Video window goes blank

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Video window goes blank

Post by ceshew » Thu Dec 25, 2014 7:11 am

I'm taking on a 1.5 hour video project for a client doing sound effects and final mix. Normally I would do this in Reaper or Cubase but I decided to give Auria a try since I use it almost exclusively for music projects these days. I got the director to give me a low res Quicktime video with SMPTE burnin. I've successfully loaded the video and it's audio track into Auria and so far it seems a total blast to do this kind of work in Auria!

An issue I'm having is that if I double click the video window to go full screen so that I can see what I'm working on, the video goes black. If I minimize the app and then re-initiate it, the video returns. While this isn't a deal breaker for me, it is a time consuming annoyance as I often need to see the video larger to check my work.

Is this a known issue with a fix? Or am I just the first crazy person out there trying to score an almost full length movie on an iPad :o

Thanks for your help and Merry Christmas!

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Joined: Thu May 17, 2012 5:04 am

Re: Video window goes blank

Post by ceshew » Thu Dec 25, 2014 1:50 pm

Also, I forgot to mention that when I go from full screen, with video displaying correctly, to the smaller window by double tapping, the same holds true. I get a black screen in the video window. It doesn't refresh if I close and reopen the video window either. Only if I minimize and then rerun. Any ideas? Thanks.

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Re: Video window goes blank

Post by Rim » Fri Dec 26, 2014 8:02 am

Sounds like as bug to me. I'll add it to the list to investigate for a future release.


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