Using 2 iPads (AuriaLink) for Alesis io dock & Faderport???

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Mr. Christmas
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Using 2 iPads (AuriaLink) for Alesis io dock & Faderport???

Post by Mr. Christmas » Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:22 am

Hello everyone... just joined this forum! First off, great product... I love it and was so happy when I found Auria!!!

Quick question. I use an iPad 2 in the Alesis io dock in my studio. I love the product BUT they forgot to put in a USB midi port (crazy). I bought the faderport (USB) to connect into my alesis io dock and of course it can't. I tried every kind of option (believe me... spent 2 or 3 days). The apple CCK works BUT then you can't use the Alesis io dock as the 30 pin is then used up.

So, here's my question for the Auria team here on this board. Could I purchase a second iPad (say an iPad 2 or 3) and leave my first iPad docked in the Alesis io dock and use my second iPad (connected to the CCK with a powered USB hub and connected to the presonus faderport controller) synced up through AuriaLink or WIST??? This would be really cool as it would not only give me more tracks through Auria... but would allow me to still use my Alesis io dock AND with the faderport to control Auria. I am wondering if this would work... if anyone knows?

Yes, I realize it is a crazy thought but I had purchased the faderport and just loved it with Auria (very cool product) BUT not being able to connect it with the Alesis dock was a show stopper completely. So, if it meant buying a second iPad just to get the 30 pin port with a CCK to use faderport... I would do it for sure!!!

Thanks guys for any input on this... much appreciated and great product (I love Auria... you guys rock)! :-)

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Re: Using 2 iPads (AuriaLink) for Alesis io dock & Faderport

Post by Rim » Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:27 am

We haven't tried that, but I would expect it to work. Just keep in mind that Aurialink doesn't pass any audio between the iPads, only start, stop and position information.


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Re: Using 2 iPads (AuriaLink) for Alesis io dock & Faderport

Post by Mr. Christmas » Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:45 am

Hi Rim - thanks for such a fast reply!

This would be fantastic. Do you know then if I did have a second iPad used with the CCK and faderport... will the settings for midi be shared with the first ipad (the one in the io dock)?

Also, does this mean that all audio tracks being recorded (with Aurialink) are actually recorded on "one" iPad and not on the second one?

And last, when using the "second" iPad... when pressing record, rewind, play... etc., does it start those items one the first iPad then (I.e. the one docked in my io dock)?

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Re: Using 2 iPads (AuriaLink) for Alesis io dock & Faderport

Post by Rim » Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:53 am

The way AuriaLink works is this: You have two iPads, and set one of them as an AuriaLink slave and the other one as a master. Then, when you press play on the master, it sends a command to start the other iPad. It also does this for record. If you fast forward or rewind, or if you move the timeline in the editor, the other iPad does the same. But that's all it does. It doesn't pass any audio back and forth. It doesn't pass any other information or midi between the two iPads. It simply tells the slave to start, stop or position, and it does this with an accuracy of about 10ms or so (not sample accurate).


Mr. Christmas
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Re: Using 2 iPads (AuriaLink) for Alesis io dock & Faderport

Post by Mr. Christmas » Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:00 am

Okay, great... I think this is going to work then!!!

Thanks again Rim for your feedback! Once I get this going (new iPad, etc.) I'll post the result of using the io dock WITH a faderport on the second iPad as the controller. This would be great if it all goes well! :-)


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