
For general questions or discussion of Auria.

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Post by HraBooBoo » Fri Jan 17, 2014 2:32 pm

If anybody can answer this I am forever thankful cause my recording on Gargeband and or Multi-Track Daw is annoying me.

I purchased Garageband thinking it was the same as on the MacBook,but to my surprise it's not! I'm not a technical computer wiz at all to say the least so I stuck with GB cause it's very simple to use,but very little components to work with. It's very nonexistent in the vocal manipulating area (no balance for vocals),etc. So I then purchased Multi-Track Daw for my Ipad retina. This program appears good but not as simplistic as GB and records how it wants to record. Plus I sware the different filters it has has no drastic effect on the vocals. I'm a hip-Hop artist new to this recording on my own stuff (Ipad) I can get some support from somebody I know that's adept at recording, beat making, etc. He says the GB is a better sound,but I'm so use to Recording Studios and love the sound I get from them. But I want to record on my own with a similar quality to that of a Recording Studio. I play my music in a car and it sounds great,but with the GB and Daw it's romper room compared to what I get from a studio. I'm on a tight budget( and I'm wondering if this Auria App is better than what I have (Garageband & Multi-Track Daw). I don't wanna drop $50 Dollars on an app I can't use. Can Auria record vocals as GB and Daw??! And can I edit n mix with Auria too?! Is it some what learnable for somebody as myself with VERY VERY limited program experience??! Help

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Re: Help

Post by Tarekith » Fri Jan 17, 2014 6:23 pm

Yes, you can do all that you want in Auria, it's arguably the best program for this sort of thing right now. It's not hard to learn per se, but there a lot of features there you might never need. Just focus on finding the tool you need and learn those first.

John Platko
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Re: Help

Post by John Platko » Sat Jan 18, 2014 8:42 am

Also, Auria LE might be all you need, and it's half the price. You can upgrade later if you decide you wan the extra features.

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