Advice on reducing CPU

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Jo Torkel
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Advice on reducing CPU

Post by Jo Torkel » Fri Jun 27, 2014 2:12 pm


Im getting CPU crashes and could use some kind advice...

The project has 19 frozen tracks. There are active plug ins on 3 subgroups: Subgroup 1 has conv reverb. Subgroup 2 has overload tm and subgroup 3 has convolution reverb and Pro Q.

I want to use a delay plugin and reverb plug in on the aux channels, and Pro L on the master channel but get CPU crash when trying to load them. Im done recording so this only to get the final mix.

Knowing my own abilities, I suspect that my set up is less than optimal. Can I set this up in a way that reduces the CPU so that I can use further plug ins?

The project has massive hit potential so any advice would be very welcome :wink:

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Re: Advice on reducing CPU

Post by jg707 » Fri Jun 27, 2014 2:38 pm

Just shooting from the hip here, but when I run into crashing here's what I look for...

Do you need all 19 tracks? Even frozen, they're going to use CPU power, so if any are redundant, better to get rid of them.

Some plug-ins (Conv Rvb, FabFilters etc..) use a lot of CPU as well, so I try to use the rule of thumb "Am I enhancing or fixing?" If I'm trying to fix a problem with a plug-in, I'm better off going back and taking care of the original problem. (ex: a kick drum with no life to it, trying to eq it to sound better) That can save a lot CPU because usually enhancements to a track are going to be less intensive than "fixes"

Using other iPad apps in conjuction with Auria...Much as I love many of the effects apps available for use with Auria, either IAA or Audiobus, I try to keep an eye on which ones I use and how many. Some are real CPU hogs and will cause Auria to crash, particularly when used IAA...

You probably thought of all this, but it never hurts to check. Hope this is of some help! :)

Jo Torkel
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Re: Advice on reducing CPU

Post by Jo Torkel » Sat Jun 28, 2014 7:13 am


Following your advice I deleted one track and removed the reverb plug on another tracks. My CPU meter then peaked at 77. The interesting thing, at least for me, is what happened when I continued with removing Overload THM. The CPU meter dropped to 46 (at the highest). Overload is CPU hungry.

Im planning to fine tune the guitarsound with Overload in my current mix - solo the two guitartracks - mixdown - export to dropbox - and import it back again to one track in the project. That will hopefully leave me with enough CPU headroom to use several plug ins for the final mix and mastering.

If anybody sees better solutions, please feel free to enligthen me.

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Re: Advice on reducing CPU

Post by ajmack302 » Sat Jun 28, 2014 7:35 am

Im planning to fine tune the guitarsound with Overload in my current mix - solo the two guitartracks - mixdown - export to dropbox - and import it back again to one track in the project. That will hopefully leave me with enough CPU headroom to use several plug ins for the final mix and mastering.
Hi there Jo, why do you plan on exporting to DropBox and then import back to Auria? Would soloing your two guitar tracks and then mixdown to a new track not be an easier option, then just delete the two original tracks?
You could use this technique with other plug-in heavy tracks and see if that reduces CPU, although I would make a copy of the project just in case it goes tits up!!

Best of luck


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Re: Advice on reducing CPU

Post by mrufino1 » Sat Jun 28, 2014 8:22 am

When you mix down your soloed track, choose import as new track in the options. And stick with one convolution reverb. Use other reverb choices if you need more than one. You can also use audiobus to route to a reverb outside auria and back into a track, recording only the "wet" signal. Last time I tried this it wasn't working completely correctly in that you couldn't monitor it , but rim was looking into that issue.

Anyway, hope that helps.

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Re: Advice on reducing CPU

Post by mrufino1 » Sat Jun 28, 2014 8:23 am

Oh, and good to know that overloud is that CPU hungry, I was considering it for the rack effects and plate sim.

Jo Torkel
Posts: 21
Joined: Mon Sep 23, 2013 3:58 pm

Re: Advice on reducing CPU

Post by Jo Torkel » Sat Jun 28, 2014 8:52 am

Thank you all! Very helpful advice. :D

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