOWEVER nothing works....


[EDIT] I have now purshased MidiBridge . OK with that one, i'm able to record beatmaker's midi into auria and play the midi track in auria triggering beatmake's sound...AWESOME BUT I am STILL not able to record sampletank's midi.

I really need someone to shine a light on these stuff. Thank you.
Last edited by JointSmith on Thu Jan 28, 2016 8:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Midi notes playback problem with beatmaker2 and other ap

Post by Rim » Thu Jan 28, 2016 7:57 am

MIDI can be tricky, as there are so many settings in each of the apps... A few things to check:

- Make sure Auria has it's Background Audio Mode setting enabled. Otherwise it will go to sleep when you close it to go to the other app
- Make sure your other app has MIDI Output enabled. A lot of apps have MIDI output disabled by default. And some apps don't output MIDI at all, only input
- Make sure Auria is selected in the other app's MIDI output section
- IAA can't be used to record MIDI (IAA only supports MIDI in one direction - from the host to the app). So if you want to record MIDI into Auria, it must be done using the app opened separately and using CoreMIDI, not IAA.


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Re: Midi notes playback problem with beatmaker2 and other ap

Post by JointSmith » Thu Jan 28, 2016 9:00 am

Hi Rim,

(see my edit in previous post)
Thank you for your quick reply.
Yes indeed, sooo many settings !!!
I'm starting to believe that Sampletank does not have midi out and that's probably why even with Midibridge it just doen't record any midi into Auria. Just amazing that it doesn't being a music app pfffff......

Now ,
"Make sure Auria is selected in the other app's MIDI output section"
Before even purchasing midibridge I saw for exemple in beatmaker auria in and auria out. I thought that this was IT but it seems that this input/output is doing nothing. I had to have midibridge create a virtual one that sits at the same place in the iput and output table but this one works. 50 euro.....so many settings.....so many options....but fundamental conection doesn't work....your AURIA port doens't send anything.

"IAA can't be used to record MIDI". So why do we have a video online showing ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6c7K8V5LAw0 ) the animoog app for exemple being used to record midi into auria and maybe, cause he doesn't actually hit play but it look like it would play back as well from auria.

finally what are your experiences and of course the user's experience? what app worked with what setting for midi recording and playback after. Have you been able to record any midi into auria? PLEASE share.

Thank you

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Anthony Alves
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Re: Midi notes playback problem with beatmaker2 and other ap

Post by Anthony Alves » Thu Jan 28, 2016 9:13 am

its important to note a few things about Auria Pros midi. If you want to input midi from an app and have that midi play back to that app you must set your midi input device and output device in the midi settings. Choosing the right midi instrument is key here as this is where you choose which midi app will play that midi tracks parts. You can choose other apps here too. This is during the midi input stage. Once the app is loaded it will now appear in the midi output option slot. It is also important to note that when a midi app is loaded into the FX slot of an audio channel, that midi app will now appear in the midi output option slot on any midi track. The midi channel is important as well. Beatmaker 2 is multitimbral so setting the midi channel for playback is important. If you want to hear BeatMakers audio when triggering its midi from Auria ( only if you can't hear the app )you must inset BeatMaker 2 into a Stereo channel of Auria Pro. Then put that track into record ready. Auria Pro will now play those midi notes out that specific midi channel out to that specific app and that apps audio will be monitored on the audio channel with the app inserted into it. All this input problems can be easily overcome by using a hardware midi keyboard to input your midi notes as not all apps will output their midi note data to another app so using the midi keyboard solves this issue. Auria Pro is wired internally the same way its wired to handle external midi and audio at the same time. I can send midi to my Arturia Minibrute by sending the midi data that is recorded on a track out a specific midi channel sent to my iConnect Mdi2 which is hooked up to my Arturia Minibrute and the audio out of the Arturia Minibrute into my audio interface and set to a rec ready enabled audio track in Auria Pro. So all the wiring is the same when done internally as well and then some. Cheers and hope this helps some as Auria Pro is full of impressive routing. Trust me it can be done as I use these setups everyday and apps included.

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Re: Midi notes playback problem with beatmaker2 and other ap

Post by JointSmith » Thu Jan 28, 2016 10:21 am

Thank you so much for this reply Anthony!

I will look at it and try what you are explaining tonight!

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Re: Midi notes playback problem with beatmaker2 and other ap

Post by JointSmith » Fri Jan 29, 2016 3:26 am

Hello Anthony and Rim,

hmmmmm...your explaination were clear and the logic behind is the one I had since I come from PC music making where we always have that audio track connected to the synth to output the sound coming out of diverse midi track triggering that synth BUT I cou;ldn't get it to work. Here is what I did. (The issue now is to get beatmaker triggered since recording its midi was fairly simple)

SO 2 tracks like you said
Track 1 MIDI (containing the recorded midi)
- instrument off - if I select beatmaker I won't be able to load it in the fx channel on my audio track -> error of trying to use the IAA twice
- channel 1
- output : track2 beatmaker (you were right, an output appear when inserting BM2 in the audio track 's channel strip)

Track 2 AUDIO
- beatmaker inserted and sound coming out of BM is coming into Auria
- record ready blinking

BM2 midi settings
- Auria in and out selected in the midi routing section
- instrument set to channel 1 input and output

NOTHING.... :-( what did I do wrong cause that logic perfectly make sense.

As soon as I start midibridge and put that midibridge in the output of that midi track and turn it on in BM2 it works. Again, I couldn't agree more that the routing option of Auria seem to be really advanced and I normally shouldn't have to use midibridge I believe.
Last edited by JointSmith on Fri Jan 29, 2016 4:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Midi notes playback problem with beatmaker2 and other ap

Post by mschenkel » Fri Jan 29, 2016 4:34 am

I just tried to recreate your setup with Sunrizer since I don't own BM.
Everything worked fine: midi playback and audio recording and clock sync. Got only two minor issues: in a first moment using IAA midi(am I right it is MIDI through IAA?) out skipped the very first note on message at first play but once it looped it was fine and this problem wasn't encountered with CoreMidi out. Dunno how dunno why in a second moment it was working. A second "issue", which is physiological, is a small latency between MIDI and recorded audio: 689smpls @ 44.1KHz, 512 smpls buffer aka 0.031s aka 1/30 s.
Switched the buffer size to 128 and the latency was the same but I got some more volume in the record :?: :?
https://www.dropbox.com/s/kye8swk30wiux ... 3.png?dl=0

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Re: Midi notes playback problem with beatmaker2 and other ap

Post by JointSmith » Fri Jan 29, 2016 5:35 am

So I've bought Sunrizer JUST to test it out!

One major difference is that BM2 does not show in the CoreMidi (only network session is available)
When I loaded sunrizer into that audio track and then chose Plug-ins: track 2 sunrizer it did the opposite as you, the first note played half then stops and nothing else.
IF I chose sunrizer in the CoreMidi section then no problem and indeed it is all working.

Have you been able to record midi into auria playing the sunrizer. I chose midi in and out -> sunrizer (coreMidi)
Nothig's recorded.....grrrrr each app has its own thing.... I thought coreMidi and IAA was a standard...

Back to BM2, I would love to know if Anthony has been able to make it work WITH bm2 selected as plug-ins / channel 1 or all / input Off in the midi track and BM2 loaded in the channel strip of the audio track.

Recording the audio of these app is great BUT beeing able to record them in Midi to be able to tweak the notes etc is SO much better. I really want to figure this out.

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