waveforms flatline when joining

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Re: waveforms flatline when joining

Post by engravertom » Sat Mar 28, 2015 10:29 am

I will experiment some more, and let you know. Pretty sick today, so may be a little while.

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Re: waveforms flatline when joining

Post by engravertom » Mon Mar 30, 2015 5:22 pm

Tried one experiment today . Audio copied and pasted the original overhead drum track to this project into my latest edit version. Pasted it twice. Cut both tracks up 30 times. Joined one 2 pieces at a time, then gradually more and more pieces until all was rejoined again. Multi selected the 30 pieces of the second copy and joined all at once. No issues yet. Both tracks still show waveforms and sound. Both of them show many less numbers in the track name than other tracks I have worked on before. Some of the tracks I have joined multiple times have lots of digits in the track names now.

So far, have not duplicated the problem. I will try to pay careful attention as I edit from now on to try and document any further occurrences.

The kick track in this project still goes flatline when I join it, then comes back when I undo.

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Re: waveforms flatline when joining

Post by Rim » Mon Mar 30, 2015 6:28 pm

Thanks. It's a very rare bug, so it must be some exact combination of factors that make it occur. Let me know if you find the secret ;)


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Re: waveforms flatline when joining

Post by engravertom » Mon Mar 30, 2015 7:20 pm

Ok, will do.

I did try a fix for the tracks in question, which has worked .

i made a copy of the project edit where the second track became a problem, ie the drum oh track going flatline but still having sound. I eliminated all of the tracks except for the kick, renamed it, and did a mix down to mono 24 bit non export. I then imported that mix down into the edit version of the project, and Lo! A joined mono track with wave forms and edits intact. The track originally came from GB as a stereo track, and would not join after splitting it into 4 regions. When I tried to join it previous the waveform and sound disappeared. This mix down process got around that.

So, I make another copy and do the same thing with the drum oh track, which was flatline visually but still had sound. After mixing it down as its own project, I was able to import that back into my original project and the waveform showed up again. Now, my edits are intact, and I can proceed from this point on.

I don't know why this happened yet, but at least I know a bit of a fix if it ever occurs again.

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