IAP Transfer,

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Re: IAP Transfer,

Post by Johow » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:12 am

Rim wrote:The best thing to do is go to the Auria Store and press the Restore Purchase button. This will restore any purchases you had made previously.

Well, Duh.... Thanks Rim, all is well!
Air2 128GB, Auria Pro, Loopy, various apps in my collection. Assorted microphones, old m-audio mini keyboard, home made E-drum set, can of rocks, a bunch of home made acoustic and electric guitars, Basses, mandolins and guitjos, +other noise making toys.

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Re: IAP Transfer,

Post by rickwaugh » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:40 am

Rim wrote:OK, thanks. I'll add this to the list to investigate. In the mean time, an easy workaround is to use iFunBox on your Mac/PC to manually transfer any folders from one version to the other. All these downloadable purchases are just folders (for example, the Golden Glue is in the IR Files folder).

Will do.

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Re: IAP Transfer,

Post by rickwaugh » Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:59 pm

Got them. Realized that my gog files didn't transfer, either. Copied them as well.

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Re: IAP Transfer,

Post by Tigermt » Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:44 pm

I just installed the Pro version after having installed and upgraded the LE version and I am having similar issues with 4 plugins that clearly show Installed in the LE version, yet will not Restore properly in the Pro version, I have followed all previously posted suggestions to insure successful restores and most are restoring just fine but these 4 will not;
ClassicVerb Pro
FabFilter Pro-G
PSP MicroWarmer
PSP PianoVerb2
If anyone has any suggestions as to how to remedy this, I would appreciate the advice, as these 4 plugins were over $75 and it would be nice to have access to these.

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Re: IAP Transfer,

Post by Rim » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:36 pm

I'm on the case, and will hopefully figure out what's going on soon. I've tried all these scenarios here, and it works every time, so it's really puzzling...


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Re: IAP Transfer,

Post by Dwayne » Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:33 am

Rim, does this help you work out what is happening?

In Auria, I have the following plugins in addition to the defaults:

Pro C
Pro Q
Overloud THM

They are all still active and installed in Auria.

In Auria Pro after several 'Restore Purchases', I have just the defaults. It pops up, 'Restoring Purchases', then 5 seconds later, 'Downloading' followed quickly by 'Purchases Restored... please allow time for purchases to download etc'. After about 30 seconds it pops up 'Decompressing Files'. I've tried leaving it for a few hours but nothing seems to happen.

Doing that in Auria Pro does not restore the above plugins. It does restore Retune though... Interesting because I had Retune active in Auria (for free back before it was removed). In Auria it is not installed and would require an IAP to use and does not restore when I 'Restore Purchases' in Auria.

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Re: IAP Transfer,

Post by Rim » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:49 am

I'd like to explain what's going on behind the scenes a bit:

Apple maintains a very closed system for its apps. So purchases made in one app are completely separate from purchases made in another app. If you own both Auria and Auria Pro, according to Apple, you have to re-purchase all your in-app content again if you want to have it in both Auria versions. These are simply Apple's rules.

However, if you don't have two separate Auria versions, but instead own Auria and decide to upgrade from within the app to Auria Pro, Apple still considers you an owner of the Auria app. So any in-app content you may have bought over the years is still there, and available to you after you upgrade to Pro from within the app.

There are a few issues that can arise with upgrades, and I'd like to address these:

If you own a copy of the standard Auria (or LE), and you upgrade to Pro from within the app, keep in mind that according to Apple, you still own the original app you bought. An in-app upgrade doesn't "turn your app into" the upgraded app. Apple doesn't have a mechanism to do that. The only thing an in-app upgrade does is turn on extra features (in this case all the features in Pro). But as far as Apple is concerned, you still only own the Auria app (or LE). So this can present a few challenges:

1. If you need to delete your app, and want to re-install it, make sure you choose the original app you bought. Otherwise, you'll get charged for buying something you don't own (according to Apple). In other words, if you bought Auria, then upgraded to Pro, you should choose Auria from the App Store when reinstalling it, not Auria Pro. Or if you have LE and you upgraded it to Pro, choose LE from the App Store. Remember, Apple thinks you still own LE. It might be an LE version with a whole lot of extra features turned on, but to them, you're still an LE owner. Trying to download Pro from the App Store will result in Apple charging you for it. I wish it weren't true, but this is the way the App Store works, and there's no way around it.

