Email from Rim

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Email from Rim

Post by AuriaStudios » Wed Dec 23, 2015 4:22 pm

I just wanted to publicly say thanks to Rim for his email to all of us Auria and Auria pro users. You have done a great job sir and many thanks for an amazing app that opened my mind to mobile production. Thanks for the midi files sir and for you outstanding customer service and relations. You being the sole developer you have done a lot of work and I wanted to commend you and thank you sir. Keep up the great work for an aspiring iOS hardware developer like myself.
Hi everyone,

It’s been almost three weeks since the launch of Auria Pro, and we’ve had a tremendous response! Auria Pro was an enormous undertaking to say the least. As the sole developer, I’ve spent nearly 10,000 hours writing it over a period of three years, so to finally launch was an amazing experience for me personally.

Some of my most loyal customers have expressed disappointment with the upgrade price, and I wanted to take some time to explain my reasoning for the pricing. Auria Pro is an entirely new product with over 50 new features, including MIDI support, real-time audio warping, two powerful synthesizers and a built-in EXS/SFZ sample player. It took me longer to write than the original Auria. Even so, I felt like giving my existing customers a break on this new product and decided a 20% discount was fair, especially since so many powerful new features were added.

Some of you have expressed opinions that since you bought the original Auria two years ago and paid $50, paying an additional $39 for the upgrade to Pro seemed like too much. In response to that, I’d like to point out that you’ve gotten to use Auria for two years. I hope you’ve felt like those two years have provided value for the money you originally spent. Auria Pro is a new product. And while it may have the same retail price as the original one, it’s an entirely new product with a lot more features than the original. I invested a lot of time, energy and love into Auria Pro, and I feel it’s fair to be compensated for my efforts.

There also may have been some confusion over the difference between an upgrade and an update. The same day I released Auria Pro, I also released a free update to all existing Auria users. This update took advantage of all the improvements in performance that went into Auria Pro. Over 100 bugs were fixed in this free update and the performance increases were substantial. For example, in many cases projects now use 20% less CPU than the previous version. This update is free of charge to all Auria users, and shouldn’t be confused with the paid upgrade to Auria Pro, which is an entirely new product.

As the owner of a small company, it’s very important that I feel all my customers are treated fairly. I want everyone to feel like they paid a fair price for what they got. So as a gesture of good will, I’ve decided to release a comprehensive library of MIDI drum loops free of charge to all original Auria customers who’ve upgraded to Pro. This library, from Drummer/Producer/Sound designer John Emrich contains over 200 MIDI groove files in 54 styles, and is now a free download in the Auria Store to all Auria and Auria LE users who have upgraded to Pro. Those who haven’t upgraded will also be able to purchase this library at a later date.

Thanks again for all your support and Happy Holidays!

Rim Buntinas

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Re: Email from Rim

Post by Steve White » Wed Dec 23, 2015 4:25 pm

I'll second that. :)
I totally understand the work that goes into an app so yes I'm very pleased the new Pro Version.

I'm sorry that not everyone agreed on the pricing and sorry that it compelled you to give away even more but thank you.

Merry Christmas!

Steve White
Last edited by Steve White on Wed Dec 23, 2015 4:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Email from Rim

Post by Nenox » Wed Dec 23, 2015 5:07 pm

I'm likewise. I got Auria, knowing full well that I would get more or less nothing done in Auria without MIDI. I too was banking on the upgrade to be 25$. If I had known, I would just have waited with my purchase. I'm not complaining at all, software takes time and I know you never promissed anything. Just saying it's kept me from taking the leap (also had to purchase Cubasis to hold me over, as things dragged on, which further adds to the price). Thanks for offering the loops though! :-) Cheers

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Re: Email from Rim

Post by AuriaStudios » Wed Dec 23, 2015 5:31 pm

this post was not mentioned for people crying about small amount of money paid for the app, yet people want to voice there opinions so I will now voice mines. Reapprove is a professional app that I use to make professional music that I used to sail I went from using an $800 ProTools program that has granted more features but it's $800 for your pro is 50 bucks and has 80% of the same features and a fraction of the price stop crying it's worth the money. It's a whole new app. You got a free updat to 2.0 witch in itself is great and free. Rim gave us a discount and didn't have too. Auria Pro is better than any mobile app on the planet period. Full fledge DAW $50 lol
Last edited by AuriaStudios on Wed Dec 23, 2015 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Email from Rim

Post by sodium » Wed Dec 23, 2015 5:45 pm

Hey Rim,

Tnx for the email.

People are going to whinge no matter what pricepoint you decide on. They'd even whinge if it was free, claiming they deserve a bunch of other free stuff to go with it..... *rolls eyes*

Me, I'd pay USD $100+ for such a fabulous beast. In fact in the Aussie app store it's listed for AUD $79.99. Cheap at half the price.

Buying it now.


Cheers and have a great holiday break!
Nick Andrews
Sydney Australia
"get down off that cross we could use the wood..."

