Auria's vs Fabfilter's UNDO

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Auria's vs Fabfilter's UNDO

Post by Geronimo » Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:25 am

Okay, i just wanted to state again that Auria's undo doesn't track everything that is going on
Inside of the Fabfilter plug-ins, regardless whether i used Fabfilter's own undo or not.

I just deleted an XLFO instance by accident, and having not touched Fabfilter's undo in this project at all,
I did go straight for Auria's undo, but it didn't bring it back. So i pressed Fabfilter's undo and everything was there again.

I made an additional test right now. I completely closed Auria and opened it again. I opened Saturn and directly deleted an XLFO instance. Auria didn't track that at all, because the undo button didn't change it's color, so there's no function connected to it. So it definitely doesn't work under all circumstances. It did track volume and drive changes and maybe a lot of other things though.

So the safe route, in this case at least, is not to rely solely on Auria's undo when using Fabfilter plug-ins, but to check exactly what it does in a given situation. And if it doesn't do what you want it to do, try Fabfilter's own undo. That's how it works for me at least :)

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