Questions for Auria & NanoStudio Users

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Questions for Auria & NanoStudio Users

Post by sch » Thu Dec 27, 2012 5:11 pm

I just finally bit the bullet and bought Auria and now I'm starting to mix & master my NanoStudio tunes there. So here's a couple of questions for you experts out there:

1. Prior to an Auria-destined mixdown in NS, I go through and turn off effects I know I want to redo in Auria, as well as disabling any automation I also want to implement in Auria. My thinking here is to get simply the best audio output files (level-wise etc) to then mix and master in Auria. Anything more I should be thinking about at this stage?

2. So far, I've tried mixing down to Mixer Channels in NS and then importing the audio tracks into Auria, which does work OK. The tracks that I bring into Auria are complete from song start to finish. In almost all cases, however, the actual audio content in a given track is only a portion (or even fraction) of the entire track. Is the unused space in the clip an issue RAM-wise? Should I trim the clips to the actual portions used?

3. I know that NS can also mixdown to Song Parts which seem to pre-trim each track to multiple regions. Is this more space efficient? And, if I import the parts into Auria, I assume that I have to know the exact start-points for each clip part?

What's your best practices for using these two apps together? I should point out that I'm running everything on a 64GB iPad 1, so I have to freeze every track to get any decent performance (with Auria alone running, in Airplane mode etc), but it works, and sounds wonderful.

Looking forward to your tips!


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Re: Questions for Auria & NanoStudio Users

Post by andyxr » Fri Dec 28, 2012 3:08 am

I do the same thing; write my songs in NS, get them sounding as I like, then mixdown to individual channels without any effects. I also set the fader levels in NS to all be the same, and then re-mix my tracks in Auria, adding EQ, effects as I go.
I find mixing down to individual channels way easier to deal with; each audio track begins at the same place and the song just works straight away in Auria. After working on each track, I then use the Master FX to give the song some boost, EQ tweaks etc.

Things will get eaisier, I guess, if/when NS and Auria support Audiobus input and output respectively. Then hopefully you'll be able to record straight to Auria without worrying about file transfers etc. (Although I've no idea how an iPad 1 will run NS and Auria recording at the same time.)

I'm sure others here can comment on your other questions.


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Re: Questions for Auria & NanoStudio Users

Post by CEIsar » Fri Dec 28, 2012 6:10 pm

about the"broken"mixdown files:you are using audio copy/paste,right?your files are just too long then.Afair there's a 50MB limit for this kind of file transfer.
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Re: Questions for Auria & NanoStudio Users

Post by sch » Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:30 pm


Thanks for the reply. Seems like I'm on the right track.


Sorry, not sure I know what you mean by the "broken" reference. I did try audio copy/paste from NS to Auria, but as it was a fairly complete song, it must have exceeded some limit so I abandoned that method and did it by transferring the channel mixdown wav files from iPad to the Mac via NanoSync and then used iFun on the Mac to copy them back to the Auria Document directory.


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Re: Questions for Auria & NanoStudio Users

Post by CEIsar » Sat Dec 29, 2012 5:05 am

"the actual audio content in a given track is only a portion (or even a fraction) of the entire track"

Thats what i mean with"broken".

Anyway,if you experience the same problems with a mixdown and file transfer via must be something different.i dont use Nanostudio so i can't help ya.But it seems the problem is more Nanostudio related.Did you ask in their forum as well?
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Re: Questions for Auria & NanoStudio Users

Post by instinctive » Sat Dec 29, 2012 8:24 am

Uhm, he's probably not saying that they're "broken", but referring to the fact that on most channels, the corresponding instrument will not be generating audio during the entire song, thus large portions of the generated WAV files will be silent and thus show a flat line (which is obviously not "broken" nor a problem).

However, to answer the original question: Yes, they do take up just as much RAM / Disk space as non-silent WAV portions, and deleting the silent regions would probably improve performance. Not sure if Auria has an automatic way of doing this optimization. It should ;-)

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Re: Questions for Auria & NanoStudio Users

Post by sch » Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:40 pm

instinctive wrote:Uhm, he's probably not saying that they're "broken", but referring to the fact that on most channels, the corresponding instrument will not be generating audio during the entire song, thus large portions of the generated WAV files will be silent and thus show a flat line (which is obviously not "broken" nor a problem).
Yes, that's correct, (using the mix channels option) each entire track is written out by NS, so there are some portions that are essentially 'dead air'. (NS does have a mixdown option for 'Song Parts', which essentially trims the clips, but I think that I'd then need to individually import and reposition each 'part' within Auria.)

instinctive wrote:However, to answer the original question: Yes, they do take up just as much RAM / Disk space as non-silent WAV portions, and deleting the silent regions would probably improve performance. Not sure if Auria has an automatic way of doing this optimization. It should ;-)
Ah, OK, that's what I needed to know. I have, from within Auria, trimmed these tracks to just the portion that contains the audio and discarded the empty regions.

