Auria to Auria IAP transfer process

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Auria to Auria IAP transfer process

Post by ChrisG » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:52 pm

I moved this here, since the other thread got spammed to hell and back by what appeared to be....toddlers (Gasp!). :cry:

Rim wrote:ChrisG, I don't think you have a RAM issue. I am beginning to think the issue you're having is caused by a very specific IAP that it's trying to restore and is not able to. Can you tell me which IAPs you have that it's trying to restore? I am thinking of the downloadable content. This is probably where it's having issues.


Here's the full list of IAPs I got in the "old" Auria. I noticed while going through all this that the MoreVox Drums & Snare Pack (for drumagog) is still showing the price tag ($14.99) even though it's installed (and purchased way back), all the other stuff like the IR packs all show the "installed" button. Could this be the IAP that is making it freak out? Anyways here's the list!

Edit: Full specs: iPad Air (1) 128gb iOS9.1 - 13gb free space - 741 apps installed - butt load of pictures etc

Edit: I went through a 2nd restore purchase in the old Auria, which downloaded a bunch more GOGs and the Kicks & Snare pack is now showing "installed" as well. But I get the same thing, when it switches back to Pro, I get kicked to the homescreen after a few seconds.

Edit: At the _very most_ Pro have been able to DL one of the IR packs, and the MoreVox GOG pack. But that's it (after trying the transfer button multiple times). Latest is Hybrid part 1, and Kicks & Snare pack (still no factory content in drumagog, and while the downloadables in Pro are showing as "installed", they are not and the AppStore tries to charge money). I'm not giving up lol

Last Edit for tonight: Same again after reinstalling Pro. After numerous tries pressing the transfer IAP button which opens old Auria, Pro installs some GOG files and Hybrid 1. All the other downloadable content is marked as "installed" but AppStore want monies for those. All the plugins unlocks fine after a try or two (or tree crashes), it's just the missing content in Drumagog and the IR packs that doesn't make it across. Doing a clean install of Pro and a "restore purchase" doesn't restore anything (even tho the plugs where unlocked in a previous install).

I know it's a mess. Will try to make better sense tomorrow! :)


Drumagog 5
Classic Verb Pro

FabFilter Micro
FabFilter Pro-C
FabFilter Pro-G
FabFilter Pro-L
FabFilter Pro-MB
FabFilter Pro-Q
FabFilter Saturn
FabFilter Timeless 2
FabFilter Volcano 2

FXpansion BusComp
FXpansion ChanComp
FXpansion EnvShaper

Overloud THM

PSP Echo
PSP MicroWarmer
PSP oldTimer
PSP PianoVerb2

SugarBytes Turnado
SugarBytes WOW2



MoreVox IR packages:

RetroVerb part 1
RetroVerb part 2
Hybrid part 1
Hybrid part 2

MoreVox GOG packages:

Kicks & Snares Pack


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Re: Auria to Auria IAP transfer process

Post by ChrisG » Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:19 am

Is there someone else out there that went for new Pro app, and used the transfer process to get your IAPs in the old version (both downloadables and plugins)? I simply can't make it work on my iPad. Plugins eventually make it across, but far from all downloadables.

None of the seemingly transferred IAPs are actually being registered as purchased, properly, in the store. It says "installed" inside the app, as if the IAPs would be registered as purchased, but the AppStore says otherwise. To put it simply, the new Pro app thinks I own the IAPs, while Apple thinks I do not own any IAPs (not even the unlocked ones).

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Re: Auria to Auria IAP transfer process

Post by Rim » Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:58 am

Chris, you might be misunderstanding how this works. Apple will always think you don't own any Pro IAPs. As far as Apple is concerned, you never bought any IAPs at all in the Pro version. The transfer process simply "unlocks" the plugins in the Pro version. it does nothing on the Apple side.


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Re: Auria to Auria IAP transfer process

Post by ChrisG » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:05 am

Ok I understand.

The transfer process is however still failing to transfer all the content, Pro might in best case download 1 or 2 of the downloadables. The transfer process is also still, always causing a crash on the first go (after every time I reinstall Pro).

I'm thinking doing a refund process, cancelling the purchase, and simply going for the Pro IAP in the old app is the only solution that'll work at this point. (?)

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Re: Auria to Auria IAP transfer process

Post by Rim » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:12 am

Don't worry, Chris, I have all your reports put together, and I will figure out what's going on here sometime this weekend.


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Re: Auria to Auria IAP transfer process

Post by ChrisG » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:24 am

Rim, I went ahead and tried a refund process (I did this before I read your above post unfortunately). Not eligible. So I choose the option that lets you describe what's going, and where some Apple employee gets back to you. I simply wrote that I purchased the wrong thing, the new separate app, instead of the Pro IAP inside my current/old version.

They'll give an answer with in 24hrs if a refund is ok or not. If it is, I'll just upgrade the old app (I can live with that lol). If it's a no-go on the refund, I'm with you 100% on trying to figure this out. Sorry if this causes any issues(?), did this before readin the above :/

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Re: Auria to Auria IAP transfer process

Post by Rim » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:28 am

No worries at all. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to try and fix this. It seems like a rare issue, as I haven't seen anyone else with this problem, but it's good to get it resolved, as it might happen to someone else.


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Re: Auria to Auria IAP transfer process

Post by ChrisG » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:34 am

Yep. I could've waited a few more minutes on that refund thing tho. My excuse is that I'm simply super eager to dig into this app properly. :)

Anyways, I'll get back to you as soon as Apple gets back to me

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Re: Auria to Auria IAP transfer process

Post by ChrisG » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:47 am

Ok, so Apple got back to me, and I do not meet the requirements for a refund.

But either way, thinking about it, if the IAPs that gets unlocked in Pro via the transfer process, doesn't register as purchased IAPs w/ Apple, I'd have to use the old app every time I need to reinstall Auria Pro (for whatever reasons). So it kinda seems like sticking w/ the old app is the best choice really (?).

That said, I simply can't afford to buy the Pro IAP inside Auria just yet, so let's stick with trying to fix this issue for now. :) And I'll buy the pro IAP in few weeks or so.

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Re: Auria to Auria IAP transfer process

Post by Rim » Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:39 am

OK, sounds good. I'll let you know as soon as I start working on that issue. Should be this weekend sometime.


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Re: Auria to Auria IAP transfer process

Post by ChrisG » Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:59 am

Great, thanks!

Edit: In my answer to Apple I said that they could regard the money as a donation to Apple, from me to them. Which might have come of as a bit rude I guess, I got a new mail and the matter had been bumped up the food chain to some senior advisor that would review it. I don't know what will happen, but will update lol. Anyway let's stay on the "try to solve this during the weekend or next week" course.

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Re: Auria to Auria IAP transfer process

Post by ChrisG » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:11 pm


Ok, so that senior advisor got back to me again, he had even gone way back through my purchase history to see when I purchased Auria ~3 years ago (was it really?). Anyway, he issued a full refund and cancelled this purchase.

So as soon as I get the refund I will just go with in-app Pro IAP.

But, I do still have the "Pro" version installed (once I delete it now, I have to re-purchase it if I ever want it again). And I was only thinking that if you need a Guinea pig out in the wild, that have both versions, I can keep the Pro version installed for as long as you need me too, and I have no issues in regards to keeping projects on the iPad (they're all on the desktop PC, and I always offload them to the desktop as backup).

Just give me a shout here if you do need a test subject in regards to the transfer issues (and whatever else), otherwise I'll just delete the Pro version in a couple of days or so.

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Re: Auria to Auria IAP transfer process

Post by Rim » Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:05 pm

Ok, thanks. Much appreciated.


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