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Re: Email from Rim

Post by rossFen » Wed Dec 23, 2015 5:47 pm

I didn’t buy Auria because I need MIDI. Now I plan to buy Pro because it looks like a great app, and I think it can do what I need. And a developer who is active and obviously wanting to fix and improve the app to meet customer’s needs is a huge plus. I believe that’s the way it should work. Don’t buy what you don’t need, or if you feel like donating to a cause with no strings attached, that’s fine too.

Not directed to anyone in particular, but the lesson is, get your promises from the horse’s mouth. If not sure, ask what is being offered and guaranteed, It would be good if people understood how this works, saving a lot of grief. A developer has to put up with unwarranted, unfair complaints that reflect negatively on a product that deserves better.

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Re: Email from Rim

Post by stromberg-carlson » Wed Dec 23, 2015 7:42 pm

What does this email say? I did not get it and yes I purchased Auria Pro outright.

Actually,I bought the iPad Pro JUST because of Auria. I make music like everyone else here but I am old school and use external gear (48 input mixing desk recording to a Fostex D2424LV and mastering to DAT). I am a die hard android fan but with this excellent app (Auria) and the Pro's large screen, this makes it fun to work on music whilst away from my gear.

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Re: Email from Rim

Post by Rim » Wed Dec 23, 2015 9:26 pm

I can assure you I never mentioned that MIDI functionality would ever be a free upgrade. And I've been very careful to never mention what the upgrade price would be. I only announced the upgrade price the day of the release.


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Re: Email from Rim

Post by Cpu Red » Wed Dec 23, 2015 9:33 pm

Im pretty sure the moderators here had clearly stated that they hadnt settled on an upgrade price in multiple threads. Thanks Rim for being an active developer. I appreciate it even more after waiting weeks for responses to problems with other apps from other developers.

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Re: Email from Rim

Post by rgrgeo » Wed Dec 23, 2015 10:43 pm

Thanks for the free Midi Loops, but I am not sure I am getting them.

I had no problem supporting such a great product, and developer. I even just sprung for some of the Fabfilters that are on sale. Completely pleased with every penny spent.

I just downloaded the free midi loops, took a split second, but don't see the loops in Lyra. I checked back in Store, Midi Loops still says free (not installed).

Am I missing something?

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Re: Email from Rim

Post by Old-Bugga » Wed Dec 23, 2015 11:34 pm

I can't beleive anybody would have the nerve to whinge. Rim delivered us a product that delivers what you would have had to pay tens of thousands of dollars for a few short years ago. He's turned the iPad into a SERIOUS tool that opens up a world of cheap music apps and fun.
When I think of the thousands of dollars I have wasted,over the years on PC based software, and the countless hours of frustration that came with trying to configure/route signals to work, Auria is the bargain of the decade!
I paid $250 for my first ever effects pedal. It was a Memeory Man Delay and did delay or chorus (not both).
How can anybody not open AUria and think they didn't get value for money?
Rim...thank you Sir from a very happy Scotsman.
Have a well earned break and enjoy yourself.
If you are ever in Scotland, give me a shout and I will show you the sights.

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Re: Email from Rim

Post by Denzkps » Thu Dec 24, 2015 12:23 am

Thank you Rim! I think it's great work and you made it, of course we waited so long but we got more than waited. It's not important how much money, but it's important that we have big opportunities of program and high quality and support. Many Thanks!!!

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Re: Email from Rim

Post by Nenox » Thu Dec 24, 2015 1:32 am

Unwarrented comments?

Rim brought up the subject in an e-mail to us all and someone decided to repost it here.

I'm not complaining, simply saying why I choose not to upgrade at this point and that I did'd get full value from the previous release (other than trying and learning the software a bit) like Rim assumes in his e-mail. Regardless I take full responcibility for buying early :-)

Please keep a good tone and happy holidays to all.

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Re: Email from Rim

Post by mtingle » Thu Dec 24, 2015 10:11 am

because Auria Pro opens legacy Auria standard and Lt projects, there is the implication that Auria Pro is in effect Auria PLUS some additional functionality that is only contained in the PRO version.

Now if Auria standard costs X$ and Auria Pro cost Y$ then logic suggests that the PRO features costs Y$ - X$, the difference.

If you can follow that you can see there is an implication as to the 'upgrade' cost that people seem to have expected.

The confusion comes, I believe, in the fact that Auria Pro is regarded as a 'NEW' app and not an upgrade, it is just very convenient that it opens standard Auria projects so the implied 'upgrade' cost is not to be taken into consideration.

Does that help?

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Re: Email from Rim

Post by Radside » Thu Dec 24, 2015 12:39 pm

I haven't seen the email being discussed here but clearly there are those of us who don't have a problem with the upgrade and there are those that do. We obviously have forum members from all over with different perspectives and at this point I don't see anyone changing their mind regardless of what's presented. My recommendation is for us to agree to disagree and move on in the interest of this being a venue to promote productivity. I've been members of other forums where the negativity and back and forth bickering kills an otherwise productive place to exchange information.

All are entititled to their opinions but I see little use in continuing to address threads that have no end in sight and I for one, plan to move on in the interest of keeping this a civil and productive forums. (The irony of me replying to this thread is not lost on me).

That's all...I'm moving on. Merry Christmas (fill in the blank with what works for you) to all. Enjoy the holidays if you celebrate them.

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