Any other tips are most welcome...

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Re: Questions for Auria & NanoStudio Users

Post by instinctive » Sat Dec 29, 2012 2:25 pm

Glad I understood correctly ;)

I've switched to an iOS production pipeline (except final mastering step) over the past year or so, and I find NanoStudio's internal effects pretty good (the reverb sucks though). So I even do Mixdown in NanoStudio, except that I kill the reverb send, and then do another Mixdown with *only* the *dry* reverb send, and then do Dry Mix + (Reverb Send Mix -> Reverb) externally during mastering.

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Re: Questions for Auria & NanoStudio Users

Post by sch » Sat Dec 29, 2012 3:44 pm

instinctive wrote:I've switched to an iOS production pipeline (except final mastering step) over the past year or so, and I find NanoStudio's internal effects pretty good (the reverb sucks though).
That's pretty much what I'm doing too. As you say, it's a pity the NS reverb is so weak, as the other effects are really quite usable. Even the regular Auria reverb is far better than NS', and Auria's convolution reverb is just pure creamy heaven! :wink:
instinctive wrote:So I even do Mixdown in NanoStudio, except that I kill the reverb send, and then do another Mixdown with *only* the *dry* reverb send, and then do Dry Mix + (Reverb Send Mix -> Reverb) externally during mastering.
That's an interesting way to do it that hadn't occurred to me. I tend to use channel effects more often than bus effects, especially for reverb, but certainly for common effects, that would work.


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Re: Questions for Auria & NanoStudio Users

Post by instinctive » Sat Dec 29, 2012 3:55 pm

Yeah, the reverb is supposed to be nice on the CPU and it mostly consists of a feedback loop instead of seperate echoes, thus the very "springy" and cheap sound.

If you plan to try what I do, be aware that it's not trivial to do a Mixdown of only a Send channel in NanoStudio, as they aren't soloable: You have to leave all channels on (un-muted, un-soloed), mute the unwanted send, then in the Master channel, insert 3 (three!) "5th Planet" plugins *before* the "Returns" plugin, and set them so that they significantly lower the volume (IIRC the standard settings and then all knobs to full left works best)... pretty strange way, but it works :)

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Re: Questions for Auria & NanoStudio Users

Post by sch » Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:14 pm

instinctive wrote:If you plan to try what I do, be aware that it's not trivial to do a Mixdown of only a Send channel in NanoStudio, as they aren't soloable: You have to leave all channels on (un-muted, un-soloed), mute the unwanted send, then in the Master channel, insert 3 (three!) "5th Planet" plugins *before* the "Returns" plugin, and set them so that they significantly lower the volume (IIRC the standard settings and then all knobs to full left works best)... pretty strange way, but it works :)
Yowza :shock: So the 5th Planets are suppressing the mains coming through, leaving the send present?

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Re: Questions for Auria & NanoStudio Users

Post by instinctive » Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:38 pm

Hehe, yeah, that's it. You could also go the other way around and insert a few compressors with Ratio 1:1 and Output Volume wayyyy up into the send, and then wayyyy lower the Master volume... however, I was afraid of overloading some part of the signal chain, so I opted for the other way :)

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Re: Questions for Auria & NanoStudio Users

Post by sch » Sat Dec 29, 2012 8:07 pm

Very innovative! :idea:

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Re: Questions for Auria & NanoStudio Users

Post by CEIsar » Sat Dec 29, 2012 8:22 pm

sorry,i misunderstood then :wink:
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Re: Questions for Auria & NanoStudio Users

Post by trupro » Sun Dec 30, 2012 1:10 pm

I am using same workflow, since NS is my go-to for writing on the iPad .So is this true, the pasteboard exports have a 50mb limit? Or is that rather a limit of NS?

Apologies I couldn't tell whether the real answer was...
50mb paste limit, or rather he's just seeing flat waveform at the silent parts?

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