Focusrite 18i20 vs. Presonus 1818vsl

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Focusrite 18i20 vs. Presonus 1818vsl

Post by Sportfan1969 » Thu Aug 22, 2013 7:41 am

I'm in the market for a decent USB interface to use with Auria.
I need at least 16 mic pres (means I'll need an interface and an additional 8 channel pre), 2 main outs, and 8 aux sends and the ability to route DSP (Compression, Reverb, Chorus, and EQ) through the AUX outs and the mains.
I will need the ability to adjust the EQ for each of the AUX's independently for stage monitoring.
I understand that Focusrite has the "better" quality mic pre's on board, but it looks as if Presonus has "adopted" IOS and has developed a wireless control app for the 1818vsl (I know that this app is to be used in conjunction with a Desktop/laptop setup with wifi). It doesn't look as if Focusrite has written any type of app for IOS.
I will not be using a desktop/laptop setup and will only be using a 3rd Generation iPad 128 GB with wifi.

The pros and con's I've come up with so far are as follows:
Focusrite - better quality pres
Focusrite - Doesn't need a powered USB hub.
Focusrite - 2 additional outputs

Presonus - DSP monitoring
Presonus - Lower Latency
Presonus - DSP monitoring
Presonus - 96 Khz on the iPad
Presonus - already developed an IOS app for this device.

Has anyone ever put these to a "head to head" comparison using Auria?

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