The "Auria Wishlist Thread"

For general questions or discussion of Auria.

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Re: The "Auria Wishlist Thread"

Post by Jus » Sat Feb 02, 2013 1:44 pm

+1 on that as well

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Re: The "Auria Wishlist Thread"

Post by Alé » Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:00 pm

It would be nice to erase a single IR from Convolution Reverb in an easy way...I added a lot of custom IR for try them and now when I open IRs list it opens slowly. That's because, I think, plug-in makes a scan of IR Files directory every time you open IR list.

Thanks, I really love Auria :)

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Re: The "Auria Wishlist Thread"

Post by ChrisG » Sat Feb 09, 2013 8:50 am

This is probably more of a bug I guess but I'd really want Auria to recall the preset name in the plugins when you load a project. If I find a cool presets amongst the hundreds in a fabfilter plug, change a few things around and move on, then load up the same project again Auria recalls all the settings but not the preset name in the plugins preset lists (even when nothing is changed from the original settings). Hope that makes sence cos it really needs a fix. :)

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Re: The "Auria Wishlist Thread"

Post by WAURIA D » Sat Feb 09, 2013 1:49 pm

Auria is everything I hoped for and everything I need! Beautiful :mrgreen:
Anything I wish for is purely to speed up my workflow.

The Mix window
 -The Performance Meter covers the fx buttons on the right.  How about stacking the two sides, one on top of the other, and placing it on the top left hand side of the project name/mixer info. This will also take up some of the black space.
 - The ability to add and delete Subgroups
 - How about the track name box turning red when the meter of that track clips and remaining red until reset with 1 tap. This would greatly help when I'm 5+ tracks down and can't see the peaking track but the Master Meter catches it. The normal red pixel, which indicates the peak on the track meter, seems to disappear so I have to search for the problem. The Clip on the Master Meter has to be reset and the track should do the same. I get music from people and the wav may seem fine but has peaks which may have not been seen or heard. I've found myself tweaking a lot of my tracks only to discover a random clip here and there in the wav.

The Edit window
 - A Performance Meter in the Edit window would be cool. I find that when I do multiple takes or punches, too fast, I get a CPU message but when I check it's ok. Seeing the Performance Meter real time would help a lot. Maybe on top of the snap grid box or next to the Multi-select tool box.
 - A duplicate button. Going back and forth to "Edit" just for a 16 bar loop seems a little slow.
 - More markers
 - Shortcut buttons (small like mute/solo) for cut, copy, paste, delete and of course duplicate. There's plenty of room by the Multi-select tool.
 - A note pad for thing like project info and song lyrics.
 - Quicker way to change tempo. Maybe a type box, +/- buttons or a slider,like Wave gain and zoom.
- A Master meter button somewhere in the Edit view. Sometimes I'm not in mix view for awhile but I'd like to trigger the Master meter without switching from the edit view.

My last wish is that you guys hurry up and add midi so the naysayers can stop using that as an excuse not to hail the King! Even without midi or audiobus, Auria is my favorite app and the only reason my iPad goes everywhere I do. I'm on a gen1 iPad and don't plan on updating to a new gen until Auria has a major update that calls for it or my work load is too heavy for the original iPad. (audiobus wasn't important enough for me right now)

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Re: The "Auria Wishlist Thread"

Post by Geronimo » Sun Feb 17, 2013 3:04 am

Routing options for the effects would be very useful.

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Re: The "Auria Wishlist Thread"

Post by Geronimo » Sun Feb 17, 2013 3:51 pm

The mixdown filename suggestion could be the project's name. I just found myself to rename the suggestion repeatedly. Or at least make in an option in the settings or something like that. Would at least help my workflow :D

Oh, and the BPM setting really could be somewhere on the main screen, like a DAW would have it.

