Thank You Auria!

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Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:34 pm

Thank You Auria!

Post by BlackBox » Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:36 am

With the recent revelations made to my recording setup I have become independent of having to transfer my tracks to Auria for certain processing, for I now have a lot the great plugins and things it possesses. Let this not be I am moving on to better things mantra but a great thank you to Auria and it's makers (for Drumagog is now part of my desktop as well as the PSP plugins and Fab Filter!) Auria serves many great uses for it's users. Some people solely do iOS music making, some people use it for on the go solutions. I found Auria in a transformative time when I was out growing my old setup and really needed something to at least take my mixes to another level. With some of the foundation tools (iPad) I stumbled on to Auria and my life has never been the same. This app has inspired me to really put focus on to my mixing craft and better my setup since my acquiring it. It allowed me to do things at fractions of the cost until I got the more powerful tools (iMac) that could handle my needs but would have never been possible with any other tool out there. I will always have a use for it and it will always be a part of my musical life. But as I am now no longer needing it for all the things I used it for it will be now an on the go solution to doing things while traveling or on location etc. I just wanted to say all this because of how much I have appreciated this app and its creators for all their hard work and passion they have put into it. It really is something else! You guys have inspired me to better everything in my musical life and that is something because it comes in a form other than just music being played and a song. It's innovation and technology meeting and giving people the tools that were not available not just a few years ago. I look forward to the future of your successes and products and will always be a user in one way or the other. Many THANK YOU'S and LONG LIVE AURIA!

Posts: 71
Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:34 pm

Re: Thank You Auria!

Post by BlackBox » Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:21 am

With all that being said I really hope you guys make a desktop version for Mac. It would probably make me start using it over S1.

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