IOS Blues

For general questions or discussion of Auria.

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IOS Blues

Post by divisionmonarchy » Tue Jul 07, 2015 5:47 pm

I hope we can a realistic release date soon. As is Auria is not of much use to me. I tried the Genome sequencer hoping to sync it with Auria. It was a disaster. Genome really sucks. I hope that Auria Pro has good MIDI sync. I also hope they fix the grid for editing and moving regions in the time line, as it is not accurate. I have a ton of apps, a lot of inspiration and I cannot get one thing recorded due to the lack of a proper DAW. I lost my patience with Auria a few days ago and bought Cubasis. Big mistake, nothing but bugs and to top it off they have the most dreadful customer support that can't even admit they have bugs. Thankfully Apple refunded me. Please Auria, make this wait worth it. Please make this a DAW that destroys all the other ones and is on par with Ableton. Let the MIDI functionality be top notch so can record MIDI from my beloved TC Dats into a track to control Animoog without hassle. I'm really not asking much, just for everything to work the way it should, where every other DAW falls short. Can you do that for me? Pretty please?

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Re: IOS Blues

Post by Washboy » Wed Jul 08, 2015 4:29 am

divisionmonarchy wrote:...I also hope they fix the grid for editing and moving regions in the time line, as it is not accurate...
Can you give some examples of the inaccuracy you mention? I can't say I've noticed any myself. Do you have 'snap' set, perhaps, so that whatever you do is snapping to the nearest snap unit? Just a thought :)

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Re: IOS Blues

Post by Denzkps » Fri Jul 10, 2015 9:49 am

Also bought cubasis one week ago. Today I deleted it, so simple UI and bugs with midi and IAA. And now I will wait auria pro... Make it, Rim! Thx!

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Re: IOS Blues

Post by Alim » Sat Jul 11, 2015 4:17 pm

I'd say Cubase's playback or effects sound like toys. Also, I've had some MIDI problems with Cubase, when I make sequences in some apps, I then later open Cubase to record and then everything programmed in the sequencer sounds off. But it can usually be solved by changing the MIDI source/networking routing. Also inter-app audio is more buggy in Cubase than other apps. I usually need to restart Cubase's once a day for some inter-app bug. But, I've been generally happy with Cubase for what it can do, and now it has a build-in sampler.

I just wish it had better effect/playback quality. Even if I know Auria kills a lot more battery, I feel it's sound quality is justifiable. I can use Cubase all day on a single charge, and Auria I will have 40-50% after about 5 hours. In all honesty, I usually never get further in a song without MIDI anyways. It's a standard that should had always been available.

I hope old Auria users can get a good upgrade discount, as when I bought Auria I had read (here on the official forum) that support for MIDI would be (probably) an optional add-on. If I knew I'd need to spend another $40+ I would have just waited. As I see it, Auria would be the first app I've needed to pay for any updates, and at the same time the app I've used the least.

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Re: IOS Blues

Post by Alim » Sat Jul 11, 2015 8:42 pm

Before the backlash for negative replies come my way, I should say I understand Auria is a quality program. It has never crashed, it sounds great, it's the only iOS DAW that takes itself seriously (it's the only one I take seriously). I enjoy all the work Rim has put into this community. He's always replying to even the most simple question on this forum. He seems like a neutral, cool, smart, and devoted guy/programmer.

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Re: IOS Blues

Post by rickwaugh » Sat Jul 11, 2015 11:55 pm

I didn't think you were that negative. Let's hope Auria meets all expectations. I'm sure it will.

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Re: IOS Blues

Post by acaonweb » Sun Jul 12, 2015 3:32 am

divisionmonarchy wrote:I hope we can a realistic release date soon. As is Auria is not of much use to me. I tried the Genome sequencer hoping to sync it with Auria. It was a disaster. Genome really sucks. I hope that Auria Pro has good MIDI sync. I also hope they fix the grid for editing and moving regions in the time line, as it is not accurate. I have a ton of apps, a lot of inspiration and I cannot get one thing recorded due to the lack of a proper DAW. I lost my patience with Auria a few days ago and bought Cubasis. Big mistake, nothing but bugs and to top it off they have the most dreadful customer support that can't even admit they have bugs. Thankfully Apple refunded me. Please Auria, make this wait worth it. Please make this a DAW that destroys all the other ones and is on par with Ableton. Let the MIDI functionality be top notch so can record MIDI from my beloved TC Dats into a track to control Animoog without hassle. I'm really not asking much, just for everything to work the way it should, where every other DAW falls short. Can you do that for me? Pretty please?
OMG, i've realize an EP totally recorded in auria, without any problems!!!
BUGS?? Bah...
iPad Air Pro 11 iOS 16.3 WiFi 512 Giga, Scarlett Focusrite 18i8

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Re: IOS Blues

Post by rickwaugh » Sun Jul 12, 2015 1:18 pm

The only real problem I have with Auria is iOS itself. Trying to get items in and out, share, find files, clean up, archive, etc., etc. iOS is designed to work within one app. That was the idea, makes it safe and secure, and that's great. But pro audio/video recording requires some flexibility, and it's painful.