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Re: The "Auria Wishlist Thread"

Post by jwmmakerofmusic » Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:45 pm

Count me in as one who would like CoreMIDI implementation! Once this is installed, that will make the iPad the ultimate portable studio. When that's installed, I can control synths with the CoreMIDI while simultaneously recording their audio output into Auria with AudioBus without having to bugger about moving the wave into place in the track. It would cut down production time by quite a bit. Cheers. :)

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Re: The "Auria Wishlist Thread"

Post by Geronimo » Fri Feb 22, 2013 2:00 am

From another thread:

In electronic music you have to move samples all the time (which will surely change once midi is there), so some kind of shortcuts to the most used features, like copy, cut, paste, etc. would be really useful for some of us.

What about the idea of implementing them inside of a region, as a feature that appears just when you have a region selected and fades out once you've left it? Like the little scissor inside of the "lasso". That could actually be a copy, cut or paste button.

Floating contextual menus that just appear when you might need them would be a great addition to the whole concept of a touchscreen DAW. It's intuitive and would use the limited space even more efficiently.

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Re: The "Auria Wishlist Thread"

Post by jbw » Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:51 pm

VST instruments are the only thing I want to see now.

Copy and paste, Audiobus... These things are all well and good, but I'd much prefer a handful of solid VST plug in instruments that I could work with directly in Auria. First party, third party, don't care, just as long as they don't bog down my iPad 2 too much. ;)

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Re: The "Auria Wishlist Thread"

Post by Mojosynths » Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:20 am

At the danger of repeating an already suggested feature for Auria, I would like to throw an idea into the hat. Since I'm new here you'll have to bear with me.

Audio Quantizing would be great, especially for "live" recordings which Auria is aimed at anyway. Being able to correct a bit of sloppy drumming or rhythm guitar on an otherwise perfect take, would be invaluable. Not having to overdub and comp together that perfect performance, which not only makes the process more cumbersome but also less creative, when instead correcting timing could be done with a simple Audio Quantizing function, I think would be the most awesome tool. And since you already have a pitch correct plugin which can "warp" audio in the time domain, the step to implement Audio Quantizing need not be a big one, all that's needed is a detection algorithm to detect rising transients, and the empty spaces that are created when audio is moved on the time line could be filled with the pitch correct algorithm stretching and squeezing audio in the time domain.

I record mostly analog synthesizers and use a lot of vintage gear, including CV/Gate sequencers, so it may sound strange that this is my biggest wish, but you can actually use this "un-synced" so-to-speak if only you have audio quantize, hence my suggestion, although this will not be the main use of Audio Quantizing, it will be people recording live bands who will find it most useful I think.

My second wish, is of course for a fully fledged MIDI sequencer (so I can sync my analog sequencers thru a MIDI-to-CV converter, if I need), but I understand that it's already in the pipeline, so I won't harp on about that.

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Re: The "Auria Wishlist Thread"

Post by tensixtysix » Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:22 am

Any chance of giving us the option to turn off the accented 1st beat of the metronome. My music quite often switches time signatures and it gets confusing when the accent doesn't land on beat 1.

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Re: The "Auria Wishlist Thread"

Post by dinomedanhodzic » Mon Mar 11, 2013 6:55 am

Would it be possible to have the regions transparent (like pro tools, cubasis) so you can see the grid behind?
I've noticed that it is possible when a track is frozen, but it would be more useful for editing having this feature all the time. When doing alot of editing it's much more helpful seeing "through" the regions.

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Re: The "Auria Wishlist Thread"

Post by pakmanpdx » Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:56 pm

Hello- new Auria user here, so far really digging it, although haven't spent a ton of time with it yet. I was wondering if Airplay support was a thought or if there is a limitation that would preclude it from working? Would be nice to be able to fool with Auria over my Tannoys without having to wire it up!

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Re: The "Auria Wishlist Thread"

Post by ChrisG » Mon Mar 18, 2013 5:43 pm

Startup behavior (like Auria asking new project, empty project, open last saved project etc)? Dunno if it's been mentioned before in the thread. Anyway, would be useful in a lot of scenarios.

Oh and the bpm setting hidden in that settings screen, slap that one on that new shiny floating transport bar (the one with all the buttons for common things like copy/paste/select and so on). 8)

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Re: The "Auria Wishlist Thread"

Post by Washington » Thu Mar 21, 2013 3:02 am


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