Some update issues

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Re: Some update issues

Post by anton06 » Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:53 pm

Rim, thanks for replying
Am sorrybut i cannot send you an exemple because it is a professionnal post prod and it has to be secret until the label edit it...
But i always had this problem of saturated tracks after having frozen and with Ipad 2 as well as the Ipad 4..
I actually baught all the new packs the jam, oldtime etc...all of them and the all library plugs from CONVOLUTION REVERB HAS DISPPEARED...It is just blank. Am very embarassed...i am on a huge project and cannot do what i have to on certain almost thinking to go back to computer to work with lovic studio mac.
Thanks for your attention Rim.

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Re: Some update issues

Post by Rim » Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:21 pm

I haven't been able to duplicate this distortion issue. If you ever get a project which you can sent me, I would appreciate it. It's difficult for me to fix this unless I have an example here.

As far as the convolution reverb, this can be caused by several things. I'm not sure which one applies in your case:

1. If the IR Files folder has been deleted or renamed, you will not be able to see any of your IR files in the convolution reverb. Please check that this folder is still present, and that it contains IR files inside it. The spelling of the folder name is very important. It must be IR Files (the capitalization is important).
2. If there's a corrupt IR file inside this folder, you may also have this problem. In this case I recommend backing up your projects, then deleting Auria from your iPad. Then, install it again from the app store. Once you've done that, press the Restore Purchases button in the Auria store to re-download all your purchases. This should restore all the IR files back to normal.


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Re: Some update issues

Post by anton06 » Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:44 am

RIM, i haven't touched anything about file naming or what ever.
When I go in IR files its empty. All the Convolution Reverb library disappeared
Since I did the last update with old time, jam pack etc... I can open the
On volition Reverb plug but the library is entirely empty...disappeared.
I will try to save all projects and erase AURIA app and download it again
But it takes so long to recover all purchases...1 and a half hour...
Thanks for your kind attention.

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Re: Some update issues

Post by ajmack302 » Mon Dec 10, 2012 10:32 am

Hi Rim,

I'm sorry to say this because I've been extremely happy with Auria, but since updating major havoc has occurred in all my projects. I thought of a workaround to the Drumagog/freezing issue in that I solo and mixdown each drum track then Drumagog ceases to be an issue. I did this on two of my projects and seemed to work fine, upon trying to do this with a 3rd project every time I tried to mixdown a track a crash occurred. After this I revisited the 1st track I'd "fixed" to find that the drums were fine but now the frozen vocal tracks are out of sync until I unfreeze them and there was a very large sounding reverb on one vocal track where no reverb was attached, there are other odd behaviours happening in places too but I feel like I'm ranting on a bit!!
Very confused and frustrated as I had things sounding cool before the update.

Any advice appreciated.



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Re: Some update issues

Post by anton06 » Mon Dec 10, 2012 10:53 am

Aaron, hi, yes am also disappointed about this update...putting anarchy and giving an app much less professional and in which you can't be 100% confident like it was the case before...

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Re: Some update issues

Post by anton06 » Mon Dec 10, 2012 11:15 am

Other bugs like i can freeze all tracks except 2 which don't react when i freeze so they stay unfreezed...and also i close AURIA app but there is a small red bar on the top of the Ipad saying : AURIA RECORDING GOING ON and even if i close AURIA IN THE BACK APP this bar stay opened...many bugs...too many in my opinion...and again without touching or renaming the IR files all my CONVOLUTION REVERB library disappeared...i paid for that but i can't use CONVOLUTION REVERB anymore. Rim, Auria is supposed to be a kind of pro Daw on Ipad but it becomes bad, seriously. Sorry but you really have to submitt all those issues to the right people and they must solve it. Thanks. Regards

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Re: Some update issues

Post by dominicperry » Mon Dec 10, 2012 11:43 am

I don't think you can or should ever expect the iPad to be a 'Pro DAW' platform. The complete lack of flexibility when it comes to upgrading, downgrading and patching both the iOS and Applications, limitations imposed by Apple, stop this being a serious consideration. Add to that the limited expansion options - essentially one port, where the specifications are both unknown and vary with OS releases and you really shouldn't rely on it.

I also have to point out that if you are relying on Auria and the iPad to make you money, then you should know that rushing to upgrade the moment a new release comes out is simply foolish.

I think the support and attention which users get here is exemplary, and far better than many established Mac and PC DAWs. But the platform limitations are the limitations. You can't get round them.

Also, this is a cheap product. Just because $50 is expensive for an iPad app doesn't detract from the fact that ProTools or Logic will cost you nearly 10 times the price.

Personally, my only wish is that DAW writers in general would follow the industry standard software development approach and clearly separate feature releases from bug-fix releases. This release of Auria is a combination of both, and that leads to problems. It should be possible, and it is certainly desirable, for regular bug fix releases to be made, with no extra features at all. Instead, people wanting to adopt bug fixes cannot do so without risking introduction of new bugs which are a property of the new features. This is easily avoidable by making the distinction between Feature Releases and Bug-Fix Releases, but DAW writers insist upon combining them, and gets lots of flak as a result.


