New Bug

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New Bug

Post by Geronimo » Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:18 am

Maybe we can collect some of them here, whenever we think that we've discovered something.

Now, there's this huge bug that'll even delete samples within the project (even within the folder where the wav files are stored). It happenend to me on different occasions and it always sets me back a lot.

It occurs when i'm using the option to select multiple sample, and when i'm then moving the selection just for a bit sometimes a sample will disappear. Undo isn't helping because it's not noticing it, and when i'm then going through the sample folder, in hope to find it again, it's just gone for good. All the other Audiopaste files are still there, but when i'm looking for this exact file, it reads like Audiopaste4.wav, Audiopaste5.wav, Audiopaste7.wav. So you'll even know it just by seeing :)

Maybe that's already fixed and that would make me very happy, but otherwise that's really a huge one.

Big Ups anyway!

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Re: The Bug Thread

Post by Rim » Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:35 pm

For new bugs, just post them as new topics, like you did. When I've confirmed the bug, I'll add it to the official bug thread, which is always a sticky at the top.

1.03 fixes some issues that could delete regions by accident (it's in review with apple at the moment). If you notice a specific pattern to this happening, let me know. If I can reproduce it regularly, it's usually easy to fix. So a step by step that makes it happen every time is worth gold.


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Re: New Bug

Post by ChrisG » Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:44 pm

While on the subject (kinda), any info from apple yet if the latest version has gone into review? It's been a while if they got it on the 8th. The bug I really need to be fixed is the beats:bars thing, and that's in the next one so...

Sorry if I'm hijacking the thread G. :P

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Re: New Bug

Post by Geronimo » Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:06 pm

Oki doke. I've been working with Auria all week now and sometimes i got the feeling that there are still too many bugs to create a nice workflow, but that could 've been caused by working on the cpu limit all the time as well :)

Another thing i've noticed was that freezing will lead to some kind of clipping. It made some of my tracks louder than they already were and i don't know really why. Could've been due to my master fx settings or something, but when i hit unfreeze it sounded alright again...

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Re: New Bug

Post by offthesky » Fri Sep 21, 2012 2:11 pm

Geronimo wrote:Another thing i've noticed was that freezing will lead to some kind of clipping. It made some of my tracks louder than they already were and i don't know really why. Could've been due to my master fx settings or something, but when i hit unfreeze it sounded alright again...
- i actually i ran into this bug yesterday. i had a 1 minute section that sounded fine just listening to it through(non-frozen) but after freezing that section, there were definitely clippings that were in the freeze at the louder points of the freeze (and i turned that frozen track's volume way down around the clipping sections and sure enough the clipping was still there). i notice the freeze files are 24bit but is the channel strip(or some of the plugins) running at 16bit while the track is in the process of being frozen?
Geronimo wrote:Now, there's this huge bug that'll even delete samples within the project (even within the folder where the wav files are stored). It happenend to me on different occasions and it always sets me back a lot.
- i also ran into this last night(and other times before). i usually have this problem when i try to move a group of multi-selected regions. sometimes other regions that weren't in the multi-selection just get added to the group for no good reason. other times regions that are or are not in the multi-selection just disappear like you said.

there's definitely some wonky behaviors with the multi-select feature. i have a hard time reproducing these weird behaviors that occur with the multi-select tool. i just know that if i turn off the multi-select feature, then deselect all my regions, then turn back on the multi-select tool and begin a new re-selection process(which maybe resets something?), and then multi-select-lock(not edit>lock region) my group of multi-selected regions before moving them, i usually don't have as many weird multi-selection behaviors.

Geronimo wrote:but when i'm looking for this exact file, it reads like Audiopaste4.wav, Audiopaste5.wav, Audiopaste7.wav. So you'll even know it just by seeing
- it would be super nice if we could have the option to name an audiopaste upon import. so the project folder doesn't just fill up with dozens of ambiguously named files called "Audiopaste1 throug whatever" - will add this to the feature requests page :)

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Re: New Bug

Post by Rim » Sun Sep 23, 2012 12:13 am

These are interesting observations, I'll try to fix them in 1.04 if possible. All processing is at 32 bits or 64 bits internally, nothing is ever 16. Can you tell me if there's a certain combination of things you need to do to the track you're freezing to get it to clip? That's very unusual, as I haven't experienced this before.

I'll experiment some more with the multiselect to see if I can get it to loose files. This is also very strange.


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Re: New Bug

Post by Geronimo » Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:03 am

The only thing that i can add to the clipping thing is, that some parts of the sounds were already quite loud before freezing. Some would even clip, if not for the master fx compressor or limiter, but the frozen track doesn't seem to run through the master fx then, or while freezing, perhaps.

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Re: New Bug

Post by offthesky » Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:49 pm

@rim - here's a recent project that demonstrates the freeze track clipping we're talking about. will leave the link up for a few days: ...
Last edited by offthesky on Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: New Bug

Post by offthesky » Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:20 am

also the most obvious glitch for me with the multi select tool goes like this:
1. have a track with like 3 regions in it(if on, turn the multiselection tool off)
2. tap to select one of the regions( in this case, pick the far right one)
3. now tap in the white outside of the region to deselct it
4. now tap the multiselect button to turn it on
5. now tap+hold the 1st or 2nd of the 3 regions(not the one from step 2) to prep it for move
6. notice that the region from step 2 is auto-selected along with the one from step 5

other multi select glitches have occured for me as the multi select tool is active: a region in one track is selected(before the multiselect tool is turned on) and then i turn on the mselect tool. then i tap+hold on a region in a track other than the initally selected region's track. doing this the following glitches may occur: the 2nd region i tapped+hold on vanishes, or becomes a long blank region(filling the entire track, usually crashing auria, but sometimes not), or otherwise the tap+hold on the 2nd region does nothing(auria wont higlight it in rec and allow moving with it).

again, for anybody else dealing with these multi select bugs, i recommend that once you have all your regions selected, you double tap on the multiselect button to lock your selection(a lock icon appears on the multiselect button, pretty obvious) and then move your big ole selection.

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Re: New Bug

Post by offthesky » Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:59 am

also currently sometimes the multiselect-lock button stops working: i.e when i double tap the multi select button while the button's flashing, the lock doesn't happen(even after restarting auria). if i load up other projects, it works in them. once it's stuck not working in particular projects it will eventually start working again(i tried zooming vertically+horizontally in and out and it seemed to work after.) - not sure what causes this; it doesn't happen to often but is really frustrating when it does as locking a group of selected regions is currently the only way to move them without the above glitches occuring...

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