Some update issues

For general questions or discussion of Auria.

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Re: Some update issues

Post by ajmack302 » Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:39 am

I think there may be some corruption within the project, I've sent a few crash reports (trying to mixdown causes crash, trying to add new track causes crash, trying to delete a track causes crash)

I'll try and send it via Dropbox but it may not upload. I'll keep you posted!!

Thanks Rim

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Re: Some update issues

Post by dominicperry » Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:15 am

anton06 wrote:Hey Dominic, first I would like to say that I spent much much more than 50€ on Auria. I bought all the purchasing apps and spent at least minimum 200 to 250€. Then I was working on Logic Studio on Mac and I can tell you that I got result sometimes even better with Auria due to the ergonomic way of managing with fingers. Am very serious and meticulous on Auria and you can listen to some of my songs which I made on it on Soundcloud and you'll see that I take really seriously this software.
listen to JANMA, TREE OF LIFE and BREATH UNDER THE WATER. Use good headphones or good speakers you'll see the details.
Most of people didn't beleave that I made this music all from the IPad and even an English label got interested from the stuff I made with Auria which sounds quite professional.
I agree with the fact that the forum and the people like Rim are really reactive and that it is a luck for us to have such people helping and assisting, of course but I totally disagree with you when you say that Auria isn't a pro daw...if you really know how to use it and if you take time with the mixing part and settings because lots of setting are there and lots of interaction with all of them and between all of them, then you can get the really same result than with a professional daw as LOGIC or PROTOOLS, YESS!!! It can be a very superficial daw mostly made for final mixing but it can also be a daw from which you make a complete project from A to Z, which is what I do. I challenged myself to make entire projects with it and it works.
I make my midi with Nano studio then copy/past to Auria, my rhythmic patterns are done with DM1 then again copy/past then THUMJAM APP, then ishred guitar, GarageBand etc... And it works and sounds really pro. Just listen on my Soundcloud, am not pretentious am just objective and lucid. So because am attempting a lot from this app and because the proof of a pro result is already there and because I spent much more than 50€ yes am waiting to get back the same stability from Auria than in its beginning. Thanks to Rim to be here, he is the person who always helped me.
So, Dominic, you should consider Auria above your impressions, a bit too supercial, in my opinion.
I wasn't talking about Auria really. I was talking about the iPad being a poor platform for a DAW because of the limitations Apple place on it. If you're making it work for you, great. I'd personally never risk using any iPad based music app with other people, whether it's collaborators or someone I'm doing recording or mixing for.

My point about the cost of Auria is that there is a limit to the resources which can be deployed in writing, testing and maintaining a product which is only $50. Or even $200. Add up the cost of, for example, Pro Tools and a set of Waves plugs and some good Arturia or NI synths. $1000's. That's a lot of development time. This doesn't mean Auria and NanoStudio can't sound good (it's a combination I use too) but it limits it.

I'm not criticising the use of Auria, I'm just saying the difficulties of upgrading and downgrading and patching the OS and the apps make it hard to keep a reliable system running.


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Re: Some update issues

Post by dominicperry » Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:17 am

mtingle wrote:
What Dominic is picking up on I think, is the number of errors there are in the current version as if somehow an ipad app must have flaws if its complex. This doesn't hold true as iOS is based on OSX as a programming environment.
Sorry, that wasn't my point. I'm not saying iOS is too complex an environment, I'm talking about the control you have over iOS and App versioning.


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Re: Some update issues

Post by dominicperry » Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:23 am

Rim wrote: I'd love to be able to freeze feature development, and just concentrate on bug fixes for a few versions, but the reality is, most users want to see feature improvements (just look at this forum ;) I think I strike a good balance. If you look at the release notes, you'll find I usually do 80-90% bug fixes and 10-20% new features with each release. I also have a team of beta testers who test each release for a week or two prior (and after) submission to Apple. These releases are well tested, but Auria is a very complex app, and it's simply impossible for the testers to try every possible combination.

Sorry Rim, this is the same line which so many DAW writers take, that users are pushing them too hard and that they have to develop loads of new features and it's why they get endless grief from their user base. If you incorporate new features, you're going to get bugs in them. It's unavoidable. So, if every release has new features, every release has new bugs. This means that there's never a version which people can rely on. They'll always be stepping round something.

There's no need to stop development of new features just because you're fixing bugs too. But you need to organise two streams of development in a way you can regression test. You know how to do it :wink:

I appreciate you have resource and time constraints - what you get for $50 is amazing. I'll leave you to your good work and keep quiet.


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Re: Some update issues

Post by Rim » Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:42 am


Definitely good points to ponder, thanks.


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