Do I need a 128gb Ipad or can I get by with 64gb for Auria

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Do I need a 128gb Ipad or can I get by with 64gb for Auria

Post by Manawanga » Thu May 30, 2013 5:35 pm

I am going to invest in an Ipad because I'm tired of lugging around my macbook pro. I have a 2011 and it heavy. I am primarily getting this ipad to use with Auria and BM2. I also use an RME babyface which is now CC. I don't really see myself doing extensive mixes in the ipad because I'm really happy with Studio One or Pro-Tools. I imagine myself tracking a jazz band with say 5 instruments in Auria. I imagine making a hip hop beat with BM2 and adding some vocals. I also see myself going bananas with Audiobus. What exactly do I need those extra 64gbs of storage for? Will they help Auria run better? I'm not the kind of person who can just spend the extra couple of hudred dollars if it is not needed. If I was I wouldn't even be asking these I would love to hear from people running the 64gb you have enough space? I cannot wait for an ipad 5 because the money came now and it wont be there then...Thanks for your time....

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Re: Do I need a 128gb Ipad or can I get by with 64gb for Aur

Post by Rampan » Thu May 30, 2013 7:08 pm

Hi Manawanga,
64Gb will do, I don't think Auria will run any better with 128Gb since its only storage memory as far as I know, on the other hand the 128gb one is only 100$ more, much better value per Gb. If I where you I would wait for the ipad 5.
June 10 may give us more info on whats in store from Apple. Who knows ...I'm crossing my fingers for an ipad Pro :D
Good luck!

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Re: Do I need a 128gb Ipad or can I get by with 64gb for Aur

Post by Manawanga » Thu May 30, 2013 10:27 pm

Thanks Rampan. I have gone for the 64gb IPad 4... It was $579 refurbished which was a 17% discount. The new 128gb was $799. The big discount on the refurbished is new. It was only a 3 to 6% discount two weeks ago. So maybe that 5 is coming soon. This is my first iPad so I am just looking forward to digging into Auria. Which iPad do you use and how much free space do you keep to get the best performance?

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Re: Do I need a 128gb Ipad or can I get by with 64gb for Aur

Post by scharamella » Fri May 31, 2013 2:40 am

Anyone contemplating doing a whole project in Auria will need as much space as possible.
However, I would never even consider doing that.
Having said that, my first DAW had a massive 1gig drive & I recorded & mixed about 500 TV shows on it.
You just have to be careful & frugel with recording millions of takes & being diligent with backing up/ restoring etc...
It's actually good because it makes you bite the bullet & make decisions.

Back to my original statement.... I wouldn't even consider doing a whole project in Auria.
I consider Auria my get out of jail recorder. If I have to record a quiet vocal or instrument on location (& in the same room) then Auria is perfect. But then I'd transfer to my Macbook pro setup with Nuendo coz it's DESIGNED to handle big projects.

I would go insane trying to edit a vocal take together in Auria.
Yes it can do it but it's still pretty clunky compared to a professional DAW.

I also use a Babyface & I've teamed it with a 32gig iPad 2. It's my backup recorder. It hangs off a spare ADAT output of my console & just.... records.
Let's face it.... Hard drive recording has become quite stable but sometimes you still get curious splatts when hard drives are getting full or you have power fluctuations etc. Rare.... but it does happen & when someone is paying good money to capture something, I want to know I've got everything..... SOMEWHERE.

My 2 bobs worth

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Re: Do I need a 128gb Ipad or can I get by with 64gb for Aur

Post by Tarekith » Fri May 31, 2013 9:10 am

I do everything with a 16GB iPad 4, and it's also loaded up with all my usually day to day apps :)

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Re: Do I need a 128gb Ipad or can I get by with 64gb for Aur

Post by SSquared » Fri May 31, 2013 12:32 pm

64GB will be fine, but it also depends on what other things you want to do with your iPad. I have 64GB and continue to run up against the limit. But I also have several large games (with plans to get the just released Knights of the Old Republic which is over 2GB) and several music/synth apps that are over 1 GB. I'm currently up to 4.5 GB with Alchemy Mobile.

It's the games that are really digging into my space, though.

With the nice integration to Dropbox, you can always backup your finished projects to your computer. I recently took off some Auria projects I no longer need and just stored them on my backup drive. I still need to backup my backup drive. :D I like having two backup copies because you never know when one drive will stop working.

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Re: Do I need a 128gb Ipad or can I get by with 64gb for Aur

Post by sch » Fri May 31, 2013 2:38 pm

Well, at the other end of the spectrum, my experience, coming from a 64GB iPad1 to a 128GB iPad4 is that the additional $100 is well, well spent money. Anything to do with audio means large files, and multiple tracks means more of them... ad infinitum (that is until your RAM runs out).

Between Auria, AudioShare, NanoStudio, synths like Alchemy, and other media files, I generally have about 25 GB free space. It adds up very fast so it's a trade-off between the $100 and the time wasted having to free-up space when things get critical.

I seem to remember a very rich man once saying something to the effect that "... 16K of RAM should be enough for anyone." :wink:

Words to learn by.

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Re: Do I need a 128gb Ipad or can I get by with 64gb for Aur

Post by Manawanga » Fri May 31, 2013 5:27 pm

@scharamella....Thanks for that. I really don't see myself finishing projects on an iPad. I'm just too tied to my macbook. However the idea of having it record on the run especially with the Babyface makes it seem like it will be a great time.

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Re: Do I need a 128gb Ipad or can I get by with 64gb for Aur

Post by Manawanga » Fri May 31, 2013 5:31 pm

@SSquared...I am a recovering game-aholic. I must admit I gave it up at about age 15. I think I had already spent most of the family inheritance in the arcade by then. Luckily I learned then that I was an addict and I have been game sober for years now. So, I won't have to worry about space for games. Apple has been in my pocket for a while now so the iphone will cover a lot of bases and the ipad will primarily be for music creation and watching netflix.

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Re: Do I need a 128gb Ipad or can I get by with 64gb for Aur

Post by Manawanga » Fri May 31, 2013 5:40 pm

@sch I found your website as I was considering Auria and an iPad. Your in depth blog is one of the reasons I have taken the leap of faith. I got the 64gb though because it was 220 dollars cheaper that the 128gb right now and I want that other 200 dollars to buy Auria, a good case, lighting connector...I was a kid in the 70's but I had the privilege in the early 90's of recording on 2 inch tapes machines through old Neve and API boards. I have always felt a certain love for music between 68 and 74. Really enjoyed your blog and thanks for taking the time to go that in depth....

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