Memory management v1.04

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Memory management v1.04

Post by dominicperry » Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:10 am

I have no idea if this is how earlier versions behaved, or if it's a problem at all.

When I fire up Auria on my iPad 4, I have about 480MB of memory free. No other apps running at all.
Almost every action I perform seems to reduce the available memory, and the figure only goes down, none is ever returned. This happens for all the following actions.

Open an existing song (call it 'Song 1', with no WAVS in it).
Open the Auria Store. Browse but buy nothing. Cancel out of page.
Open the Settings page. Change nothing and Cancel out of page.
Open Input Matrix. Change nothing and Cancel out of page.
Open Output Matrix. Change nothing and Cancel out of page.
Open 'The Approach'.
Open 'Song 1' again.

Now I'm down to 356MB. I haven't done anything except end up with the same song I started with and I'm down by 120MB. Not that it matters - I still have a load spare. But is it expected behaviour?


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Re: Memory management v1.04

Post by Rim » Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:49 pm

Yes, that's completely normal. All iOS apps do this, because memory is only used as you start accessing functions in the app. For example, by opening the editor page, you use a lot more memory because the iPad now has to load all the images for the waveforms, etc. To add to the confusion, iOS doesn't provide a reliable reading of the amount of memory used, so the meter should only be used as a general guide.


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Joined: Tue Nov 27, 2012 2:35 pm

Re: Memory management v1.04

Post by dominicperry » Fri Dec 07, 2012 1:16 pm

Understood. Thanks for the explanation. I should just hide the CPU/memory meters and concentrate on the music!


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