Auria Freezing During Editing

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Auria Freezing During Editing

Post by indratgj » Mon Sep 07, 2015 12:32 pm

I have another post outstanding on this topic, but it has gotten lengthy, and perhaps contains some misleading descriptions. And so far I have no solution to my problem. Hence the new post.

The symptoms: I am working with a track that has three drum tracks, guitar, and banjo. (I know, some would consider the use of a banjo itself a problem, but we'll leave that for now.) :D I have a track armed to record, in this case, set up to do a punch-in. I scroll to find the punch-in point, to set locators and markers. Suddenly, I hear a faint repeated ticking sound; or in some cases it will begin to repeat a short distorted loop of whatever the mics are picking up in the room. If I attempt to play the track, it stutters, with distorted audio. I can't continue work with restarting Auria, sometimes multiple times before the symptoms stop. This happens 30-40 times a session.

The Set-Up: iPad 3rd Generation with 32G. iOS 8.4.1. Presonus 1818vsl. Anker 3.0 powered USB hub. iPad Camera Connection Kit.

What I've Tried: Replaced the powered USB hub, Camera Connection Kit, and all cables. Turned USB Soft Start off. And I always make sure to free the memory before working by double-tapping home button, swiping all thumbnails up to get rid of them, and then rebooting the iPad. I have not yet tried to change the Core Audio setting to Legacy.

Rim told me these symptoms are strange and that no one else seems to be having them. And yes, with extensive searches I only found one person running my set-up that had the exact same problem. You can find it with a search on "Stuttering." However, that person is apparently not on here anymore, and there was no resolution to his problem.

This has gotten very frustrating and I'd appreciate any help anyone can offer. Thanks, Travis.
iPad Pro 12.9” Gen 5, iOS v.15,5, Auria Pro, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, Presonus HP6, DrumPerfect Pro

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Anthony Alves
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Re: Auria Freezing During Editing

Post by Anthony Alves » Mon Sep 07, 2015 2:39 pm

it is important when trying to find a solution to a problem is to isolate the individual processes going on. Try to see if the problem goes away if you turn record off. If it does than its an audio problem as in routing so look at your presonus routing and see that you don't have a loop. Check the input matrix to see that the input is there. Check that the interface is clocking to internal. Check that the sample rates match the project and the interface settings. Reboot the iPad and turn wifi off. Check your cables. Eliminate punch in to see if that changes anything. Strip the recording down to one track onto a new project and attempt a punch in to see if that is the problem. This is just a start to finding your problem. But the Presonus 1818vsl does work with the iPad and Auria so something should fix the problem. Let us know how you make out after trying these different things. Also take notes on what happens at each attempt to change the settings. Good luck.

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Re: Auria Freezing During Editing

Post by Washboy » Mon Sep 07, 2015 3:32 pm

I sense that this is an ipad3 (aka "Lemon" :wink:) issue only :| I speak as an ipad3 user who also experiences similar stuttering, but using a Steinberg UR44 audio interface.

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Re: Auria Freezing During Editing

Post by indratgj » Mon Sep 07, 2015 6:19 pm

Anthony and Washboy,

Thanks so much for your quick replies. I watch this forum quite a bit, and see your responses all over the place. You guys should both get some kind of award for helping folks out.

I strongly suspect that Washboy may be correct. I've read other responses about a fundamental bug in the iPad 3. It would help if I could hear from someone running an iPad 3 successfully. I assume they must be out there, but maybe not. Anyway, I want to try to exhaust a few more possible fixes before plopping down $700 on a new Air.

So to Anthony. Could you elaborate a little more on what you mean by the following.

1. "Check that the interface is clocking to internal." I don't think 1818vsl has the ability to use an external clock at all, but I'll check.

2. With regard to sample rates, I've initially set up all my projects as 44.1 in the Auria "New Project" dialog. Where else should I be checking/setting this?

I think I've been through most everything else that was suggested. I am going to start keeping better notes when it occurs. But the one absolutely consistent thing, is that occurs in the waveform editing window, when I'm scrolling up or down. That is what triggers the glitch, 99% of the time. The other 1%, oddly enough, is when I'm trying to change a setting, such as latency or USB soft start. It's bizarre.

Anyway, thanks guys. The quest continues.
iPad Pro 12.9” Gen 5, iOS v.15,5, Auria Pro, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, Presonus HP6, DrumPerfect Pro

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Re: Auria Freezing During Editing

Post by indratgj » Mon Sep 07, 2015 6:27 pm


You mentioned in your topic post that you never found a solution to your problem. What did you ultimately do? Learn to live with it? Buy a new iPad?

