Think I Have My Drumming Workflow - Finally

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Think I Have My Drumming Workflow - Finally

Post by rickwaugh » Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:32 am

If anyone is interested in a relatively inexpensive way to add percussion/drums to your mix, where you actually get to hit something with a stick - this all worked. Alesis Percpad, which I picked up for $89.00 plus shipping. Has four pads. It outputs on Channel 10, the notes it sends can be changed. This goes through my iRig pro the iPad, into Midiflow, which remaps the individual notes, out onto channels 10, 11, 12, 13. These channels are sent to the first floor slots in Thumbjam, (I tell it to start on channel 10). I loaded the Baja kit into all four slots. I then adjusted the note conversion in Midiflow, so that the notes coming in triggered the snare, regular hi-hat, open hi-hat, and crash cymbal. I can of course map to anything in there, but that's a good starter kit - the percpad will also take a kick pedal, which I may look at at some point. I can then pickup each Thumbjam slot on a different channel in Auria. And voila, I have all the sounds in Thumbjam available, four at a time, which is about what my brain can hold, into four channels in my DAW. Not counting the iRig Pro, which I already had, about $120 with shipping.

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Re: Think I Have My Drumming Workflow - Finally

Post by Johow » Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:59 am

That sounds grand Rickwaugh, I'm going on vacation for about two months for a tour around the USA and when I return home, I'm hoping that Auria Pro will be giving me a way to hook in my 10 trigger home made drum pad via midi at that point. Well we all have our dreams. Glad yours is workin out!!! There are just four slots in Thumbjam and drumjam right so that would be the max different sounds at once?
Air2 128GB, Auria Pro, Loopy, various apps in my collection. Assorted microphones, old m-audio mini keyboard, home made E-drum set, can of rocks, a bunch of home made acoustic and electric guitars, Basses, mandolins and guitjos, +other noise making toys.

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Re: Think I Have My Drumming Workflow - Finally

Post by rickwaugh » Sat Aug 15, 2015 3:05 pm

Actually, there's 8 slots in Thumbjam.

Bob Amser
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Re: Think I Have My Drumming Workflow - Finally

Post by Bob Amser » Sat Aug 22, 2015 2:18 pm

I've got a kit too. 8 slots is a bit slim, 10 nearly there...

I guess doing that means that I could get into the world of drumagog. Fab!! I've got an irig midi. I'll try getting that midi routing app and see if that and my Roland TD3 will do the business!

Auria, iTrack Solo, AKG414, Audio Mastering

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