Email from Rim

For general questions or discussion of Auria.

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Re: Email from Rim

Post by rossFen » Thu Dec 24, 2015 3:52 pm

Kcearl wrote:
Nenox wrote:Unwarrented comments?

Rim brought up the subject in an e-mail to us all and someone decided to repost it here.

I'm not complaining, simply saying why I choose not to upgrade at this point and that I did'd get full value from the previous release (other than trying and learning the software a bit) like Rim assumes in his e-mail. Regardless I take full responcibility for buying early :-)

Please keep a good tone and happy holidays to all.

Its a typical tactic/response of those who have invested into any software, or hardware. It justifies their purchase.

I mean "How can anyone not be happy with this?"

Any question or opinion is "whinging" or "crying", before you know it we'll be calling them fanboys, and it'll all go tits up. ;)

If Rim wants to surround himself with sycophants he has the ideal vehicle for this in here. Me, Ill be on the rest of the internet discussing what I think is good, bad, value, not value. And that's just the way it is.
This thread interests me.

First of all, correct me if I’m wrong here, but if the price of Auria was/is $25, and the upgrade price is $40, how does that add up to $90? I’m new to the app, so maybe I’m missing something.

AP could realistically be $90. I think what people are saying here is that you have no realistic concept of what Auria Pro is worth. That’s our view of the world. It has nothing to do with some allegiance to a particular product or developer. No need to justify my purchase. I’m sure we’ve all complained about apps we bought that truly did fall way short of their promise. AP has easily lived up to its promise, despite some people misinterpreting the price. It’s a absolute bargain if measured against the competition, considering the content and what went in as far as development time, even for people who made the mistake of buying something they didn’t need when it was just audio and have to pay more in total. And Auria looks like a good bargain for people who don’t need what Pro does. If you don’t think so, go make music with whatever suits you better.

What are you trying to accomplish here? You’re not really a user, so you’re not in a position to know the app in any detail. If you’re intention is to provide a platform for enthusiastic users to talk about what a bargain it is as a reaction to your complaining, then I suppose we can thank you for that. :)

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Re: Email from Rim

Post by ben5001 » Wed Jan 06, 2016 5:41 am

Because the "theme" is so popular, I post my answer. Sorry for my very bad english.

Dear Rim,

It's not necessary to explain your reasoning for the pricing of the Auria Pro. It's your decision. Someone buy the Pro version for this price, someone not. This is the customer's decision.
I'm the one from a few (a lot of?) people who bought the Auria 1.0 right after released for the declared "special introductory price", 49.99 USD.

But this price was never "special introductory price", this remains the regular price.

Instead of the "special introductory price", after five months there was a big (50%) sale for two days.

I think, this was not fair for the "first" customers. Customers who paying for a new, unknown, "untested", "unreviewed" product right after released.

Because of this some/many customer will not upgrading to the Pro version until a sale... or never.

Best Regards

P.S.: Auria is a great product, really! I like it!
P.S.2: Sorry for my bad english.

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Re: Email from Rim

Post by Jus » Wed Jan 06, 2016 8:12 am

I had a little moan about the upgrade price

But ended up just buying Auria Pro seperate with Xmas iTunes vouchers

What I will say After buying Pro and downloading all the stuff with it

It's well under priced

If the upgrade is 30 from Auria , seperate pro should be at least £60

Perhaps that's what I should of just said in the first place 8)

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Re: Email from Rim

Post by Johow » Wed Jan 06, 2016 11:00 am

I remember reading the initial Auria Pro announcement and I recall that the only thing promised by Rim was that there would be a upgrade discount for people who already own Auria. There was a lot of speculation by users as to what the price and discount might be. What we got was a hell of a lot of recording power for our money and an app that is worth every cent of the price. I chose to simply buy the new product because I felt like I want to support someone who obviously cares a great deal about giving his customers the best product he can deliver. The original announcement thread is still here if you care to go back and read it. The only source of confusion is in the speculation by forum readers about what it might cost and this is unfortunate as the delivered product is such a great value at the price being asked, let alone the 20% discount that has been offered.
Let's talk about how to use this great app and stop complaining so the developer can move on to fine tuning it and developing more great tools. Let's make music!!!
Air2 128GB, Auria Pro, Loopy, various apps in my collection. Assorted microphones, old m-audio mini keyboard, home made E-drum set, can of rocks, a bunch of home made acoustic and electric guitars, Basses, mandolins and guitjos, +other noise making toys.

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Re: Email from Rim

Post by Radside » Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:03 pm

^^^Well said...where's that "like" button?

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Re: Email from Rim

Post by sodium » Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:16 pm

Meanwhile, Auria Pro is kicking SERIOUS butt over my way and keeps getting updated almost as much as Reaper.....what's not to like?!?!

"get down off that cross we could use the wood..."

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Re: Email from Rim

Post by Omighty » Fri Jan 08, 2016 12:09 am

I was originally one of those ppl complaining about the upgrade price, it didn't seem fair at first. Some users paid $50+$39.99 for the upgrade some paid $25+$39.99 to upgrade all which amounts to more than what new users purchasing Auria Pro will have to pay and have and for same feature set. But after seeing how much support this one guy puts into this product won it for me. The fact that we all found Auria worth it at the time of purchase means we got our money's worth. The new improvements and upgrade is worth $40, Auria Pro as its entirety is worth $90. Again the only part remotely unfair is when you compare the price to the Pro price. Now he gives a little something more for the ones who actually spent more. I no longer see any reason at all for anyone including myself to be mad about the price. I've also apologized awhile ago. TBH if it was my app I would have charged you all $100 out the gate. :mrgreen:

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Re: Email from Rim

Post by rossFen » Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:37 am

The day you buy an app determines what you pay. Was it not on discount when you bought it? Is it unfair that other people got to pay less because they happened to buy it at a different time than you? Have you never bought software only to find that there’s a new version soon after, and that to upgrade you must buy all over again at full price? While brand new buyers are then getting the latest version for half as much as you?

Apple has created some crazy expectations with the iPad and App Store. If you’re new to buying professional apps (programs) then this “unfairness” is nothing new. Don’t sweat it.

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