How's the new IOS 7 goin with all your music apps?

For general questions or discussion of Auria.

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Re: How's the new IOS 7 goin with all your music apps?

Post by louparte » Sat Sep 21, 2013 10:17 pm

Anthony Alves wrote:Very low memory in Auria in iOS 7 here. I have an iPad 4 and I've never seen a memory warning before until now. With just a couple of tracks and a couple of plugins I'm down to 50 megs free. I've never seen this before not even in my 30+ track projects. Has anyone else found this happening? Cheers.
Thanks for this. I got sick of RAM messages on my last project on my iPad2 64G. I'm not updating.

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Re: How's the new IOS 7 goin with all your music apps?

Post by Spud » Sat Sep 21, 2013 10:54 pm

I'm assuming you guys with the low memory have gone into settings and disabled background apps?

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Re: How's the new IOS 7 goin with all your music apps?

Post by krautrockhammer » Sun Sep 22, 2013 6:03 am

Hello to all of you.
I am the new member of this fine forum and very glad to be here.
On the topic. Almost every music app show some level of instability with iOS7. WOW2 is unusable.
Audiobus is very unstable and more importantly Auria. I have problems with the plugins. When I try to adjust some of the parameters on fabfilter-ProQ or any other plugin as a matter of fact I need to tap the name of the plugin in the channel strip but instead of getting plugin open I would get list of all available plugins. Then I need to choose 'none' and again tap the Pro-Q in order to activate it. And then many buttons on mostly non fabfilters are running erratically. MicroWarmer Drive buton just slightly tached jumps to +24 immediately.

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Re: How's the new IOS 7 goin with all your music apps?

Post by Mcansler » Sun Sep 22, 2013 6:14 am

Only thing I noticed is losing the vertical pinch. Anyone else, or is there some setting I accidentally locked this function?

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Re: How's the new IOS 7 goin with all your music apps?

Post by leehoward » Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:01 am

Hurry up Apple and get all these problems sorted. Audiobus and most of the music apps we have purchased in good faith are just not working correctly. Get it sorted or give us the option to revert back to ISO 6. I rely on Auria and this is just not good enough. :roll:

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Re: How's the new IOS 7 goin with all your music apps?

Post by Rim » Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:02 am

Keep in mind, there's a bug in Auria 1.12, (which is unrelated to IOS7) that causes the knob issues you're talking about. All knobs in Auria 1.12 plugins are circular, not linear. This means you need to touch them, then rotate them by using a circle around the knob.


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Re: How's the new IOS 7 goin with all your music apps?

Post by kwalker0210 » Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:17 am

May I suggest that everyone preface their comments with the phrase "in my experience". For example, in my experience, upgrading to IOS 7 has been challenging because:

1. I'm not entirely sure of whether a problem is the result of ios itself or apps needing an update.
2. I've discovered that not all music apps that are compatible with IOS 7 actually use the inter-app audio function, but are using virtual midi. This means they are streaming midi data, but not streaming audio data.
3. The few apps that actually use IAA are woefully lacking documentation on how to configure the settings.

Despite these obstacles, the ability to stream data (audio and midi) without using a third party app is going to significantly improve music production, so I am a bit more gracious, considering it hasn't even been a week since release. I do expect that Apple will quickly patch the OS and the developers will work hard to give us true inter-app audio. As far as I'm concerned, this is the feature that will lead to wide spread adoption of Auria as the preferred audio platform.

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Re: How's the new IOS 7 goin with all your music apps?

Post by Br8zinn » Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:04 am

Oh,and the big biggy ,make sure you change your settings or your apps will update on there own,this spells nightmare for some apps and stuff,just imagine ,your working on a production or an idea so to speak ect,then you go about your daily routine(work,eating ,sleep,ect.),then when you want to go bak on you notice (or maybe you don't ) your app(s) have been updated and is either not working the same or just crashes or you can't even open.....OUCH!!,

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Re: How's the new IOS 7 goin with all your music apps?

Post by Br8zinn » Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:11 am

I'm counting on apple though to fix all this,I think it's important for us to reach them and let them know...
Last edited by Br8zinn on Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How's the new IOS 7 goin with all your music apps?

Post by Rim » Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:11 am

By the way, it probably makes sense to state the obvious - IAA requires support from both the DAW and the app. Developers need to add code to both in order for it to work. Auria doesn't yet have this functionality (but it's coming in the next update).


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Re: How's the new IOS 7 goin with all your music apps?

Post by krautrockhammer » Sun Sep 22, 2013 1:16 pm

I am not putting blame on anyone except me.
I should not have updated immediately.
I should have waited.
My iPad was great fun before advent of iOS7.
Now the only medicine to this problem is being patient for couple of months and then everything should be fine.
I hope. In my opinion this new iOS7 looks less apple then iOS6.
But we all need to adopt it sooner or later. I think those fine people who make music apps must upgrade every time
because Apple ask them to do that. There are many nice apps not being updated for years and soon they will be useless.
If I see app not being updated for more than 6 months I do not install. Not even free ones.
That is just my opinion. I can be wrong as anyone. That is the reason I am here so I can learn something.