That being said, between Auria, Dropbox, IAA and Audiobus, there seem to be workarounds. It's just at times very frustrating to not be able to directly address something.

But the tradeoffs are ease of use and setup, and portability.

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Re: IOS Blues

Post by manfredloe » Sun Jul 12, 2015 8:17 pm

rickwaugh wrote:The only real problem I have with Auria is iOS itself. Trying to get items in and out, share, find files, clean up, archive, etc., etc. iOS is designed to work within one app. That was the idea, makes it safe and secure, and that's great. But pro audio/video recording requires some flexibility, and it's painful.

That being said, between Auria, Dropbox, IAA and Audiobus, there seem to be workarounds. It's just at times very frustrating to not be able to directly address something.

But the tradeoffs are ease of use and setup, and portability.
Yes, you're right. Let's hope iOS 9 will clean things up with audio unit plug ins.

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Re: IOS Blues

Post by Lt030 » Mon Jul 13, 2015 1:43 pm

While it is very possible and fun to track live instruments into Auria via a usb interface, the biggest issue by far is the fact that no other app will consistently sync to and or with Auria. One cannot even get Auria to start and stop using simple MIDI. This is the biggest problem and a huge let down for I feel, a majority of iOS musicians as the majority of us are using various iOS synths and drum machines with the simple desire to have a solid reliable DAW that will let one record the output of these iOS synths and drum machines on separate tracks as well as being able to start, stop and synchronize with MIDI clock. To me this is a huge mistake on the part of Aurias developers. Indeed we where told from day one that MIDI would be coming soon as a update or upgrade for Auria which I know I would have gladly paid extra for. Now we await a complete re-write of Auria that last winter looked to be quite operational at the time.... we where told it would be released in the we are past the mid point of summer and there's no news. Internal instruments or not I just want to be able to use Auria as I've explained here and I am sure that many others feel the same.

How about a release without "the sampler" so that we can at least use Auria as it should be able to be used?

I've bought many, many apps to try to use with Auria in order to be able to reliably track at least one iOS drum machine and two synths at once but nothing has worked!
Now I find myself wishing I wouldn't have bought this iPad Air as it's useless to me without a iOS DAW. I can still use my original iPad to play with a app like the Korg MS-20....

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Re: IOS Blues

Post by mrdizzyfingers » Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:03 am

I haven't had any serious issues with Auria or Cubasis. Cubasis is fx aren't as good as what's available for Auria but overall sits not bad. Also, I usually make tracks in other apps and mix in Auria. I think BeatMaker 2 has the most versatile sequencer and I really dig the sampler. I've also been using Korg Gadget, NanoStudio, and SampleTank. I'll copy individual sounds into Auria for mixing, and will sometimes play into Auria with hardware keyboards, live instruments, or other apps via IAA or Audiobus. MIDI and MIDI sync between apps can be buggy. I don't think it's really an issue with Auria, but with IOS. I always have issues trying to sequence with BeatMaker 2 using SampleTank as a sound source. I have a boatload of music creation apps and spent a lot of time experimenting with which apps work the best together or the best work flows.
There isn't an all in one DAW for iOS like Logic or Digital Performer. Even the ones that claim to be are very strong in some features and not so strong in others. So I, like many others, have to move about different apps piecing together my compositions. It's way different than me making a track with Logic on my iMac, but it does kind of remind me of how I used to have to make music back in the 80's with a DR-110, Casio SK-1, Casio CZ-101, and a double tape deck with some audio inputs.

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Re: IOS Blues

Post by theconnactic » Tue Jul 14, 2015 2:27 am

mrdizzyfingers wrote:I don't think it's really an issue with Auria, but with IOS

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Re: IOS Blues

Post by Nenox » Tue Jul 21, 2015 3:29 pm

divisionmonarchy wrote:..nothing but bugs and to top it off they have the most dreadful customer support that can't even admit they have bugs.
So true. The worst support evar. It's a bit like they think I'm their girlfriend or some thing (deny, deny, deny).

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