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Re: Some update issues

Post by anton06 » Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:10 pm

Hey Dominic, first I would like to say that I spent much much more than 50€ on Auria. I bought all the purchasing apps and spent at least minimum 200 to 250€. Then I was working on Logic Studio on Mac and I can tell you that I got result sometimes even better with Auria due to the ergonomic way of managing with fingers. Am very serious and meticulous on Auria and you can listen to some of my songs which I made on it on Soundcloud and you'll see that I take really seriously this software.
listen to JANMA, TREE OF LIFE and BREATH UNDER THE WATER. Use good headphones or good speakers you'll see the details.
Most of people didn't beleave that I made this music all from the IPad and even an English label got interested from the stuff I made with Auria which sounds quite professional.
I agree with the fact that the forum and the people like Rim are really reactive and that it is a luck for us to have such people helping and assisting, of course but I totally disagree with you when you say that Auria isn't a pro daw...if you really know how to use it and if you take time with the mixing part and settings because lots of setting are there and lots of interaction with all of them and between all of them, then you can get the really same result than with a professional daw as LOGIC or PROTOOLS, YESS!!! It can be a very superficial daw mostly made for final mixing but it can also be a daw from which you make a complete project from A to Z, which is what I do. I challenged myself to make entire projects with it and it works.
I make my midi with Nano studio then copy/past to Auria, my rhythmic patterns are done with DM1 then again copy/past then THUMJAM APP, then ishred guitar, GarageBand etc... And it works and sounds really pro. Just listen on my Soundcloud, am not pretentious am just objective and lucid. So because am attempting a lot from this app and because the proof of a pro result is already there and because I spent much more than 50€ yes am waiting to get back the same stability from Auria than in its beginning. Thanks to Rim to be here, he is the person who always helped me.
So, Dominic, you should consider Auria above your impressions, a bit too supercial, in my opinion.

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Re: Some update issues

Post by mtingle » Mon Dec 10, 2012 5:24 pm

I have to agree with Anton, Auria is a professional environment for audio, comparable with desktop DAW's but with many many advantages not least of which is ease of use.

What Dominic is picking up on I think, is the number of errors there are in the current version as if somehow an ipad app must have flaws if its complex. This doesn't hold true as iOS is based on OSX as a programming environment. I believe AURIA can be purged of the majority of bugs in the same way that the final versions of logic 8/9 are very stable.

I do agree about the need to separate the bug releases from the feature releases, this will give the users the most satisfaction and create the least friction as it enables those who need stable environments to stick with the most stable versions of the app.

There are quite a few bugs but AURIA is such a new app I think this is understandable. What's really exciting is what the future holds for this app. I hope a super stable release is on the agenda for the team.

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Re: Some update issues

Post by anton06 » Mon Dec 10, 2012 6:25 pm

:D I hope too :D

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Re: Some update issues

Post by Rim » Mon Dec 10, 2012 8:32 pm

Guys, I am more than willing to fix every bug which can be demonstrated to me, but I usually need your projects to do it. So Anton, if you can create a project and send it to me which clearly demonstrates the issues you've been having, I would be happy to fix these issues. Without this, it's very difficult for me to find these bugs. If you're concerned with sending me unreleased material, then please make a backup copy of your project, then delete all the audio and replace it with other "safe" audio. I don't care what it sounds like, I just need a way to duplicate these bugs.

Your convolution reverb issue is very easy to fix. You only need to delete Auria and reinstall it, then press the "restore purchases" button. This is the only way to fix this issue, as it seems one of your IR files has been corrupted (perhaps during the download).

ajmack, I'd also love to get a copy of your project which crashes when you're mixing down. This would be an important one for me to see in person.

I'd love to be able to freeze feature development, and just concentrate on bug fixes for a few versions, but the reality is, most users want to see feature improvements (just look at this forum ;) I think I strike a good balance. If you look at the release notes, you'll find I usually do 80-90% bug fixes and 10-20% new features with each release. I also have a team of beta testers who test each release for a week or two prior (and after) submission to Apple. These releases are well tested, but Auria is a very complex app, and it's simply impossible for the testers to try every possible combination.


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Re: Some update issues

Post by ajmack302 » Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:52 am

Hey Rim,

Unfortunately iPad is my only platform at the moment (hopefully get a pc/laptop in new year), so sending a project to you isn't possible as far as I know.
On a brighter note, i think I've found a workaround to get things working for me again, fingers crossed that this holds up!

Thanks for the help


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Re: Some update issues

Post by Rim » Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:18 am

It's still possible to send projects using DropBox (although slower). The issue for me is, things work great here - no crashes... I also don't get any distortion when freezing tracks. So any example projects which can demonstrate these issue will help to get them fixed.


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Re: Some update issues

Post by ajmack302 » Tue Dec 11, 2012 7:31 am

Hi Rim,

How do I go about sending you the project via Dropbox?


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Re: Some update issues

Post by Rim » Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:24 am

It's just a matter of pressing the Menu in Auria, then selecting "Save Project to DropBox". Save it to your dropbox, then, on your internet browser, go to the Dropbox page, log in, find the project you saved, and send me a link to it: rim at drumagog (dot com).


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