Export "how to" question

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Export "how to" question

Post by nicadrick » Thu Jul 25, 2013 9:44 am

I am producing the audio portion of an animation project. I know that the animator has requested WAV file format but I expect AAF would be except able as well. The animator will be fitting my voice tracks to a video timeline.

My questions are: 1) How best to export the tracks I have made so that the EQ, compression, etc. make it to the finished project intact. 2) Does each track need to be mixed down to I'm imbed the EQ and compression into the finished WAV file?
3) I notice that the filenames listed on the waveform data don't match the label entered on the track. Is there a way to edit the filenames of the WAVs? My animator will be placing the audio parts in the timeline based on track/file name.

Thanks for the help.

Matt W
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Re: Export "how to" question

Post by Matt W » Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:06 pm

You have two different ways to transfer the project over to a video editor, and it will depend on what system they're using which ones are compatible.

AAF is made for this, as it will transfer all of your tracks, including edits and volume automation, into another program. It won't copy effects (EQ, compression, etc) so those need to be rendered first in Auria (mixdown each track with effects to a new track). However, the video system needs to support AAF for this to work, so you'll need to check in advance.

The other method will work with any system, and that is to render every track out as it's own .wav file using "Mixdown - Stems" in Auria. This will save each track as a separate .wav file, rendering any effects along the way. You can use the Locators to control the length of the exported files. What you lose with this method is later control over your regions and volume automation - but that's only important if the video editor will need to make changes.

Auria will automatically name the .wav files when mixing down stems so you'll need to rename them after the fact if they need custom naming.
Matthew Werner
WaveMachine Labs, Inc.

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Joined: Tue Jun 11, 2013 4:46 pm

Re: Export "how to" question

Post by nicadrick » Thu Jul 25, 2013 3:09 pm

Thanks Matt, that is very helpful. I am working (indirectly) with an off-shore animator and I am communicating with him indirectly through the client at this point.

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