Stereo Input Only Working on One Side

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Stereo Input Only Working on One Side

Post by Biggerbrew112 » Fri May 15, 2015 3:41 pm

I'm using an Avid Fast Track Duo, and an IPAD Air. Occasionally when I choose a stereo track, Auria seems to be sporadically turn-off one side so that I can hear one side of the stereo input but the other side is just a hiss (the meter shows nothing or very little going thorough that side). When I say sporadically, I don’t mean that it suddenly stops working during the middle of a recording. I mean that when I open Auria, it will either allow me to create a stereo track and it will work, or I will create a stereo track and it will not work as described above. I've had this happen with a project that I started and the stereo was working properly, but I had to take a break and when I came back the same project was not working as described. My Avid Fast Track Duo has two instrument/mic input jacks and the input matrix shows that 1 and 2 are selected which seems strange since nothing is plugged into my second jack. I don’t think I’ve experienced anything like this when I choose a mono track. I’ve only been using Auria a few months. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Corey W
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Re: Stereo Input Only Working on One Side

Post by Corey W » Fri May 15, 2015 5:07 pm

Hi biggerbrew ,
What version of iOS is your iPad running?

Are you using the latest build of Auria?

Is your interface running the lastest version of its firmware available?

When Auria appears to "turn off one side of the output", are you monitoring live signal coming in or playing back recorded audio?

What you are seeing in the input matrix in Auria is correct. When you have your interface connected, by default, it's inputs show up in the matrix and default to sequential tracks in your session. To record a stereo track on, let's say, tracks 5-6 in your session, you would have to go into your input matrix and make sure the inputs from your interface are being routed to those tracks.


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Re: Stereo Input Only Working on One Side

Post by Biggerbrew112 » Sat May 16, 2015 7:15 am

Hi Corey,

Thanks so much for your reply!

I have iOS 8.3, Auria version 1.155, my interface firmware is up-to-date.

I am monitoring the live signal coming in. I don't recall ever seeing it do this after it was recorded while working correctly (restated, it appears to stay correct if I record it correct). However, if it is recorded while only picking up one side of the stereo then it is recorded that way (as you might expect).

Interesting that Auria uses both of my input jacks in the input matrix for stereo. Since I only have two input jacks on my interface, I guess that means I can only input one instrument at a time if I'm recording in stereo?? I only had my guitar plugged into the first jack on my interface with this issue, and nothing was plugged into the second jack. However since each input jack on my interface has a input control does the level it is set at have any impact on this issue? I would't think so since nothing is plugged in there... but?

I wouldn't think it is related but my output matrix does not show up the way the user manual indicates that it should after I have recorded something. It only shows SUBs 1-8, AUX 1-2, and Master. Page 33 of the user manual makes it look like I should see the instuments on the channels that I've added/used but I don't see anything but the defaults mentioned.

I know someone who has a Focusrite iTrack who is having what appears to be the same issue. (I just recently urged him to get Auria - because I think Auria is an excellent product!!). I'll see if I can get him to join the forum and join in on this post.

BTW - I also have an IK Multimedia iRig interface (which as I understand it only uses the IPAD i/o according to page 29 of the Auria user manual) and I have not seen this issue when I have used it.

Thanks again.

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Re: Stereo Input Only Working on One Side

Post by Lip206 » Sun May 17, 2015 2:45 am

Its because your not recording in mono you when your looking at the track it should be input 1 with a single 0 symbol not one that you see that shows two together then you would be recording in input 1 and 2 your only hearing out 1 not 2 also check your input matrix

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Re: Stereo Input Only Working on One Side

Post by Biggerbrew112 » Sun May 17, 2015 1:16 pm

OK, here is what I've been doing when I want to monitor the live signal in stereo and/or record in stereo.....

I start out by turning on my Avid, and connecting my guitar in the left jack (input 1), and I have nothing connected to my right jack (input 2)
I check the level on input 1 on my Avid so that I get a green signal indicator and dial it back if I get a red signal
Then I open Auria and create a new project (Menu --- New Project)
I name the project, keep the default 44100 sample rate, and 0 tracks
I add a new track (Menu----Add Track), and I select the "Stereo" option
I go into the input matrix and I see the new track (TRACK 1) and it shows Input 1 and Input 2 selected
Also, in the input matrix, Input 1 is showing a signal (green signal bar), Input 2 is showing a weak signal
It will not let me change these settings so I go back to the mixer view
I select the record enable (red dot) for this track and then I can only clearly hear my guitar through the left side (while using either headphones or output monitors), the right side is either a hiss or nothing at all.
I can go back into the input matrix but it still shows the same thing as before.

What do I need to do different?

Thank you.

Corey W
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Re: Stereo Input Only Working on One Side

Post by Corey W » Sun May 17, 2015 2:30 pm

Only create a mono track if you are recording using just one input on your interface. You will still here your guitar coming out the Left and Right channels.
You can still process your guitar using stereo effects to then in turn create a stereo spatial sound from a mono track.
You are getting noise on your second channel because Auria is recording to a stereo track and looking for the second input.


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Joined: Mon Feb 09, 2015 5:58 pm

Re: Stereo Input Only Working on One Side

Post by Biggerbrew112 » Sun May 17, 2015 4:53 pm

Got it!

Thanks so much for your help and patience as I learn about this amazing app!!


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