New member here! Which iPad is best for Auria?

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BBQ Boogie
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New member here! Which iPad is best for Auria?

Post by BBQ Boogie » Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:26 am

Hey! Really glad to have joined the forum!

So first, an introduction: Hello my name is BBQ Boogie and I'm a technical idiot. Whew, I feel better already.

As per my topic title:
Which iPad is best for Auria? I'm THIS close to buying a refurbished iPad2 (and thereby able to purchase Auria), but would welcome any and all opinions/observations about other iPads.

Also: once a track or song has been recorded can it only be transfered to a computer (meaning a PC or Mac) or can it be sent someplace else for storage? (please see my introduction) If there are existing threads pertaining to all this, just post them as replies!

Thanks in advance!

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Re: New member here! Which iPad is best for Auria?

Post by boone51 » Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:00 am

Welcome BBQ. You're not alone. I'll help you where I can, but I'm sure there will be others who are smarter and more talented than I am who will give you better answers.

Your first question about the version of iPad to get isn't exactly a simple one. If you want Auria to perform at it's optimal level you'll want to have the fastest processor possible. Until the Media Event this week from Apple where they unveiled a NEW new iPad, that would have been the iPad 3. Now with the iPad 4 announced it sounds like *that iPad will actually give you the best experience. However, its important to note that nobody has seen Auria run on this new iPad and nobody can tell you if the lightening port is going to support all of the same interfaces the current iteration of iPad+camera connection kit supports. We'll just have to wait for someone to get their hands on it and test it before we'll know for sure. All of that being said, I'm running Auria on an iPad2, and while i can definitely tell that Auria would be happier with more ram, it does work just fine. I love my iPad2 and don't have any plans in the works to upgrade anytime soon. Now if someone comes on here and says the iPad 4 is the most amazing upgrade in the history of the product line and gushes over it....well things could change pretty quick for me.

On your second question; You were asking about alternative ways to move files around without using a desktop, and Auria has a few options here. You can integrate it with your dropbox account. If you're not familiar with dropbox just google it. You can get a free 2 gig account from them. Alo, it integrates with SoundCloud as well, so you can upload songs directly to SoundCloud. Personally I use dropbox.

Hope this helps.


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Re: New member here! Which iPad is best for Auria?

Post by BBQ Boogie » Fri Oct 26, 2012 1:56 pm


Thanks for the reply!

In comparing the iPad2 and the Retina Display (is that the iPad4?), Would having a higher amount of GB mean that Auria would funtion at a higher level (than the 16GB w/ the iPad2)?

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Re: New member here! Which iPad is best for Auria?

Post by newbreednet » Fri Oct 26, 2012 4:03 pm

What helps here is to think of the iPad as simply another computer - the same principles apply in the "power-to-performance" equation.

The GB that you mentioned relates to storage capacity, which is actually the least important link in the chain. Far more important are processor speed and RAM.

An iPad (3rd Generation) has the same processor as the iPad 2, but it has twice as much RAM as the iPad 2.

The iPad (4th Generation) has just been announced and nobody quite knows just how much better it performs yet, as its not yet available. We should know in a week or so, and the team here will report as soon as they've tested it.

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Re: New member here! Which iPad is best for Auria?

Post by boone51 » Sat Oct 27, 2012 9:29 am

Hi BBQ. Just as newbreed mentioned, the GB (gigabyte) is the amount of storage space the ipad has (16gb, 32b, 64gb). This will impact how much stuff you can hold on your iPad. As it relates to Auria this will mean the number of songs, projects, etc you can store on the iPad. I won't even begin to speculate how much you might feel is appropriate. I have 32 and wish I had more, but then I'm a hoarder when it comes to music and apps. Newbreed was spot on in saying that the most important thing is the processor and the ram. That being the case we could probably guess that the new iPad 4 (with its twice as fast A6 processor) will make Auria run smoother. I use it on my 32 GB iPad 2 and love the experience, but sometimes I'll get low CPU warnings and sometimes I can even crash it (my fault almost always - and by almost always I mean always). It would be logical to assume that the A6 processor in the iPad 4 would make that experience better. I wish I could say that I will be getting mine on November 2 like Rim has indicated they are, but at least the awesome team at Auria will have updates on how the new iPad works then. Good luck.

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Anthony Alves
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Re: New member here! Which iPad is best for Auria?

Post by Anthony Alves » Sun Nov 04, 2012 4:28 pm

BBQ Boogie wrote:Boone,

Thanks for the reply!

In comparing the iPad2 and the Retina Display (is that the iPad4?), Would having a higher amount of GB mean that Auria would funtion at a higher level (than the 16GB w/ the iPad2)?

I currently have the new iPad 4 th gen and yes Auria really rocks with this iPad. Literally several times faster than the iPad 3 rd gen. Which is the iPad I just had. I started Using Auria on the iPad 2 and it worked fine you just had to whatch what your loading but with the faster A6X processor in the new iPad 4th that's not as much of an issue.

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