Also, in your decription, it seemed this only happened to you when you were in "Play" and tried to change settings. Did you also get the glitch when in the editing window, like me?

iPad Pro 12.9” Gen 5, iOS v.15,5, Auria Pro, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, Presonus HP6, DrumPerfect Pro

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Re: Auria Freezing During Editing

Post by Rim » Mon Sep 07, 2015 7:28 pm

This is almost certainly the apple Core Audio Bug. This is a hardware issue that comes up for users of the iPad 2,3 and original iPad mini. When this bug occurs, you hear a distorted, repeating sound consisting of parts of the input audio looped over and over again. Also sometimes it sounds like "crackling". There's no real fix for this since it's a hardware issue in those iPad models. It only occurs when using USB interfaces. You can minimize the occurrence of this issue by setting the record lately to 4096 and simultaneously disabling USB soft start. Also starting a new project and recording into that project (after rebooting) often makes it occur much less often. It's strongly tied to the amount of memory being used at any given time by an app. Hope this helps!


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Re: Auria Freezing During Editing

Post by indratgj » Mon Sep 07, 2015 9:16 pm


Thanks. I suspected this was probably the issue.

However, If I set the "Record Latency (samples)" to 4096, as you've described, won't there be an unacceptable amount of latency when monitoring? And if so, can I fix that by doing a loop back test, and then entering a "Record Latency Adjustment" offset?

Thanks again,
iPad Pro 12.9” Gen 5, iOS v.15,5, Auria Pro, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, Presonus HP6, DrumPerfect Pro

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Re: Auria Freezing During Editing

Post by Rim » Tue Sep 08, 2015 4:18 am

Yes, there would be a huge amount of latency in recording in that case, and there's nothing that can be done to get around it. Setting the offset doesn't change the latency you'll hear during recording (you can't cheat physics ;). If your audio interface has direct monitoring, you can use that to get zero latency while monitoring though.


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Re: Auria Freezing During Editing

Post by Washboy » Tue Sep 08, 2015 5:41 am

I never got to the bottom of the issue I was having with the UR44. Although I did conclude it was probably an iPad3-specific symptom, I couldn't understand why it didn't also occur when using a cheap USB interface (Behringer UCA202). That little fella seems to work flawlessly 8) Any ideas on that point, @Rim ?

I used to think that the stuttering/looping occurred only with Auria. Extensive further testing suggested otherwise. However, only with Auria can I make it happen at will (as described in earlier threads). I've seen no evidence of other iPad users having such problems with the UR44 (incidentally, Steinberg's support was totally unhelpful) and I've come to terms with the fact that my iPad is beginning to creak under the stain of newer apps and workflows.

I expect to buy a new iPad later this year (and probably a new interface). It will be interesting to see if having a larger selection of kit to experiment with throws any more light on the stuttering issue.

@indratgj: Please feedback if you find a good way forward :)

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Re: Auria Freezing During Editing

Post by Rim » Tue Sep 08, 2015 7:28 am

This issue affects all audio apps which use USB interfaces on those older iPad models, not only Auria. It's easier to get it to happen with an app like Auria because it makes full use of the iPad's resources. It's also more common to have this issue on interfaces with larger channel counts, as these use more memory in the Core Audio system, so that might explain why you've seen it more often when using your other interface.

That said, in our tests we've found this to be a pretty rare issue in general. If you reboot your iPad, create a new project and start recording, the issue should go away. It's usually only when the project size grows, and the number of plugins increases etc. that the issue starts to become more common (i.e. when more memory is being accessed at any given time).


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Re: Auria Freezing During Editing

Post by indratgj » Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:00 am


One last question regarding your suggestion to reboot the iPad, create a new project and record into that. Do you mean to create a totally new project, in which case, I'd have to audio copy/paste the tracks I had previously recorded, otherwise, I'd be starting from scratch.

Is there any other way, such as copying the project that would help with Core Audio bug, without losing my tracks, or having to do audio copy to get them back?

Thanks, Travis
iPad Pro 12.9” Gen 5, iOS v.15,5, Auria Pro, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, Presonus HP6, DrumPerfect Pro

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Re: Auria Freezing During Editing

Post by Rim » Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:33 pm

Yes, I mean a completely new project. This bug is memory related and large projects tend to take more memory, so starting with a small project again will reduce the chances of seeing this bug.


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Re: Auria Freezing During Editing

Post by indratgj » Fri Oct 16, 2015 2:47 pm

I thought I'd wrap up this topic. My final solution was to buy a new iPad Air 2. So far, the problem has not recurred. So Rim must have been right; it appears to have been a 3rd gen iPad Core Audio bug.
iPad Pro 12.9” Gen 5, iOS v.15,5, Auria Pro, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, Presonus HP6, DrumPerfect Pro

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