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Re: How's the new IOS 7 goin with all your music apps?

Post by Br8zinn » Sun Sep 22, 2013 1:45 pm

krautrockhammer wrote:I am not putting blame on anyone except me.
I should not have updated immediately.
I should have waited.
My iPad was great fun before advent of iOS7.
Now the only medicine to this problem is being patient for couple of months and then everything should be fine.
I hope. In my opinion this new iOS7 looks less apple then iOS6.
But we all need to adopt it sooner or later. I think those fine people who make music apps must upgrade every time
because Apple ask them to do that. There are many nice apps not being updated for years and soon they will be useless.
If I see app not being updated for more than 6 months I do not install. Not even free ones.
That is just my opinion. I can be wrong as anyone. That is the reason I am here so I can learn something.

Actually nano studio works fantastic on ipad one,two and 4,the 1n2 have ios5.3,the 4 ios6,-
And nano studio does few updates ,yet this app is still my favorite all time,I use it with auria now and they work
Perfect together,using Sonoma audio copy paste for new sounds like alchemy app,then mix down,then email to you then auria,
And for even better mix down and vocals,you can even mute tracks leaving the ones you want to individualize then mix down each one,again email to yourself then send each track to auria,as long as the temple in both apps are the same,it's
A blast.auria shines like this,makes tracks really thump,with the vocals warm and true....
And some of the best photo apps I use never updated so to speak and work fantastic,in fact a few work better under the older iOS,go figure,me thinks apple might be changing things to the masses so to speak as there chasing android,and I think it's getting harder to mimick and compete at the cell phone level without being a leader WHILIST staying true within the musical apps and art apps(not the toy ones).just think not one tablet out there has the music production apps like an iPad,and the apps that they do have simply suck,from sounds to latency to actual production,so that says something cause they are all having trouble integrating good pro music and art apps with the gadget crap so to speak,lol...
One day I'm really counting on apple becoming a leader again....but honestly iios 6 and 7 are the worse and ios6 works best
With the particular iPad it came out iPad 2 as far as YouTube and maps though still rock under ios 5.3 and on my
iPad 4 I'm not fond of the new maps and or YouTube app and thats just for starters..I could go online very few apps are like auria,always on top of things with 200% tech support,I would go to the place I bought that iPad genius bar and see if they can get you back on a different iOS,I would be seriously complaining,cause believe me,you might be waiting longer then a month ,and even that I couldn't wait under opinion,,,based on fact...

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Re: How's the new IOS 7 goin with all your music apps?

Post by Shay » Sun Sep 22, 2013 2:55 pm

People here say we, the music creators are 20% and the main 80% are people using Facebook and stuff like that.
The missing point is that we do spend cash, and lots of it on buying apps and inapps, each of which gives apple many $\€\£ into their large bank account.
I think before us only comes games addicts which buy games in-apps. :D

More then that, is there any other area in iOS devices where giants like Korg, Yamaha, Casio etc got deep into this game?

Apple should give respect to us the music creators. That's a fact. :wink:

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Re: How's the new IOS 7 goin with all your music apps?

Post by Br8zinn » Sun Sep 22, 2013 3:29 pm

Just watched some more reviews and I'm saddened,a I see this all all the designers choice,sheesh I'm really missing Steve
On this.looks like as said apple is really going towards the android and such market and may just be forgetting about,so to speak everything else.all those new features are cell phone apps enhanced,like I really don't care if the icons are flat and the background moves,lol.this is going to be taxing on MEMEORY and battery life ect. Me thinks and low and behold,
WHILIST showing one of there new great features like apps in the background and refresh,they tell you to shut this off if you want better battery life....sooo change those settings folks,ouch!,Steve must be rolling over on his grave now...
Still counting on apple though,to become a leader again,hopefully they will get a lot of flack from people who are dissatisfied and sales won't be as they used to,and developers for the apps will complain and help them set things straight
So to speak,and get rid if that designer who just wants to mimic android with no creativity ,he says he wants things
Flat an simple,yeah tell that to the people's who's iPads are going hey wire now....still hoping.....though...

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Re: How's the new IOS 7 goin with all your music apps?

Post by Br8zinn » Sun Sep 22, 2013 3:31 pm

Shay wrote:People here say we, the music creators are 20% and the main 80% are people using Facebook and stuff like that.
The missing point is that we do spend cash, and lots of it on buying apps and inapps, each of which gives apple many $\€\£ into their large bank account.
I think before us only comes games addicts which buy games in-apps. :D

More then that, is there any other area in iOS devices where giants like Korg, Yamaha, Casio etc got deep into this game?

Apple should give respect to us the music creators. That's a fact. :wink:
Exactly shay,and we and the developers have got to give EM hell so to speak on this......

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