2. If you bought both apps (you have two icons on your iPad, Auria and Auria Pro), remember that according to Apple, these are two completely separate apps, so purchases made in one don't appear in the other. So please don't go into the Auria Pro store and buy some plugins, thinking Apple won't charge you twice because you already bought these on your other Auria copy. Apple doesn't see it that way. These are two separate apps, and they will charge you again if you try to buy a plugin in Pro that you already own in the standard Auria.

To get around this problem, we added some functionality that allows one app to ask the other app what purchases have been made and to "unlock" the same purchases in the second app. This has been done by many other apps in the past (and these apps have all been approved by Apple), so we felt it was safe to add this functionality to Auria Pro as well.

So if you own both Auria and Auria Pro apps, you can press a button in the settings page of Auria Pro that will transfer your in-app purchases from Auria to Auria Pro. This is a way of unlocking the content you already purchased in Auria, but remember, doing this doesn't "sync up" with Apple. Apple still thinks you haven't bought these plugins in Auria Pro. So if you need to delete your apps, or reinstall onto another iPad, you'll need to install both apps, restore all your purchases on Auria, then go into Auria Pro and press the new "Transfer Purchases" button. Very complex, but it's the only way around Apple charging you twice for all your plugins.

I really wish there were simpler ways to do all of this, but our hands are tied here. We are all playing in Apple's playground and upgrades are something that's simply not easy on this platform. We're trying to make it as easy as we can, given the challenges.

Hopefully this helps to clear things up a bit. Oh, how I miss the good old days of direct sales...


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Re: IAP Transfer,

Post by Washboy » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:22 pm

Great explanation, @Rim 8) Perhaps it should be copied to its own sticky topic.

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Re: IAP Transfer,

Post by Rim » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:21 pm

I did ;)


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Re: IAP Transfer,

Post by Rim » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:44 pm

If anyone is still having issues with using the "Transfer Purchases" button inside Auria Pro, I found the solution is to do this:

1. Delete both Auria and Auria Pro from your iPad (make sure to backup any important projects first!)
2. Install both again
3. In Auria, go to the store and press the Restore Purchases button. Wait for all the purchases to restore completely.
4. Now open Auria Pro and press the Transfer Purchases button.

This process will reset the list of available plugins and should allow the transfer process to work correctly.


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Re: IAP Transfer,

Post by rickwaugh » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:28 pm

I went back and forth on which to install, Pro, or do the IAP on the regular one. Kind of wish I had just done the regular, it seems like it would be less painful in the long run. May go back and do that at some point.

A bit weirdness today. I installed Auria Pro. Then I went back to testflight, to install the latest beta. Then I had to do the restore/copy from regular. Gog files are all still there, the IR files are there. All good. But several times thereafter, the popup to log into the iTunes store came up. I'm assuming this is because downloads are being interrupted?

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Re: IAP Transfer,

Post by sgraham1418 » Sun Dec 06, 2015 6:50 am

Hi Rim,

Problem I have with this approach is that when I download Auria now it opens as Auria Pro and then won't let me restore my original purchases. The transfer button in Auria Pro obviously doesn't find them either.


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Re: IAP Transfer,

Post by Rim » Sun Dec 06, 2015 7:27 am

In order for the Transfer Purchases button to work you need two things:

1. You need to have both Auria and Auria Pro installed on your iPad
2. You need to go into Auria (not Auria Pro) and press Restore Purchases
3. Then you can go into Auria Pro and press the Transfer Purchases button.

These instructions are for users who originally bought Auria. If you originally bought Auria LE, then substitute Auria LE when I mention Auria in the above steps.


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