AAF import into Logic problem

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Re: AAF import into Logic problem

Post by Rim » Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:48 am

Looking at this project now.

I found the answer to your issue with the regions being out of time when you change the tempo on Logic. Apparently this is a common problem when importing any AAF into Logic (for example, from Pro Tools). Here's a topic that discusses a solution:


Still looking into the other issue.


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Re: AAF import into Logic problem

Post by Rim » Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:50 am

OK, could you please tell me which regions are being duplicated incorrectly in the AAF file when you import into Logic? There are so many regions, it's hard for me to tell if something's not right. A few examples of incorrect regions would help (maybe 3 or 4). Thanks


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Re: AAF import into Logic problem

Post by ngoldpdx » Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:38 am

I haven't received any word about my folder I sent (via Dropbox file share). ALL the regions contain the same audio after AAF import.

It worked so well in 1.01 and is broken in the last updates.

Could you try to do a few AAF imports and at least report you find the same problems, or is this unique to a couple of us? Just want some clarity on this important feature.


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Re: AAF import into Logic problem

Post by Rim » Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:46 am


Was your project called "AAF To Logic"? This is the one I'm looking at now, and I need clarification on which regions are wrong. I open it up in Logic, and it seems fine, but I don't know the song, and there are hundreds of regions... It would help to know which regions are being duplicated incorrectly when you open it up in Logic.


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Re: AAF import into Logic problem

Post by ngoldpdx » Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:05 pm

Mine is reported in the 3rd message in this thread. I jumped in this thread as I was left with no communication via private email with your support team over the AAF issue. Last msg said that latest update would hopefully fix, but it doesn't.

To reiterate, for me, all the tracks imported in Logic on a 6 track project have the same long audio region from Track 1.

Can you please answer my simple question: is this feature working (except in a few cases like these) or is it generally broken?

I love the program and was in heaven over this workflow, so don't want to sound cranky.


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Re: AAF import into Logic problem

Post by Rim » Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:49 pm


OK, sorry for the confusion. It looks like two of you sent me a project with the same issue. I'll look for yours in my e-mail.

I've fixed several AAF issues, so it's hard to say if this is a new issue or not. 1.03 contained several AAF files, but if you're still having this problem, it's probably safe to say it's not fixed yet.


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Re: AAF import into Logic problem

Post by Rim » Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:50 pm

I just looked through my e-mail and couldn't find any emails. Would you mind PM'ing me your email address, so I can look for your email?


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Re: AAF import into Logic problem

Post by ngoldpdx » Thu Nov 01, 2012 3:17 pm

I removed the AAF folder so am re-exporting and will share with you via pm.



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Re: AAF import into Logic problem

Post by Dcramer » Sat Nov 03, 2012 6:59 pm

Hi Rim, I'm sure my test project was called AAF into Logic.
Here's what to look for;
If it's my test song it should be about a minute long with 15 tracks.
Only the first two tracks have drum loops, all the other tracks are synth tracks.
Import into Logic then If you mute the first two tracks you will still hear drum loops on other tracks.
This is the problem, the AAF imported into Logic always takes the first region (or regions) created in a project and copies it into spots where other regions should be, even on other tracks.
It's weird because the arrangement looks the same in Logic as in Auria, but the Logic version contains the wrong audio in many regions, usually using the first few regions created over and over in place of other regions on all sorts of random tracks.
I looked in an AAF folder created by Auria and I think all the proper regions are placed there, but I think that the little AAF file is where the problem is, it's as if it tells Logic to use the wrong regions.

I notice NGoldpdx says it worked for him at first but is now broken but I have used every version of Auria and it has never worked for me.

Thanks for following up on this!


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Re: AAF import into Logic problem

Post by Dcramer » Sat Nov 03, 2012 7:40 pm

Thanks for the Logic tip Rim, I searched for a fix and couldn't find one but that thread you found has the solution to the timing issue.
If you loaded my "AAF into Logic" song check out these spots;

Track 3 around bar 30 lead turns into drum loop.
Track 4 about bar 18, bass regions become drum regions.
Track 6 bar14 pad turns into drum loop for 4 bars then back to pad, it should all be the pad loop.
Track 7, 8, 9, and 10 all have the same drum loop, this is a bug, they should be four tracks of other synth loops which are in the Auria song but are missing when imported into Logic.
Track 13 bar 6 should continue the pulsing chords but turns into the drum region. Same thing at bar 30 and 34
Track 14 is fine, just shots at the intro and ending.
Track 15 should be a marimba arpeggio 4 bar loop at bar 6 and 22 but again it's the same drum loop both times.

So it looks like all of the errors are regions that are replaced by the 4 bar drum loop that you hear on track 1 at bar 26.
Because this drum loop replaces so many other regions when imported there are regions missing from this arrangement that were in the original Aura song.

Hope this helps


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Re: AAF import into Logic problem

Post by Rim » Sun Nov 04, 2012 4:19 am


Great, thanks for the info. This will help me figure out what's going on. It looks like this is only affecting Logic.


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Re: AAF import into Logic problem

Post by Rim » Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:18 pm

After spending a day on this issue, I have concluded that it's a bug in Logic's AAF import code. It has to do with offsets. If you try to import any AAF file into Logic which has offsets set on it's regions, Logic will not import properly. It will use the same audio file for many of the tracks.

I can confirm it's a Logic issue, because I just created a small test project in Pro Tools, setting the offsets to something other than 0 on all the regions, and Logic had the same issue.

I'll let Apple know about this issue, hopefully they'll address it at some point, but who knows how long that might take.

In the mean time, a workaround is to set all your offsets to zero if possible. Or, bounce each track to accomplish the same thing.


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Re: AAF import into Logic problem

Post by Rim » Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:26 pm

I just tried exporting a project with offsets from within Logic itself as an AAF, then re-importing that same project back into Logic, and it has the same issue. So this is clearly a Logic bug.


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Re: AAF import into Logic problem

Post by Dcramer » Tue Nov 06, 2012 5:35 pm

That may explains why it replaces the regions with the first one?

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Re: AAF import into Logic problem

Post by Rim » Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:52 am

Yes, that's exactly what happens. Logic uses the first region (and sometimes others) for all the rest of the regions.


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