In league with the devil (caprice 3,5 and 24 modern metal)

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In league with the devil (caprice 3,5 and 24 modern metal)

Post by Jmd0820 » Mon May 12, 2014 9:21 pm

This is my modern metal arrangement of Paganini's 3rd 5th and 24th caprice mixed with auira. This is not mastered yet and still needs some mixing. This is a full arrangement with drums, bass , and my own thing trying to be as hardcore metal as I could make it. Hope you feel it. Auria is a great app I love this thing can't wait for full midi so I can put my pc away once and for all. Please any feedback would be appreciated. The guitar tone for guitars is an old les Paul studio run dirct though overload.

Here is the sound cloud link ... evil-auria

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